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whats the most unreliable trade


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Tree surgeon - gave mine the job 4 weeks ago and heard nothing since. I'll wait for him to turn up before I tell him I got someone else to do it.

That's a great attitude I've had that happen to me and it's screws up your days work so ends up costing more than the lost job. At least have the decency to call the guy and let him know as he could of had a few emergency jobs. Guess I'm going to get slated now so tin hat on and fire away

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Customers!! All day long. Spent 2 weeks on the most awful, difficult fencing job, only for the customer to come back, complain about bits that hadn't been finished yet, shake the posts that weren't fully set, and tell me he wasn't going to pay me. Had a rather heated discussion, I took all my panels off, and left him with, literally, a ton of concrete in post holes to remove. Lost a grand, and now I have £800 worth of panels at my yard.

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Caller Someone is breaking into my shed.

Operator I am sorry we have no officers available at present.

Caller rings again, Don't bother I have shot him.

Five minutes later 2 police dog handlers, 5 armed officers and the Chief constable arrive and they catch the burglar.

The police chief remonstrates with the householder."You lied, you haven,t shot him at all"

The householder replies" So did you, they said you had no officers available and look at this lot"

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That's a great attitude I've had that happen to me and it's screws up your days work so ends up costing more than the lost job. At least have the decency to call the guy and let him know as he could of had a few emergency jobs. Guess I'm going to get slated now so tin hat on and fire away


Perhaps he could have called me and told me when he was thinking of coming !!!

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My take on this matter may be different to others and it may seem harsh but it is not meant to be. Neither is this a post about class or 'know your place'.


In the past 'tradesmen' were generally employed by companies, large and small, and when they were sent to a job they were representing the company and their timekeeping and appearance generally reflected on the company. Respect was a great thing in the days I am referring to and jobs were generally jobs for life and keeping that job meant a lot to the workers.


Nowadays many tradesmen are self employed. The demand for tradesmen has increased exponentially and there is much more demand than supply. This has resulted in a 'take it or leave it' attitude where the manners, business acumen and social skills of tradesmen has not kept pace with the need for their services.


I will give an example. Last week I drove for three hours to keep a two week old engagement I had arranged with a tradesman. This was initially arranged by phone and I confirmed it by email and asked the tradesman to confirm by email too. The man never turned up so I called him on his mobile and he said that he had forgotten all about it. This was irritating to say the least but I did give him the option to keep the appointment meaning an hours drive for him just when he might have been thinking about going home. He turned up full of apologies and we may do business together though he has still to formulate a quote for the work he came to see me about even though he promised it 'the next day'.

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I sub contract too the local council, while i'm working my busy little self into a frenzy getting the voids turned around early, the rest of the lazy a holes who are on the books are busy hiding up in their vans or at strategically placed cafes off the beaten path (out of sight) at my expense it seems. that's the thing with being a subby, if I slowed down to their pace i'd be out the door sharpish.

time to find another job me thinks...

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