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ever eaten pike or zander ?

steve sparky

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I had some spicy pike similar to fish cakes and I thought it was nice mind it could of been the spice

Or horse ! sorry could not resist !


I put a post a while ago about eating pike & Izak Waltons recipe but soon got some grumpy comments from the catch & release boys ! perhaps they have not see this yet ? .

I have eaten small I Pike I caught as boy & yes they are muddy & the flesh was white & chunky but in those days I knew nothing about salting them ! . I plan to try again on day if I am allowed that is ??? .

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both depend on were they are caught from pike from a clean clear river or loch etc are great, perch are even better but all freshwater fish like this are better left in the water than treated as cheap food. I wont return dead fish however, every now and then one goes belly up for good on being returned though

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like Kent said, it depends where you catch them. Back in the US pike, walleye (equivalent to zander), and perch are all common in the northern states and perch and walleye are considered the best tasting freshwater fish. Since they only live in clean water at home, they taste pretty good. Pike are also good and I've only eaten them from clean rocky bottomed lakes.


Both walleye and perch you can fillet like a normal fish, but pike have a spare set of bones called 'Y' bones. If you fillet them like a normal fillet you'll have a line of bones running down the middle sticking at a 45 degree angle to the skin (aiming from front to back). You can either pull them with tweezers/pliars or just make two long cuts on either side of the bone and loose a small strip of meat (my preference).




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Perch is very much like sea bream. Coarser then bass and with more flavour. Look out for Nile Perch at supermarkets. You can get decent sized fillets and it tastes lovely. I did a fish curry using it the other day - perfect flesh for the job. Just holds together enough for cooking then melts in your mouth.

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Have eaten Pike.... Imagine eating a mud pie laced with twigs!!

If its taken from a muddy hole that's what you can expect, commercially farmed carp for eating are purged and starved in clean well oxygenated water for the same reason, taken from a very clean clear lake or river were they have fed on salmoniods expect a totally different fish

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Or horse ! sorry could not resist !


I put a post a while ago about eating pike & Izak Waltons recipe but soon got some grumpy comments from the catch & release boys ! perhaps they have not see this yet ? .

I have eaten small I Pike I caught as boy & yes they are muddy & the flesh was white & chunky but in those days I knew nothing about salting them ! . I plan to try again on day if I am allowed that is ??? .


its very popular with our continental friends, you could organise wildfowling / piking trips for them :lol: :lol: :good:

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cut your pike into decent sized fillets, debone with tweezers as best you can, soak for 12 hours in 1 pint of water with one wine glass of white wine vinager added, no salt, its bad for you, make up a batch of beer batter, dry and flour the fillets, dip in batter and deep fry in very hot oil, flesh is white and flaky, tastes great with no trace of the mud flavour,

Batter is 1 cup of plain flour

1 cup of beer

pinch of salt

1 egg white

mix salt and flour, add beer and mix till smooth, add egg white and mix well, stand in fridge for 5 minutes to chill, discard any unused mix , will not keep.

if you like your batter yellow, add a half teaspoon of paprika to the dry mix.

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