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What is wrong with some people


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Just the nature of being a young man! By far the demographic in the UK most likely to be a victim of crime, and at the same rate probably the most overlooked. I myself had a guy punch me to the ground and stamp on my face when I was younger completely out the blue. Most of my friends have similar stories. Only one out of three of my relatives living in Glasgow (all peaceful and completely non-violent people) have not been 'bottled'.

Edited by Bombadil
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Many years ago a friend of mine's sister was punched very hard in the face by a girl of about the same age while walking to the station from work in London. Nothing was said, the girl was never caught and there wasn't the CCTV around in those days.


The police said it was "happy slapping" they do it for a dare. They didn't appear to think it was particularly out of the ordinary.

Edited by Vince Green
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people complain about this sort of thing but how many people would have the guts to tell the police that it was a friend of theres that did it ???? ???? ???? ?????


He Would no longer be a friend of mine if he acted in this way,


What a cock, lets hope karma comes round and bites him right in the ***. Probably the sort of person that would turn and run away if he was involved in a face to face fight.


I;m a great believer In Karma , One day life will cache up with him

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Pictured: The battered face of a 15-year-old kicked 'like a human football' by gang of yobs in case of mistaken identity

  • Mother barely recognised her son after beating by burly gang
  • He was in 'the wrong place at the wrong time' say police

Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz2N7TDdwlQ

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Beating: The 15-year-old innocent boy was so viciously attacked by a gang of men in Manchester his mother barely recognised him

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As disgusting as it is,it's simply a sign of the times I'm afraid.It's not a question of a fair fight and all the risk of possibly losing that that entails,but in cases such as these,more of 'getting one over' on someone.I know of instances local to me where disputes or retribution have been settled by one man waiting until an adversary goes to the pub loo for a pee,and then jumping on him while he's struggling to get his **** back in his pants.I know of another settled with a flying kick to someones legs against the knee cap while he stood at the bar having a drink.The case is still ongoing and the victim is in line for a massive pay out,but one of his legs was badly broken in the process and he now has a permanent limp,to match the chunk missing from his ear from an earlier incident.

Growing up where I have,you quickly learn that it's not about fighting fair,and if you're of that mindset you're going to get badly hurt eventually.

Why do you think muggers/druggies etc attack the elderly and infirm?Because there's less chance of being opposed and getting hurt in the process,that's why.I know a young lad who took a baseball bat to a copper in his home town when he grew sick of the harassment;and as a result I remember him attending his Dads funeral some months later handcuffed to two wardens or coppers.

As much as it is lamented,the idea of two blokes 'settling it' behind the local boozer are long gone.Even among the travelling fraternity weapons etc are increasingly being used.

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Sadly this is nothing new....it has always gone on, its only because we have CCTV and internet we get to see and hear more of it...

Most people will try to go through life, living in a good clean and honest way.... sadly there has always been people who can't..

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As disgusting as it is,it's simply a sign of the times I'm afraid.It's not a question of a fair fight and all the risk of possibly losing that that entails,but in cases such as these,more of 'getting one over' on someone.I know of instances local to me where disputes or retribution have been settled by one man waiting until an adversary goes to the pub loo for a pee,and then jumping on him while he's struggling to get his **** back in his pants.I know of another settled with a flying kick to someones legs against the knee cap while he stood at the bar having a drink.The case is still ongoing and the victim is in line for a massive pay out,but one of his legs was badly broken in the process and he now has a permanent limp,to match the chunk missing from his ear from an earlier incident.

Growing up where I have,you quickly learn that it's not about fighting fair,and if you're of that mindset you're going to get badly hurt eventually.

Why do you think muggers/druggies etc attack the elderly and infirm?Because there's less chance of being opposed and getting hurt in the process,that's why.I know a young lad who took a baseball bat to a copper in his home town when he grew sick of the harassment;and as a result I remember him attending his Dads funeral some months later handcuffed to two wardens or coppers.

As much as it is lamented,the idea of two blokes 'settling it' behind the local boozer are long gone.Even among the travelling fraternity weapons etc are increasingly being used.

Thats it.

Nobody just fights anymore.

They have to use a chair/bat/15 against 1.


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Well what was this one all about?





allegedly there are tensions in the area and "street patrols" but I don't know if that is true. It certainly sounds like it could be. The police statement that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time could be interpreted that way i suppose.


Doesn't even have to be racial round here, there are parts of London where any fifteen year old boy would be at risk if he wandered into the wrong places but that would be from other boys his own age. These were grown men in cars

Edited by Vince Green
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I`ve seen similar stuff doing street based youth work and it is mainly done by cowards who either attack from behind or an individual starts something with a small group or individual and have many "mates" waiting for the fight to start, so they can batter the unfortunates senseless.


Strange how young people who see such things seem to think it is acceptable, much like the violence we allow on our TV`s and films nowadays :(

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Disgusting behaviour. My younger brother has had something similar in Nottingham - attacked randomly from behind by a gang who then stamped on his head etc. pure cowardly scum. Maybe time for the CCTV cameras to be equipped with beanbag rounds (or preferably something more lethal) to immobilise these scumbags until the police arrive. And mandatory 15 year hard labour sentences.

Edited by oscarsdad
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