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speed awareness course


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Turn up and look interested-dont argue with the nice man about stopping distances :whistling: -hardest thing is to stay awake but you must because they can actually "fail" you. Its a total waste of time and money but hey ho-it saves points on your licence. Sometimes you have to do a little tick box exercise in the group around your table-theres no pass or fail on that either so just keep staying awake.

Edited by bruno22rf
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Nephew did this a couple of years ago after leaving his car via the windscreen in the early hours. He was never prosecuted for anything but police made it plain this could be an option if he didn't attend. He has SGC so didn't want to risk taking his chances in court.

He said it was a doodle, watched a few dvd's, ticked some boxes, answered a few questions and tried to look interested.

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A friend of mine went on the course and when he got there his son was on the same course . If I get stopped for speeding and having a clean points free licence I would take the three points and not faff about taking a silly speed awareness course . But if I had points on my licence then it might be a different matter ..




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I did it about a month ago , it takes about 4 hours ( with a couple of breaks ) ...common sense most of it , boring as #%^} but You need to look interested .. We had a busy on our course , wanted to know the ins & out of a ducks **** , came equipped with clip board a pens , copy of the current Highway Code wanted a long drawn out question & answer session after each section , drove me mad , I had to ask him to shut the **** up in the end otherwise we would still be there ..

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At the end of the day it saves you the points and therefore higher insurance costs. It wasn't a completely wasted morning and there were a couple of interesting bits.


If you're lucky you'll get some clown on the course with you who resents being there and will try to argue the toss on everything. Watching them flail around in their impotent rage made up for having to be there a bit.

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I think the only knowledge that you leave the course with is the fact that its as boring as hell-if you are constantly watching your speedo to make sure you don't creep over the speed limit are you safer than a driver doing 35 with his eyes glued to the road? The whole system is developed with one aim-as a revenue raiser, end of.

Edited by bruno22rf
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They are designed to patronise you, I'm all up for speed limits, in sensitive places, which I obey with gusto, to be lectured like I was, well I'm obviously not the sort, I walked out and took the points, with said patroniser flapping like a fish that I'd dare walk out. **** that.


Too much pride I guess.

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Had my licence 31 years , about five years ago I put the the power to some cameras on the road works on the motor way , yes you guessed it I got caught doing 57 in a 50 I never ever had a point on licence always been clean was gutted , they offered me the awareness course I took it to save my record and to be fair I enjoyed it

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Turn up look interested pay the £95 job done

Boring as hell but points and premium saving worth it




insurance companies are now asking if you have ever been on an awareness course.



Edited by kdubya
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I actually learned a bit on mine.


No doubt those who thought it was going to be a waste of time before they went in, didnt.


You have paid the best part of £100 for it, you might as well listen and participate.

Edited by Alex C
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I didn't get the chance



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You was travelling then
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£500??? How fast were you doing?

that would be telling but lets just say most people believe over a ton is a mandatory ban, its not.still an sp30 and the 6 points only put a £40 weighting on my insurance.



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I didn't get the chance



Oh that was a bit tasty, my first one was £390 and 5 points. After being captured I had arranged with my gaffer that I might have had 6 weeks holiday all at once, but fortunately no need.


He was an outrageous petrol head so was sympathetic to my plight. He was also a secret cross dresser, just not as secret as he thought, but that is completely beside the point.

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Oh that was a bit tasty, my first one was £390 and 5 points. After being captured I had arranged with my gaffer that I might have had 6 weeks holiday all at once, but fortunately no need.


He was an outrageous petrol head so was sympathetic to my plight. He was also a secret cross dresser, just not as secret as he thought, but that is completely beside the point.


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