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My perfect woman


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What a load of rubbish...she shot that magnificent beast in the hind leg and from the trajectory of the arrow there was not much poundage behind it either...there is no way it died quickly if at all and I think it shows a total lack of respect for a magnificent beast.

Pretty sure you can shoot for the femoral artery at the hind leg and they suffer massive blood loss.


And she's not particularly hawt :lol:

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What a load of rubbish...she shot that magnificent beast in the hind leg and from the trajectory of the arrow there was not much poundage behind it either...there is no way it died quickly if at all and I think it shows a total lack of respect for a magnificent beast.



If you watch closely I think you will find she shot in the heart.....quartering away shot ....

Nahh. wrong side for the heart


Pretty sure you can shoot for the femoral artery at the hind leg and they suffer massive blood loss.


Dont thik so. 1 look at the type of arrow point. to have any chance of that the arrow would have to be a BIG broadhead not a pointy jobby. 2 By her reaction when talking to the guide afterwards I dont get the impresssion that she really knew if it had dropped or not.

I've watched the shot to impact about a dozen times and I can't really pinpoint where the arrow hit but to me it looks as either it was a leg or in the low back gut area. neither would have been a 1 hundred yard drop shot. I bet that off camera someone drove round and dropped the wounded beast with a rifle.

Why do nearly all American videos have this crazy guitar music. It's like all British videos from the 40> 50 's era had sort of stupid cherry chappy type music. >> you know what I mean

Ps I dont like the hyped up excitement of killing something > Teeth & Eyes



Edited by fortune
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