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Present from my lovely wife.


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For our wedding anniversary, my wife brought me a lovely walnut gun safe, with a lovely glass front, lighting etc. BUT, she decided the cabinet should contain something 'pretty and classic. So, she brought me this today!!






Ellis & Co, 30inch barrels, choked 1/2 and full.





Lovely Damascus barrels and very tight. Manufactured in 1885.

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I showed the wife this post and she gave me one of those smiles....... the "you should be so lucky" smile........ but she is going to compromise and let me have a gun dog instead :lol::good::good: :good: :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


But remember that is a bigger ask even though it don't cost so much, it cant just sit there and look like some nice furniture (not that I am not envious of the gun and display case mind you). I bet there was even negotiations in the Royal house when William and Kate spoke about getting their dog :good:

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I'd like to point out that pretty guns make EXCELLENT presents for women who shoot. Also, lots of ladies like shiny things as gifts. I like those cartridges with the shiny metal tops ;-)


Congrats on the new gun. Will you shoot it or is it a display piece?

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I'd like to point out that pretty guns make EXCELLENT presents for women who shoot. Also, lots of ladies like shiny things as gifts. I like those cartridges with the shiny metal tops ;-)


Congrats on the new gun. Will you shoot it or is it a display piece?


It is for shooting :) I have already had a session on clays with it, but will use it mostly on small driven game days. We also have a couple of Hammer Days during the season :)

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