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Doorman take down...

leeds chimp

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helloo archie, you quoted my post before i amended it, sorry if that hit a nerve, it was n't my intention.

that lad took a hiding and he deserved it IMO, although how far is far enough for the bouncer?

i've seen a few scuffles too, the funniest was a mate of mine i was supposed to meet in a club, as i walked up the steps he was launched through the doorway at some velocity and we passed about halfway up/down. the result was a cracked skull, jaw, both cheeks, and a lot of missing teeth. but then he was in possession of illegal substances, and shouldn't have mouthed off at the mad iranian on the door.

i've worked and socialise with quite a few doormen, a few of them are good friends and would gladly back up what i said, we tend to steer clear of the walt types looking to make a name for themselves as it's usually their undoing.

No nerve hit mate...was just making a post on the subject...



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Most Bouncers have always enjoyed giving out a good hiding to problematic punters IMO. I've personally never been on the end of one because I don't act like a **** when I go out.


BUT, if these bouncers were professionals the bouncer watching should of jumped straight in, instead of standing there watching the fight. They both could of pinned him to the floor and called the police instead of trying his best hulk hogan impersonation. IMO Neither are 'professionals' because they delt with the situation very poorly.


Just my opinion. ATB 425

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It's funny how we can pick and choose wot assumptions to make depending wot suits our arguments.


A few of us who have worked the doors have all seen this type of numpty every wknd and quite often they will take their aggression out on the next person that unfortunatley walks past, but that is out off order to persume the boys is not a saint.

Yet u are quite happy to persume that the bouncer (and all bouncers the way some of u are going on) are thugs and is away inside to batter some poor innocent to make his penis feel bigger, and that is perfectly ok to assume that


Don't know wot all the debate is about the bouncer made 2 or 3 stupid mistakes got into a no win position and had to go way way over the top to finish it, Can see them using that clip as a training clip in future, off exactly how u should NOThandle the situatiuon, but very easy to critise (even for me) when sitting behind a keyboard


U try standing on a door being called all the f's b's and c's under the sun occasional attacked and assulted with little or no warning and even spat on, many on here think that is acceptable behaviour and a bouncer should expect it believe me that is not acceptable behaviour and no one should be treated like that, last time i done was a poxy 7.50 an hour, was getting paid 2 or 3 times that back in the late 90's with a lot off free drinks thrown in after hours etc. Now u have to buy ur own soft drinks.


I'm actually amazed more boucers don't react like that the stuff they put up with.


We all probably watch cowboys builders yet don't come on here calling all builders/plumbers/sparkies etc cowboys crooks or rip off merchants but see 1 30sec clip of a rogue bouncer and there all thugs, there would be a lot more people hurt if it wasn't for bouncers

I get that at our gun club most Sunday mornings.....



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I was a doorman for nearly 10 years, just to top up my wage and for banter with my mates.


I've seen things I can never mention on here and as said in a earlier post that doorman shouldn't have done what he did, but after a full weeks work then you get some little idiot saying he's gonna burn your house down or kill your family things happen...I'm not agreeing or dis-Agreeing with the posts on here but unless you have worked in this type of job it's hard to pass judgement it can be a hard violent job and you don't know who you are going to come up against especially in Manchester...I worked the doors when gangs were at a all time high and people would pull a gun on you rather than talk to you and some times getting one in first ment going home at night in one piece..I prided myself on being firm but fair, I never used my fists unless I had no other choice, I would blag violent costomers that the police were outside I would use my knowledge before anything else but some people just want to scrap and no matter what you say you know it's a matter of time before it's time to get it on...that's the hard reality of the job.



Funny you mention Manchester because the gangs ran many of the doors there and in Stockport.

It's an industry that attracts idiots and it must be very annoying for professional bouncers to be tarred with the same brush.

Edited by Nikk
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Most Bouncers have always enjoyed giving out a good hiding to problematic punters IMO. I've personally never been on the end of one because I don't act like a **** when I go out.


BUT, if these bouncers were professionals the bouncer watching should of jumped straight in, instead of standing there watching the fight. They both could of pinned him to the floor and called the police instead of trying his best hulk hogan impersonation. IMO Neither are 'professionals' because they delt with the situation very poorly.


Just my opinion. ATB 425

i agree very lucky the lad was not killed or wheel chaired/brain damaged. The second half of the post above i agree with.

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as a pub owner all I will say is the doorperson in the video would have lost his job on our premises, yes there are idiots and drunken ones and drug fuelled ones also but their duty(doorpersons) is to remove them from the premises and once they have been removed then ensure they do not come back in,(shut the doors if need be)


there is NO excuse to follow a punter into the street and assault them be it self defence or anything,


we employ our doormen to keep control of idiots NOT ASSAULT THEM,


the doorman used excessive force ,


once ejected from the premises IF the idiot persisted then the doors should have been closed and the police should have been called. most not all pub premises have to have cctv inside and out now as part of the conditions brought upon us by the licencing people and the police and this camera evidence would of been used against the idiot who was misbehaving.


I personally think charges will arrive out of this once the police and the cps take a good look at the video evidence,


please also note good doorpersons are hard to come by and they are not all like the gentleman in the video but I also think the other doorperson was at fault as it would have been easier for two men to restrain him but they both should NOT have been outside with him anyway.


as for the person filming this sad event, well it just goes to show just how sick some people can be,


the doorperson made the big mistake of carrying the argument into the street , let the police do their jobs as hard as it may be


atb EVO

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I know the story behind this and in all 160 odd comments nobody has got it right. The lad was ejected from the club for fighting. He hit the doorman on the way out and ran outside. He waited for the lad to turn his back and ran up and hit him again, then the third time he told his pals to record it on his phone but this time the doorman reacted back. He throws no punches but does try to restrain, very sloppily, and eventually it gets out of hand.

The lad handed himself into the police station after the video went viral and has since lost his badge and his job.

It's a hard job working as a doorman in Newcastle just like it is in any part of the country. Your always going to get grief off little tossers or wannabe gangsters. Sadly it's all part and parcel of the job.


I have seldom come across such a gullible, naive lot as most on this thread.


All of a sudden this is all resolved and the above post is gospel, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, simply more pub talk/ hearsay no doubt, the only report says the police have taken no action, so why would he lose his job?


NONE of you know what happened, because NONE of you were there, but are still making wild assumptions/comments.


Still a lot of legs in this one, have a nice day, I'm just off to Stoneleigh Park.



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I have seldom come across such a gullible, naive lot as most on this thread.


All of a sudden this is all resolved and the above post is gospel, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, simply more pub talk/ hearsay no doubt, the only report says the police have taken no action, so why would he lose his job?


NONE of you know what happened, because NONE of you were there, but are still making wild assumptions/comments.


Still a lot of legs in this one, have a nice day, I'm just off to Stoneleigh Park.



Tell me Dekers why would my post be gospel? I work on the doors in Newcastle and am friendly with the manager of said venue so was filled in on the details. He didn't lose his job for the assault, he lost his job because there was no log made of the incident in the door book and the video went viral before the manager knew about it.

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I know the story behind this and in all 160 odd comments nobody has got it right. The lad was ejected from the club for fighting. He hit the doorman on the way out and ran outside. He waited for the lad to turn his back and ran up and hit him again, then the third time he told his pals to record it on his phone but this time the doorman reacted back. He throws no punches but does try to restrain, very sloppily, and eventually it gets out of hand.
The lad handed himself into the police station after the video went viral and has since lost his badge and his job.
It's a hard job working as a doorman in Newcastle just like it is in any part of the country. Your always going to get grief off little tossers or wannabe gangsters. Sadly it's all part and parcel of the job.





I have seldom come across such a gullible, naive lot as most on this thread.


All of a sudden this is all resolved and the above post is gospel, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, simply more pub talk/ hearsay no doubt, the only report says the police have taken no action, so why would he lose his job?


NONE of you know what happened, because NONE of you were there, but are still making wild assumptions/comments.


Still a lot of legs in this one, have a nice day, I'm just off to Stoneleigh Park.







Tell me Dekers why would my post be gospel? I work on the doors in Newcastle and am friendly with the manager of said venue so was filled in on the details. He didn't lose his job for the assault, he lost his job because there was no log made of the incident in the door book and the video went viral before the manager knew about it.




I think that's what I said! Seems you forgot to mention that bit and all the sheep started bleating again with yet more ASSUMPTION. :lol::lol:




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Tell me Dekers why would my post be gospel? I work on the doors in Newcastle and am friendly with the manager of said venue so was filled in on the details. He didn't lose his job for the assault, he lost his job because there was no log made of the incident in the door book and the video went viral before the manager knew about it.

Didn't log it = knows he went too far?

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Never lost his job for starting the violence on the lad outside in public, only because he didn't file an entry into the log book.


Something wrong there when the owner condones this by not sacking him for the violent act.



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I worked for years as a doorman in one of the roughest clubs in the northwest, 99.9 % of the time it was a great job.

But then there was always one who wanted to fight the world.

As the industry get tougher and the law gets more swayed towards protecting the criminal then the job gets harder and harder, when do we say enough is enough. Is it when the doorman is stood there like a manikin unable to defend himself for fear of prosecution or loss of his job.

if the idiot had moved on and left of his own accord then he would not of got hurt, I support the doorman lets not tie their hands together or they will become a thing of the past and you will need a stab vest to go for a beer.

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anyone hear the injured lads view on the subject ???


bet it was different from the doorpersons ???


how also do we know he was drunk ???? for all we know he (doorperson) might of been chatting his missus up or even slapped her backside we don't know, but one thing that is known, is he used excessive force to control him,


doorpersons have a hard job as it is what with some of the idiots on the streets this day and age but this still does not excuse him following him outside and also excuse the amount of force he used,


if the doorperson was assaulted then the police should have been called, he lost his patience and temper and lets be honest that is there for all to see in the video


as some of the retired brigade(ex doorman) might or might not know, you are not covered by your insurance the minute you are off the premises FACT

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I worked for years as a doorman in one of the roughest clubs in the northwest, 99.9 % of the time it was a great job.


Roughest club in the North West. That would mean there are fights, daily. Even in the friendliest clubs, there are fights. And you enjoyed it? Which bit?

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I worked for years as a doorman in one of the roughest clubs in the northwest, 99.9 % of the time it was a great job.

But then there was always one who wanted to fight the world.

As the industry get tougher and the law gets more swayed towards protecting the criminal then the job gets harder and harder, when do we say enough is enough. Is it when the doorman is stood there like a manikin unable to defend himself for fear of prosecution or loss of his job.

if the idiot had moved on and left of his own accord then he would not of got hurt, I support the doorman lets not tie their hands together or they will become a thing of the past and you will need a stab vest to go for a beer.


That is a very short sighted statement. In THIS particular instance the doormen ( hence more than one ) were happy to stand about and watch this street brawl occur. Any bouncer with even half a brain cell would have intervened to help "restrain" the aggressor and worked as a team to help prevent harm to both his colleague and the other chap by using reasonable force...


This doorman cannot be defended given the actions in this video clip, nor his colleagues for standing around waiting for an outcome.

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That is a very short sighted statement. In THIS particular instance the doormen ( hence more than one ) were happy to stand about and watch this street brawl occur. Any bouncer with even half a brain cell would have intervened to help "restrain" the aggressor and worked as a team to help prevent harm to both his colleague and the other chap by using reasonable force...


This doorman cannot be defended given the actions in this video clip, nor his colleagues for standing around waiting for an outcome.


It's ok, 99.9% of the time it's a great job :whistling:

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