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My late father was presented with a long-service watch about 1969. It was a Longines. From the word go it kept stopping. He wasn't much into possessions, my father, so he threw it into a drawer and forgot about it. I now have it; it's still unusable. I phoned a local watch technician. He wants £95 just to look at it. Is there anything I can do? I'd post a pic if I knew how :/ .

In short No. Is it a quartz or mechanical movement. About that time Longines were developing some sophisticated movements. Its probably beyond the scope of your average watchmaker and although the top Marques are generally very accurate and reliable, when servicing is required its very expensive.


Is it stainless steel case or gold case and what is the model number. and calibre. it will be embossed on the case back

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Thats what I thought, I am now selling my Omega Seamaster and buying a Omega Ocean Planet. Mind you I have had my Seamaster for 4 years and I have hardly taken it off in that time. The new price of the watch now means I can get not far off what I paid for it selling secondhand, its worked out about £40.00 per year to own. If i had kept it another few years I expect it would sell it secondhand for the same or more than I paid.

Good choice. I was lucky enough to get a Planet Ocean a few years back for my 40th and I still admire it's stunning looks as much now as when I first got it. It's a great looking watch although the price has risen quite a bit since mine was bought. Bad news is it's due for a service soon and that won't be cheap!

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Nice watches never get any cheaper.


My advice would be get something you can wear every day. If it's too nice, not water resistant or is susceptible to being scratched then don't bother.

Andy, how do you rate the one I got ??? worth keeping or fleabay it :lol:

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Andy, how do you rate the one I got ??? worth keeping or fleabay it :lol:

The LaCroix is more of a fashion watch. If you don't like it / wear it then get rid of it.


My business partner is watch mad - he's got a collection of vintage Heurs (which are quite interesting to look at), an AP royal oak offshore and a couple of old rolex subs. However, he doesn't wear any of them for fear of putting signs of wear on them. All bloody pointless if you ask me.


The Patek I had was a thing of beauty (a calatrava 5296R) but it was unwearable - not water proof and susceptible to every scratch and dink, so I sold it. In the short time I had it the country moved out of recession and the value jumped. I was gutted though because the one I nearly bought (an annual calendar) was a couple of grand more but I didn't like the look of it (it had a pink face) - those are now going a solid £5-10k over the prices back then.


My current day to day is a lumpy rolex - I go swimming in it and even wore it in the sauna on holiday this week. A very robust watch that keeps good time and you can wear it every day. That too has also gone up an easy £2k since when I bought it.


Find something you like the look of that's robust and sells well and get stuck in. You have nothing to lose. Oh and buy second hand with a warranty.

Edited by Mungler
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There's loads of fakes out there. One of my clients (pawn broker) took a ladies gold date just in and it turned out to have been remade out if gold from scratch but was a complete copy.


So box, papers and check the serial number is important (as too where you buy it from).

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  • 7 months later...

Jut an update on my granddads old Oris. Turned out the only Authorised Oris repairer in the UK and Ireland is... 2 miles down the road. So, they had it back in February and I picked it up today. Vintage service, new glass and crown. Not much under £300 but well worth it...


Before and after



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hello, what about an expandable strap, i just bought a mans watch day/date with a expan strap and seiko quartze movement, SS steel/30mtrs goes under the name submarine watches £15, if i had another it would not have day/date. if i was in the position to buy an expensive watch i would get a copy for general use

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hello, what about an expandable strap, i just bought a mans watch day/date with a expan strap and seiko quartze movement, SS steel/30mtrs goes under the name submarine watches £15, if i had another it would not have day/date. if i was in the position to buy an expensive watch i would get a copy for general use

you can get some good deals off uk /international ebay, i bought a 1970s swiss made mans watch quartze day/date expan bracelet gwo $10 including post

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I am looking to buy my first "decent" watch, but nothing on the level of you lads.


I quite fancied the Seiko SKX007 with the metal bracelet.




I have seen the best price for them on Amazon but don't want to buy a knockoff, even though they only weigh in around £140-170.


Any tips lads ?

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...and me an Omega Speedmaster ;)


Another great watch, like their Dark Side of the Moon


DO IT!!!


Can't justify it but I swear they are everywhere at the moment, tempting, luring...



I am looking to buy my first "decent" watch, but nothing on the level of you lads.


I quite fancied the Seiko SKX007 with the metal bracelet.



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I have seen the best price for them on Amazon but don't want to buy a knockoff, even though they only weigh in around £140-170.


Any tips lads ?


As with any watch purchase, buy the seller not the watch. I would imagine Amazon quite reliable in this respect but I am only guessing.

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I was hoping you would come on and say you had bought a Panerai so you could let me know what you had gone for b

Ive been toying with the idea. Some kind of luminor marina, probably. I know nothing about watches, though, which makes it difficult to choose and to judge value. Are they "serious", proper watchmakers? They're obviously toward the cheaper end of serious if so. I'm looking at watches around 3-5k euros used in Italy. But is it the cheaper end of serious rather than the expensive end of not serious, if you know what I mean? Or truly in the middle. Any views gratefully received.

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Another great watch, like their Dark Side of the Moon




Can't justify it but I swear they are everywhere at the moment, tempting, luring...




As with any watch purchase, buy the seller not the watch. I would imagine Amazon quite reliable in this respect but I am only guessing.

My bro used to have a Pulsar that looked exactly like this, I think Pulsar were made by Seiko.

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I have bought a few recently : Breitling Navitimer, Tissot PR100 and a vintage oysterdate. Got my eye on an air king, reverso or speedmaster...


I agree the most functional watch may be a £50 job with the necessary bells and whistles, but I certainly don't wear a watch just to tell the time!

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