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age gap


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What would call a 'normal' age gap between male n female in a relationship?

My sister of 20years has started seeing a bloke of 43years..seein him for 2months (aparently) n is nw moving in with him. He has a daughter just a few years younger than her..


Am I the only 1 who thinks this is wrong in so many ways??


Yes..i know to expect the **** taking and stupid comments but honest answers would be appreciated

Edited by TJ91
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Complicated question.


If she's a mature 20 year old, then I suppose good luck to her and live and let live, let her make her own choices and decisions in life and learn by them.


If she acts young and she's impressionable then research it and try to give her advice, if she'll listen to it.


By 20 I had my own flat and mortgage, worked full time and was in the TA, if anyone tried to tell me how to conduct my private life I would have told then to F off.



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I don't see a problem seriously as long as they are good to each other my mate is 16 years younger than his mrs and I am several years younger than mine. **********************************************************

The other thing is what's it got to do with you realistically your her brother not her keeper......IMHO

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I just wanted to hear others opinions. Curious.

I won't be sayin anything.

Age gap or not..2mnths isn't very long in my eyes.


I never said I was her keeper, never implied it. She can do what she wants. I aren't going to try stop her.


And as for the maturity comment...she spends 90% of her time in a mood like a stroppy teenager ..

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He might be a young 43 now, but by the time your sis gets to a fit and active 35 he'll be nigh on 60. I doubt it will have the same appeal for her then that it has now. Same goes for all age differences - they only really work until major differences become apparent. Don't worry about it - it won't last.


Both my ex and current wives are older than me, but that said, I fancy a younger one next time. :whistling:

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Been there, got the T shirt.

Got with a 24 year old when I was 44.

She moved in and we had some good times but then she started asking not to tell her mates my real age. Wanted me to dye my hair when the first grey appeared and so the decline began.

We have split now but then I always expected it to. Great time while it lasted though.

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I am 6 years older than my Mrs, my father was 10 years older than my mother. But they were 36 and 26 when they got together.


I always found it strange when a man gets together with a girl if similar age to his own kids.


I mean not just the thinking if when she's 40 he will be 63


If they have kids, say when she is 25 and he's 48. By the time that the child is 18 he will be 66 if he's not croked it.


If its a boy then he'd be 60 when the boy is 12 and looking to do all sports like football so what's he realistically going to be able to do? I know you get many active older people.


I mention that as my father was 39 when I was born and 43 when my youngest brother was born, he was never fit enough do do all those things and died at 64 when my youngest brother was only 21.


But him being that bit older even by 10 years meant a harder life for my mother being that as kids she had to try and do all the things he was too old for. That's the type of thing your sister needs to consider.


To me what can a 43year old have in common with a 20 year old.


It sounds great for us guys of course but in reality she's yet to live her life and he's already lived his ( he's likely in the beginning of a mid life crisis and can't afford a Porsche) I'm only 35 but would have nothing in common with a 20 year old in all honesty and any normal 43 years I know definitely wouldn't.


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