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Having looked back over some of them I realise most are drivel, some are response's and they rest...........I will let you decide.


I have ferreting, pigeon shooting, coursing, snaring and some things best not mentioned and a family that deserve a bit more attention despite them driving me mad :P


I will pop in to the PW Arms from time to time to see how the alcholics are :lol: Tosspot, Tiercel and YP.


Those of you who have my number please keep in touch ok?


Pigeon Watch is a top site with bloody good members and tons of good advice so keep posting.





Laters chaps





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He has won the Lottery and bought a castle in the highlands complete with Title and we are now Below his stature :good:


He doesn't want us knowing he know owns 15000 acres of prime hunting estate because he feels it would upset us as only posh nobs with Plus fours and tweed jackets weilding £50.000 purdey shotguns are allowed to hunt on his propperty.





Don't forget your roots matey ;)



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