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Urban myths/legends

Doc Holliday

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But it is there,


Sally traffic on radio 2 often refers to it when pointing out problems in that area


It's a strange little place and was featured as part of a documentary on the M62.


The farmer said he stopped lending tools out to broken down motorists as he never got them back


I certainly wouldn't want to live there as the noise must be horrendous



The govt at the time offered to move the farm further up the hill or CP it but the Wilde family who were there at the time said no, they were happy to stay.

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The old urban myth about the Chinese takeaway getting raided and they found an dog in the freezer is at least partly true. However, it wasn't there to sell to the public it would have been there to feed the staff.Dog is a popular meat in China.


The Dogs Trust wont re-house any of their dogs with Chinese families but you wont find that in writing anywhere in their rule book.

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The old urban myth about the Chinese takeaway getting raided and they found a dog in the freezer is at least partly true. However, it wasn't there to sell to the public it would have been there to feed the staff.Dog is a popular meat in China.


A few years ago, where I live, there was a pet shop next door to a Chinese takeaway.

The pet shop moved and shortly afterwards the takeaway closed, not that I'm suggesting anything !!


While on the subject do all the different breeds of dog taste different ?



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The old urban myth about the Chinese takeaway getting raided and they found an dog in the freezer is at least partly true. However, it wasn't there to sell to the public it would have been there to feed the staff.Dog is a popular meat in China.



Do you have a link for the story where that happened? If not, it stays firmly in the Urban Myth category for me :yes: I'm also calling B/S on the Dogs Trust dit! Happy to be proved wrong though?


Snopes is chocca with articles debunking cat/dog/rat in Chinese food stories. A few links:


Cat in Chinese food?


Rats found in Chinese restaurant


More rats


Poodle with noodles


etc. etc. etc............

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Better too far in front than behind, shot string magics up kills,


Gun fit makes recoil disappear,


My gun prefers 7.5's,


My barrel throws superb patterns with XYZ,


Extended chokes throw superior patterns,


My uncle used a S/S all his life and if he were alive he'd wipe the smiles off todays top shots,


My grandad switched to 410 as he was finding the game too easy, he back guns at Balmoral,


Ole Harry is a joy to watch as he folds 85 yard birds,


I have never missed a clay due to having Full chokes in,


There's no such thing as a bad dog, just bad owners (all dogs are inherently perfect),


A gun is only as accurate as the man behind it,


It's the Injun and not the arrow (equipment makes no odds)


Last week I shot this clover leaf group with my .22 at 100 yards (love how everyone carries laser range finders in their back pocket),


Had to laugh when I had to tow this new Discovery/Isuzu/G Wagon/Defender out of snow with my works van.

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9/11 was carried out by the CIA, no one landed on the Moon and there is a strange organisation called the illomini who control the whole world.

Elvis did and drives a bus on there! It was in the Sunday Sport at the time so must be true :lol:

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Whilst entertaining Mrs H's brood on Boxing Day, we were playing some logo board game and a question came up about KFC which promptly prompted a flurry of remarks about why they don't use the word 'chicken' in any of their products. This was promptly followed up with a photo procured via the web of a four legged (and four winged) featherless chicken. Needless to say there didn't seem to hardly any meat on the bird in question but it was gasped and commented on by all, well nearly all. Personally I didn't believe it for a moment as I couldn't see how they would ever catch one.


I dare say KFC have their reasons for not using the word chicken in their products, mainly because they assume that most folk, if not all, would be fairly savvy as to the main content of their meat products would be hinted at in the 'C' of KFC. Still, I could be wrong.


So, the vein of my thread was to see what other urban myths/legends were out there. I think we're all fairly familiar with poor old Richard Gere and the unfortunate hamster/gerbil one so anything else would be welcome.


David Cameron is going to give us a vote on Europe.

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My favourite myth is that masturbation makes you go blind, if that was true by the age of 18 I'd of had a white stick and some Stevie wonder sunglasses. ATB 425


Sorry, you will have to speak up, I can't hear you and I must get round to shaving the palms of my hands !!



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My favourite myth is that masturbation makes you go blind, if that was true by the age of 18 I'd of had a white stick and some Stevie wonder sunglasses. ATB 425

Well i now wear glasses and am going bald... Blindness and hair falls out i what i was told... :lol:

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