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Just had a unannounced visit from Durham,my SGC is in for renewal and my FAC still has one year to run,to cut a long story short they are asking questions re a couple of lads my son has been associating with.My son has never been in any trouble (and to be honest I don't know what trouble these two lad have been in in the past') but my licence renewal is under question even though my son has no access to my guns .Looks like Durham are on a mission,thankfully I don't associate with the likes as they said they would of took my cert and guns today.I asked why am I effected,They aren't my friends and they certainly haven't been in my house.They said that they are re checking the history of every licence holder in Durham and taking perticular interest in their accociates.

So looks like assistance of BASC required again.

Edited by Davyo
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Definitely worth giving your lad a heads up to this as well, even although he has not been in bother his name obviously flagged up in relation to the other lads. It's like the saying 'if you fly with the crows you get shot with the crows'. Not fair on your lad if he keeps his nose clean, but his reputation is getting tarnished anyway.


Certainly not fair on you if it gets in the way of your renewal. Hopefully BASC will give you some good advice and you don't see any further hassle.

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This is out of order, but again nothing surprises me from Durham. They are apparently a nightmare for grants, renewals and pretty much any other things. It is good that you're contacting BASC about this, the more peopel complain about this draconian treatment the better it will be. If we say nothing we will "hang separately" since nobody would be standing up for our rights.

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What if your brothers,brother in law came to the attention of the police and you had met him at a wedding would they be taking your license then ? would be straight on to BASC.

Revocation by association seems to be the agenda, but what are they classing association, your lad seems clean enough. There are instances where action taken is taken, I knew of a chap who had his guns removed from house and lisense revoked as his lad who lived at home was involved in a shooting and strong criminal activity.


Feel sorry for you guys under Durham, seems they are a nightmare re anything firearms.

Edited by 7daysinaweek
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Just got off the phone with BASC seems very little I can do other that when they come back tonight to see my son,That we ask what sort of trouble theses boys have been in & assure that he will no longer associate with the likes.lets see what happens at 6pm.

BASC did say that Durham chief constable has verbally told them that he will make Durham the strictest authority in the Uk.

Edited by Davyo
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Just got off the phone with BASC seems very little I can do other that when they come back tonight to see my son,That we ask what sort of trouble theses boys have been in & assure that he will no longer associate with the likes.lets see what happens at 6pm.

BASC did say that Durham chief constable has verbally told them that he will make Durham the strictest authority in the Uk.

Good luck, hope all ends well at 6pm :good:

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Hello davyo put in for firearms and shot gun renewal, had sent a new permission to be cleared . Flo visited said there was a person kept greyhounds and was not happy for people shooting there although it was not his property i had permission for Tried for open licence for 6 years waste of time talking to any body at Aikley head as you might as well talk to the door.Held shot gun certificate since 1968. Heres the good bit as Flo was leaving he stated that i and my associates were under investigation for drugs, By the way i am 68 years old and have never been involved with drugs . I was that sick of Aikley head i cancelled my renewal sick of dealing with divs All the best and good luck .

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is Durham force now aligned with Cleveland? and working from the same office at Thornaby as its listed as Durham and Cleveland special ops unit now where I sent my last notification of transfer.



Edited by kdubya
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Durham are now based in Shotton near Petelee

thought they must have combined as this is the new place for cleveland


Cleveland and Durham Specialist Operations Unit, Firearms Licensing,

Shared Service Centre, Ash House, 111 Acres,

Princeton Drive, Thornaby

Stockton on Tees.TS17 6AJ

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Well that went well loads of questions ,loads of names mentioned re troublesomes in the village.But there was a clear message,that if he associates with anybody who has the slightest record, both himself and myself will lose our SGC/FAC's.So the only way you can safeguard your certs is to question anybody you know and distance yourself.However they did say they were satisfied that he now understands the importance of not associating with these but the desist on will be with their senior.

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How are you supposed to know if someone has a record, most folks don't advertise it. Also what happens if a child is in the same class at school as a known person.


That's exactly what I said,I said we are being put in a position where we will have to ask anybody we become friend with or even our wife's and children befriend.As an example,say my son brings a girlfriend home,I introduce myself then say,by the way has your farther or brothers been in trouble before.Yes she says,then I say can you kindly put your coat on and leave.How can we know who has a record and who hasn't ?
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Have you asked the police involved if they have any outstanding complaints against them or are the y currently under investigation for any breaches of discipline ? Have they any outstanding motoring convictions or points on their licences ? Are they suitable people to be involved with fire arms .After all there has been continual corruption and bad practice in both Durham and Cleveland police form Chief Constables down .What's more the police associate with know criminals on a daily basis . :yes:

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That's exactly what I said,I said we are being put in a position where we will have to ask anybody we become friend with or even our wife's and children befriend.As an example,say my son brings a girlfriend home,I introduce myself then say,by the way has your farther or brothers been in trouble before.Yes she says,then I say can you kindly put your coat on and leave.How can we know who has a record and who hasn't ?



The last S/G renewal the FEO wanted to know NI numbers of both my daughters, names of the boyfriends/addresses so Durham could check their SP, & the names of any frequent visitors to my house...needless to say they never got.


As for who you hang around with.....apart from nonces & rapists I've mates in nearly every other category.


Be interesting to see if any appeal would be backed by the shooting org's if certs were removed because of a situation like this.



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When I phoned BASC after the 1st unanounced visit today,they seemed to imply that they could or wouldn't do anything unless licences where revoked.Didnt reasure me,I even had all 4 licences on the coffe table ready to hand them over when we had the 2nd visit today. I have never been in trouble in all my 52 years other than 1 speeding ticket (39 in a 30 zone about 15 yrs ago) and that made me fell ashamed.The two lads in question at to direct friend of my sons,but come and talk to his other mates when my son is present.( one apparently after tonight it was revealed that he had a GBH or something and the other was banned from the CoOp).

How is my son to know if a friend of a friend has some sort of record.

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