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Fatal accident


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I think the worst accident I know of where I personally know the person involved, happened about three years ago now. The bloke in question had his own scrap business, but subbed to various agencies as a plant driver. He had climbed out of and onto the ground to lift some overhead cables with a long pole so some plant could get access to the site, when the electric arced from another cable directly onto the pole. There was an almighty crack, flash and the resultant jolt threw him several paces back along the tarmac. When his mates got to him he was still conscious despite having had one hand blown off, and most of the fingers on the other, and both feet, one at the ankle and one at the knee. He was also on fire. He remained conscious all the way to hospital. The second leg was amputated at the knee as there was nothing worth saving below it.

Amongst other procedures he went through a period where they lifted a flap of skin on his stomach and literally stitched his other arm inside it to promote the growth of flesh on his forearm and fabricated some fingers from slivers of bone tissue after removing the remaining fingers.

Before the accident him and his wife were very active Fell walkers, and although he can get around on stumps in the house his Fell walking days are over. The house has been converted radically to cater to his disabilities and his wife, despite being a former nurse, can't stop resenting the accident as she now feels trapped in her role as his full-time carer, and then of course feels guilty as she still obviously cares deeply for him.

He is still receiving therapy.

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My uncle was telling me about his friends brother in Anglesey he was out pigeon shooting with his son and putting lofting pigeons in the tree under power lines well the wind blew and he contacted the power lines and he was burnt inside out to death in front of his young son.

My uncle was telling me as we were visiting his friend and I was told not to ask any questions about it as the family can't talk about it as it causes to much distress.

Edited by michufc
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I know a local chap who was run over by an earthmover in a quarry, thats messed him up quite badly,


Some years ago, a tight ***** farmer who got his 12yr old son to pass him a long piece of exhaust pipe whilst trying to bodge up a repair to a combine, He caught some O/H cables and was blown to pieces in front of his dad.

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Talking about these things are educational, emotional and very hard for those directly involved. Without these types of accidents being made common knowledge we would not be so careful and more people would be getting hurt.

plus 1. There for the grace of God etc.

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How's he tight ?

Rather than buy a new part for £50 or so, he came into where I was working ( a branch of ATS) on the scrounge for s/h exhaust pipe(s) and took away a boot full, and even scrounged some nuts & bolts / clamps.

He then went home and cobbled all these pieces of carp together to make up a piece of pipe approx 10 ft long.


Having climbed up on the side of the combine for some reason, possibly to measure up ? Then told his son to pass him the pipe, it was believed that his son stood the pipe on end making contact with some o/h cables and was tragically electrocuted :(

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On a lighter note, a bloke I know well, at the age of 15, slipped and fell in his farmyard behind a tractor his Dad was reversing. His Dad, completely unaware he was there, reversed the tractor over his head. Apparently the ground was so soft his head was squashed into the ground and this is what saved his life. Nevertheless, he was in hospital for almost eight months and the entire school said prayers for him in assembly each morning for the entirety of his hospitalisation. He survived but never came back to school and has no recollection of the accident. His features were somewhat altered, but only apparent to those who knew what he looked like before the accident.

He has his own business as a dry stone waller nowadays and recently married.

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My uncle was one of a few survivors from sinking's during the 2nd World War, he was on submarines.

He was sent home to retrain as they thought he had done his bit.

On the way home, the truck he was travelling in the open back of hit a pot hole, he and a number of service men were thrown from the vehicle, my uncle was hit by the truck following in the convey and killed.

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Ok if we are telling stories about people getting hurt and or killed I remember when minis first came the story goes that someone stopped at red traffic lights in town and there was a gang of young chaps just come out of the pub laughing at this little car for a jock they decided to lift the rear wheels of the ground so that it could not drive away not realising that it had front wheel drive and when the lights turned green off it sped up the road they pulled in to a garage to get some petrol only to find several fingers still holding on to the rear bumper.

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Ok if we are telling stories about people getting hurt and or killed I remember when minis first came the story goes that someone stopped at red traffic lights in town and there was a gang of young chaps just come out of the pub laughing at this little car for a jock they decided to lift the rear wheels of the ground so that it could not drive away not realising that it had front wheel drive and when the lights turned green off it sped up the road they pulled in to a garage to get some petrol only to find several fingers still holding on to the rear bumper.




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I was in a fatal crashed. Three people died, I was the only one to survive. I was on the driver's seat, stopped at the traffic lights. A disqualified drunk driver pushed us in the way of an eighteen wheeler. He was arrested and jailed for five years. Out in three. Back behind the wheel drunk, caused another two deaths, including his. Please do not drink and drive. Ever...


tragic mate. I have been in similar and its awful. The injustice is as bad as the phycological effects. Hope ur ok.

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Reminds me of a certain car advert. "even when its parked its still moving". Can't remember the make of car now, but it had a hand brake system that was faulty, that when it was warm it engaged fine and then came off again as the car cooled. No-end ran away on hills. The one who came up with the slogan probably regretted it as it was turned against them when the news came out.

There has been a lot of handbrake issues over the years! I believe Triumph had problems, Jaguar, and nore recently Ford Focus, Honda jazz, Honda civic etc. A lot of people pay very little attention to servicing the hand brake system! Dust, Moisture, leaking seals can all lead to a reduction in the friction. It's worth popping the drum off every 12 month and have a visual inspection of the components, a lot of cars have auto adjusters, Some are still manual. The most tiny air bubble in a rear brake line or on the slave cylinder can affect the effectiveness of the handbrake, as when you apply the brake, the spreader pushes the shoes apart from the opposite side to the cylinder. But the Cylinder will compress, losing friction in the braking faces.


Hands up how many people have an unexplained high pitched metallic tinging while traveling over uneven surfaces? Does your head in right? Check your handbrake cable coupling where the cables meet over the rear axle! Normally the cable is in need of adjustment. I hear LOADS of cars such as Vauxhall rattling away, and it is such a simple remedy.


When servicing your hand brake, make sure to check ALL the linkages for damage, corrosion and lubricate them. Check your handbrake cable for fraying. Check the slave cylinder seals for splits or leaks, check the locating pins, springs and caps holding the shoes in place. If corroded then replace. Check the friction pads on the shoes for cracking, Glazing, and make sure the pad is secure and not breaking away. Check the drums for wear and tollerance. Is badly scoured or damaged, it could be cheaper to replace than have it resurfaced.


Be sure though to wear a dust mask before removing or working with brake components. Older style brakes had Asbestos in them. I believe all modern brakes are asbestos free, BUT never the less the dust os STILL bad for your health!


Your brakes are the most important safety factor of your car! Too many people take them for granted.

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I just take the car down our village garage and get them to sort everything. I know where to put oil and water and diesel and how to change a tyre or wiper and thats it.

And what else is there ??? That's just about covered it all, Ooooo tyre wear and pressure ;-)

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