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darren m

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Are you sure , i thought it was , thats why i,m trying to stay away from people , not even been to work and i need to because i,m self employed


You can not catch Shingles.

What you can catch from someone with Shingles is Chicken Pox if you have not had it before.

It is only contagious whilst you have the scabs, so to be fair to those that have not had Chicken Pox and pregnant women you should not come into direct contact with them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

guys -- when will i feel better , this is lingering on and on . i,m missing work , i,m missing beating etc


one day i feel ok-ish , next i feel cr*p , its like a bad cold or flu , headaches , nausea etc but i,ve also got a continious pain in my right ribs


its getting me down now , is the anything i can do ??

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What's the doc given you for it


nothing just pain killers co-codamol , naproxen but i also have my own tramadol

but nothing seems to touch it.


when i first see the doc i was told it was prob too late for antibiotics


i hope it is just the shingle pain and nothing else

i,ve had enough :sad1:

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Darren, how long is it now? When did your blisters heal over?


If you have severe pain, and your quality if life is being affected you need to go back to your gp ASAP really.


Don't feel too down, go and discuss other treatments, gabapentin is used for shingles pain (an anti-convulsant that is very good for 'nervy pain'), some anti depressants can also be effective.


Make sure you're taking your pain relief properly, and don't take codeine with tramadol unless your dr or pharmacist advises this.


Get back to your Doc mate, there are other things to help you.

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  • 4 years later...

Apologies for resurrecting such an old thread but I thought I'd save starting another,

last few days I've had cold/flu like symptoms and a general malaise about me,.  I've been experiencing patches of burning sensation which have then come out in a rash 8 - 12hrs later,. It's all along the front n back of my right shoulder,  down my arm and up my neck,  (which is also as stiff as a board and painful)

i suspected Shingles after googling my symptoms and Dr's confirmed it this afternoon :(

ive been prescribed some horse sized pills  Aciclovir 800mg and some antibiotic cream to put on the blistered rash.

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Been there and it ain't funny. Fortunately there are some good remedies these days to help ease the pain sensation.  It is contagious, so don't share towels etc., with relatives.

It is reported that once had, you don't get it a second time ... not true, but rare.

The old wives tale was that if you had it on your chest or stomach and the rash met all around you were done for ....old wives tale.

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Bit of a coincidence that this post has been resurrected, having posted earlier about my dose of it in the early the 70's I'm now suffering a second bout of it.

Last Wednesday the left hand side of my head was extremely tender.  By Thursday afternoon I couldn't bear to put my cap on and so I got an emergency appointment with my GP because my symptoms pointed to Giant Cell Arteritis ( inflamed artery) which could be serious.

I went to Addenbrookes on Friday morning where I had tests for GCA which proved negative so back to my GP on a telephone appointment and she prescribed Aciclovir for me to take if the rash came up over the weekend.

Sure enough, Friday night my head was glowing so I started the medication and Ibuprofen

It has now spread over the left side of my head and down my forehead and it feels like someone keeps trying to stick an ice pick into my left earhole ( not that I've ever had an ice pick in my ear so I'm not sure what that feels like).

Having just recovered from Weil's disease I've now got the nickname 'Lucky':unhappy:

I'm wondering if the Weil's disease and subsequent antibiotics lowered my immune system to the point where the Zoster virus could kick off again. Not that it matters, I've got it anyway.

Cancelled shoots, fishing trips and Ukulele band gigs I really could do without it.:/

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Hi Kfc

I empathise with you:

You are still infectious until all lesions have crusted/scabbed over, usually 5-7 days after rash onset. Avoid people who have not had chickenpox,  particularly others who are immunocompromised (anyone with diabetes, leukemia, on chemotherapy) pregnant women, babies under 1 month old, until lesions have cleared. 

Avoid sharing towels and clothes, you are on the correct first line medication for the shingles.  

May i wish you a speedy recovery.




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have had aciclovr i.e. horse tablet courses twice  am still getting recurring bouts  asked for the shingles injection you can get when over 60 yrs but you have to be clear of shingles for a year . 

i unfortunately get them on my bum which makes it difficult to walk it could be in worse places.

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I have had shingles on my left side for 14 months now. Two deep operations to remove abcesses that left holes you could hide a 12g cartridge in and daily trips to have them cleaned and dressed to allow natural healing. The nrve pain caused me to drop on the ground twice in agony. My left lower back looks like i have been shot close range with a No3 cartridge. Shingles can kill if the sores turn infected. 


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It's horrible ... I had it a few years ago around the hairline behind my ear ... Co-codamol was the only thing that got close to it.

KFC ... it wouldn't at all surprise me if it was the Weils that got you on a low ebb ...

Mine was brought on due to the fact my 18 month old lab has chewed some grass seed, and it had worked it's way through his mouth into his neck and was only just spotted in surgery before it penetrated an artery.

I was scared witless, and I'm convinced it was that stress that 'put me under' ...

Funnily enough I've been through a lot worse experiences that haven't brought it on .. just goes to show how we love our dogs I guess!!


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