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Just had thee old spine operation!


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well woke up at 5.30 today (pooping it of course) got to hospital for 7 ready for operation. I didn't really enjoy like the whole experience, injections, surgeons all around me and going to a special room wer I was knocked out haha and at one point was absolutely immobile, could barley breath and couldn't talk yet was still conscious, I generally thought for about 5 seconds it hasn't worked and I was gona have the operation still awake lol but didn't know alot about it after that. woke up sore and tender and am sharing a ward with a very posh farmer who says he's local, owns lots of guns and had a decent chin wag. so I'm completely immobile and laying here bored.


also got told if I didn't go to the toilet soonish they was going to shove a tube down my old chap........ On that note I drank 2 cans of cranberry and 3/4 jug of water, thank god I pushed some out 20 mins ago! ;) well I put this down to a fairly Posative life lesson anyway.


Will see how the recovery goes!

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Hope all goes well mate, I can sympathise with you as I've had 4 ops over the last 18mths and have more to come :sad1: . It's not the pain, stress or boredom that gets to you so much as the frustration at not being able to 'pull the trigger' for weeks on end! Hopefully you'll be back in action soon, wishing you a speedy recovery.


Regards Remmyman

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Get weel soon mate. For people who are used to being active it is blinkig awful being told to sit still! Had a few ops at different times of my life, when i had my appendix out the ward i was in was overlooking my local river, it was May the sea trout were running and i had to sit there and watch anglers parking their cars and heading off down the river to fish.....

Good luck


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  • 2 weeks later...

Had an emergency discectomy 7 years ago now after a big sneeze getting out of my car, i managed to prolaps a disk onto my spinal cord and after a few weeks it resulted in my loosing all feeling from the waist down, its a long road to recovery buddy, take it slow and steady, enjoy the bed baths and young nurses, and get better soon. Keep chatting up the farmer and ask if he has anyone do pest control on it and or suggest that once your both better having a crack at the local clays.





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