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what do I look for in a good cartridge bag


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I use a leather pouch on a canvas waist band to shoot clays and like it, but..........


for game shooting I 'think' I need a bag with a shoulder strap, [a waist band is no good with a coat]


I have been looking at simple bags with flaps, some with 'quick load' finger sized area's and some referred to as loaders bags, some with hinges so the flap goes completely over with no crease, etc etc etc


Be so kind as to describe your 'ideal bag' and your 'worstest' to help me choose one.


regds neil


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The bag needs an opening with enough size to get your hand in and be able to grab the cartridges quickly without the back of your hand forcing the hole open. This repeated operation can make the back of the hand quite sore especialy when wet and cold in the winter. Some bags have a kind of metal hoop in the structure which keeps the opening the correct shape and size.

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One thats waterproof, and the cartridges dont rattle round making a racket that everything within half a kilometre knows your approaching. One that hold goves if they are needed and will hold a priest, caller, and odds and **** .. and is unostrusive whilst over the shoulder, but isn't so big it hinders you when in thick undergrowth ... and is a fair price for what it is ... l spent £22 for a Jack Pyke and it does what it says on the label ... namely, its a "bag"

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Most cheaper poorly made bags have a narrow leather strip running down each side & underneath. ..

The better designs have a wide strip, almost the width of the bag. This helps with weight distribution & stops the bag sagging under a full load.


Narrow shoulder straps made of thin material are best avoided.


Flaps which hinge flat against the back of the bag are good, leaving an open aperture for easy access to the cartridges.


Look for reinforced construction in high stress/wear areas.

Try to go with solid metal fittings not plated cast ones.

Check that the fitted tabs are a heavier grade of leather than the rest of the bag.

Stitches should be parallel the the edges of straps, not from running side to side

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It depends on where you are going to use it. On a driven game shoot you need one that can carry a decent amount of cartridges, you can get your hand in to grab ammo, has good seems so it wont fall apart and is comfortable to carry. There are some good deals on e-bay - I got mine for £10 and it is leather, carries 150 cartridges and perfect for a days game shooting. If I am going clay shooting then I will take my larger bag which will carry 250+ so a little more bulky while when I go pigeon shooting I just pack a slab in the kit bag.


Some of the cheaper bags are ok but don't seem to last while a decent leather one with good stitching will....

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i bought a jack pyke one (hate jack pyke normally) its supposed to hold i 70 carts and i could get a few more in.. just right for a wander round. i bought this type as its got the plastic snap buckly to close rather than the more fiddly leather strap and buckle



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I bought a second hand English made leather bag 45 years ago. A bit like 'Triggers broom' it has had a new buckle flap and new canvas shoulder strap, but it was repairable and worthwhile repairing. Just cleaned and oiled at the end of every game season. I use an old cheapie for pigeon shooting.

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