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Benefits Too Fat To Work

Fuji Shooter

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Watched this last night, unbelievable! I take some comfort from knowing the fat groom at that farce of a wedding is heading for an early grave. Thought he was going to expire at the reception. The spag bol was incredible - 2 large bottles of sauce, 2 packs of mince, a few other additions, all into an industrial sized saucepan. He nearly keeled over chopping a few onions. His plateful was massive and I'll put money on it he polished off the lot.


As for the 31 stone lass who's mother says she put on weight because her benefits are insufficient to feed her properly.......... How stupid do they think we are. Stop her pouring 3lts of full fat coke down her kneck each day, put a lock on the fridge and chase her fat **** around the square twice a day. She's another heading for the rendering plant soon! No wonder our health service is creaking.

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Watched this last night, unbelievable! I take some comfort from knowing the fat groom at that farce of a wedding is heading for an early grave. Thought he was going to expire at the reception. The spag bol was incredible - 2 large bottles of sauce, 2 packs of mince, a few other additions, all into an industrial sized saucepan. He nearly keeled over chopping a few onions. His plateful was massive and I'll put money on it he polished off the lot.


As for the 31 stone lass who's mother says she put on weight because her benefits are insufficient to feed her properly.......... How stupid do they think we are. Stop her pouring 3lts of full fat coke down her kneck each day, put a lock on the fridge and chase her fat **** around the square twice a day. She's another heading for the rendering plant soon! No wonder our health service is creaking.

she'd make a hell of a bar of soap though lol!

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In the north, we have hills to go up and down when we beat :lol:


Recently sent a pic of Bolton Abbey to a friend that lives near Thetford now but was originally from Leeds.


His reply was " Is that a hill in the background?- Ah yes i remember those"

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In the old days, before political correctness raised its head, people used to remark that nobody who was rescued from belson was overweight, when the subject of overeating was discussed.


Said it all, really. Stop feeding and any overweight problem goes away quite quickly. But that was when people were just overweight, not morbidly obese (as many are, these days).


Not watched it, not wanting to. Don't have a TV, anyway. Better things to do in life. But I do admire those that were seriously overweight and have done something positive about it. None of them seem, ever to want to get into the same predicament again.


I 'covered' a PE class at one school for a term (needed someone to be present with a student teacher). The obese, injured, and lazy students, not taking a part with the main group, were not allowed to just sit around doing nothing. They were walked around the playing field, then encouraged to walk or jog around the athletics track. Several showed a huge improvement in only a few weeks.

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Despite being a shade over 12st myself, for 99.9 % of people it is simply calories in, calories out. That extra kit kat each lunch may not seem much but if it tips you over into too many calories in, after a few years..........( as i know from personal experience)

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As other shave said the programs tend to be a wind up. If someone is so simple to put on that much weight and have no self respect that's up to them. However, the tax payer should not be providing them money. Truth be told no one in their right mind would be happy in a grotesque body like that. I would love to see the slob thrown to the Royal Marines, as I'm sure that fat *** would be a bony *** in next to no time.

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As we struggled through waist high brambles yesterday, sweating our bits off (+10 in Norfolk) a slim young lady who had watched this programme commented that those fatties should be out beating with us. Trouble would be you would need the Air Ambulance after the first drive! The fat lass who's other said the cause was lack of money came over as totally stupid. Cut out the 3lts of coke the fat ******* flushed down her gullet daily (I don't drink that much annually) and get her fat *** walking around a bit and guess what?

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I saw the bit about the Coke and had the immediate thought why not not switch to Diet Coke? not rocket science that! Also if they are worried about the money what about shops own brand colas? 2litres of Morrison's own brand diet cola is 50p Tesco economy diet cola is 17p!


By the same logic I bought a large pineapple from Morrisons yesterday for 79p and three large bannanas for 31p so all this rubbish about cant afford decent food is just an excuse.

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I saw the bit about the Coke and had the immediate thought why not not switch to Diet Coke? not rocket science that! Also if they are worried about the money what about shops own brand colas? 2litres of Morrison's own brand diet cola is 50p Tesco economy diet cola is 17p!


By the same logic I bought a large pineapple from Morrisons yesterday for 79p and three large bannanas for 31p so all this rubbish about cant afford decent food is just an excuse.

Quite right but needs effort to go to shops rather than get fast food delivered.


Not justifying the obese in any way but there can be underlying mental health issues in a few extreme cases and overeating is just one symptom.

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Different programme I know but same topic - the coloured guy who was pouring 12,000 calories down his gullet daily just beggared belief. And his poor wife who was constantly (verbally) abused by the guy. I've seen pigs with better mealtime manners. The gist of the programme was that marriage hadn't been consummated as he was a fat ******* and that was his reason for losing a few stone. The way he behaved towards her I would get out before he could get a hard on!

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