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Cleaning the windows inside the house


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Mrs ME is being driven made by the sun coming in her dirty windows and wants to find something quick and easy to get them sparkling.


When I had my car valeting company I used to have a supply of Autoglym glass cleaner which was great, but alas it has been years now and I don't have any more.


Can anyone recommend a commercial product or even a simple recipe for cleaning the inside of the windows. We are talking dust from the log burner, kids fingerprints and the residue left by the dogs nose! :)


Thanks all :good:



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Wait for the postman to push the mail through the letterbox too hard, have a few words with him (preferably with a running clothesline) and return to the house picking up a rock on the way. Proceed to smash your windows up safe in the knowledge that it won't be raining for a few months. No need to clean.


On a serious note, the vinegar and newspaper/kitchen roll works well...

Edited by huffhuff
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I hear some guy from Burnley does a good job on interior furnishings. May be worth asking about windows :lol:


My Mrs uses window spray, leave it a while and clean off with one of those things similar to a car window wiper (whats the name) then dries the sill/bottom of window with polyroll. That wat she suggests it leaves no smears or lines.

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i bought a karcher window cleaner £40 TBH it is the best thing since sliced bread. First wash windows with fairy liquid and water, like window cleaners use, then get the karcher on it! Amazing results! It is now a joy to do the windows instead of a chore. google karcher and watch the vids. buy one you wont regret it!

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Get really, really annoyed about something then KICK THEM ALL OUT!



You do have a spare (clean) set in the basement, don't you?



I'd go with forearm smashing the Mrs until 'she' finds a solution without troubling you with such domestic trivialities

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Cheapest I can get one is £52 so let on where you got it - I missed one at Tesco for half price on coupon exchange by 24 hrs -Grr.


Been after one for ages but just baulking at 50 quid.-- really need it for shower as we swill and dry it everytime and it's a pain.



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Cheapest I can get one is £52 so let on where you got it - I missed one at Tesco for half price on coupon exchange by 24 hrs -Grr.


Been after one for ages but just baulking at 50 quid.-- really need it for shower as we swill and dry it everytime and it's a pain.




my father got it for me from b&q. they were on offer plus he got his pensioners discount.

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I have a cleaning business, we use a SMALL amount of detergent in a squeezy bottle of water, we use unger liquid which you can get from homebase but washing up liquid is just as good. just make sure its weak.

Then an old tea towel or old cotton tee shirt to dry it off. Turn it over and buff lightly We use microfibre if you want to get posh.

The stuff you buy from the supermarket usually contains surfacents (polish to you) which leave a waxy residue so best avoided.

Edited by Vince Green
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i bought a karcher window cleaner £40 TBH it is the best thing since sliced bread. First wash windows with fairy liquid and water, like window cleaners use, then get the karcher on it! Amazing results! It is now a joy to do the windows instead of a chore. google karcher and watch the vids. buy one you wont regret it!

Billy - Thinking of getting myself one, when using it do you have to do the squeegee action ie- keep it moving to avoid lines, if you know what i mean :unsure:

On the outside windows i've got the hang of the squeegee but a bit messy indoors, so hoping this thing's worth it.

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Billy - Thinking of getting myself one, when using it do you have to do the squeegee action ie- keep it moving to avoid lines, if you know what i mean :unsure:

On the outside windows i've got the hang of the squeegee but a bit messy indoors, so hoping this thing's worth it.

Treat it just like the squeegee both in and out - great results.

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