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Unusual questions before applying for SGC/FAC


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I apologize for this before hand and any silly questions that may come from this.


Later in the year (summertime) I intend to apply for a SGC and FAC (FAC AIR to start as I can safely show reason for sporting purposes as part of a club). I've been a member of my local range's Airgun Club since July time and have had a bit more of hands on time with a few 12 gauges (separate from the previous odd clay shooting days) courtesy of a few chaps at the range who have been brilliant.


I'm quite keen to apply for my certs and pick up some more experience and tutoring and Ideally I want to get the paperwork and cert requirements out the way around the middle of the year. My aim is to hopefully get approved for SGC and FAC air and at a later date get an introduction to the small bore club that fires our the range and add on a .22LR.


However i do have a few concerns about applying and this is where my questions come from so here we go.


1) EDIT: Ignoring this security question as just realized i asked this question last October in another thread


2) Given I can meet the home security requirement but the area i live in isn't the best would it be advisable for me to hold off buying a safe until i've done my application, had the chat and then all going well buy the safe and get the FLO back to check it before progressing (Side not I live within half mile of the FLO's Station) I don't particularly want to buy the safe then find out i don't stand a cat in hells chance at getting a Cert


3) This is possibly the strangest question i've ever asked and potentially the silliest so please bear with me.


About 12 years ago when i first moved to Notts for Uni, I came here and house shared with another guy I went to School with who came to the same Uni. One night he decided to try and top himself on booze and a boots pharmacy worth of pain killers but fortunately I caught him mid way through and forced him to ring for his own ambulance to get himself sorted out. It was an intense situation and fortunately the tough love paid off and he has done wonders with his life since.


HOWEVER, he confessed to me when the ambulance turned up that night he made the call he used my name instead of his as he was embarrassed so when the ambulance turned up and i dragged him over to them i was quite surprised they asked for me and not for him.

I explained to the ambulance crew why he used my name and they acknowledged it but I am now wondering if my name will crop up anywhere on any medical records for a suicide bid and I'm now wondering did he use my name when he got to hospital.


If anyone can shed any light on this as to if i am being ridiculous and paranoid or if this is something that may somehow scupper my application.


Sorry for the wall of text but any genuine guidance is appreciated and no unhelpful comments please folks



Edited by Zenduri
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If you told the ambulance crew his real name , they will have put that on the patient report form.

We used to get given loads of false names, and just left it up to A&E to work out the truth.


The police will speak to your GP not the ambulance service.

Does your GP know anything about it ? almost certainly not.


Don't worry about it , just submit the application.


If you live in a tough neigbourhood the police may ask for a higher level of security , but you can discuss this with your FEO at the interview.

Edited by wascal
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you need a cabinet fitted or you are wasting your time putting in for it in the first place. i would put in for it now because it could take ages for everything to go through. and just be honest when you fill out the form, or it will come back and bite you , good luck

Edited by johnphilip
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I would hold off buying a cabinet not because I doubt that you will be granted your Certs but because you can then ask your Feo his advice for the best place to site it.

With regard the scenario with your mate, I wouldn't worry about it. If he was carted away to hospital I daresay he would have given his own name there for them to access his medical records. It matters not what name he initially gave the ambulance crew.

In determining if you are fit to posess a cert the police will check your prior history , if you have any, with PNC and possibly a background check on local databases, which I won't go into here.

You obviously fulfill the requirement for good reason to posess, just get the form filled in and sent off. Best advice is to be honest from the outset. Good luck with your application

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Cheers for the response guys its appreciated. I know the question about my mate giving my name was a weird one but it was something i had never thought of until last night for some reason. With regards to me I'm as clean as a whistle on all fronts so there shouldn't be any issues there.


My only real concern is the safe as I don't want to fork out a few hundred quid if the FLO has concerns about security due to the area. With regards to the locaiton of the safe it would be out of view behind a locked door and bolted to the wall/floor so i cant see any issues there. I was just thinking if i can get the background checked and the interview out the way and the signs are good then I can get a safe, mount it, then get the FLO to pop around to check it considering they''re stationed less than half a mile away from me. Has anyone else done this re deferring getting a safe until the FLO has been?

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you need a cabinet fitted or you are wasting your time putting in for it in the first place. i would put in for it now because it could take ages for everything to go through. and just be honest when you fill out the form, or it will come back and bite you , good luck


Not always the case, I had my visit back in January, I told them I didn't have a cabinet, but he wanted to come anyway, so he showed me where the cabinet should go, and supported my application. My certificate was granted without a second visit.

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were we live the FEO will not come out if you have not installed the cabinet , he did it with mine and the wifes ticket . he phone to see when its ok to visit then the next thing he asks is have you fitted the cabinet. he is based 80 mies away . will save him coming back to check it . i think he reads your form and has a good idea if you will or not get your ticket , well thats how it worked with us .

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Guest Wilksy

Absolutely worse case they could deny your fac but I reckon you would get your sgc no worries, I was advised to get the biggest cabinet I could afford with an internal safe for ammo should I ever go for my fac, so if I was you I'd get my cabinet.

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Where are you in Notts Zenduri ? I know lots of people with SGC/FAC who live in the roughest areas.

As far as Im aware they cannot deny you based on where you live,as long as you comply with any any additional security they request .

I was asked to fit a burglar alarm (I live in a pretty decent area) I asked if I had to,he said 'no not really,but if you go over 6 guns total I would rather you did'


Edit,check on gumtree/admag for S/H gun safes ,thats where I got mine.

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I didn't get a cabinet because I had reasons think there was an outside possibilty that I may not get SGC/FAC. My FEO said that he would visit and do the checks then, if it was granted, he would deliver by hand and check my cabinet at the same time. If he was happy then he would hand over my certificates, which he did.


Ask for everything you want at the start and leave it up to them to decide. If you apply for SGC first and FAC 12 months later then you're giving more work to your FEO and then you'll end up going for coterminous after your FAC renewal anyway. If they want to apply any conditions then you'll know what is expected of you from the start.


Go for it.

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If you're not sure about buying the cab now or after you've applied just give the FEO a call and see what he or she recommends. They're generally pretty helpful when it comes to applications, I'm sure you'll have read all sorts of horror stories on here about FEOs on here but how often do people post comments when things go well? My FEO has always been brilliant.

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I got the cabinet after the interview as I wanted some advice on where to put it - they were very happy to do this (in Hampshire btw)

Same here - got the cabinet after the initial interview. Didn't want to bolt anything to the wall just to be told that it needed to be in a different place.


Once I had it fitted they came back to check & it was all sorted!

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Bought my cabinet and bolted it in place before the interview. FEO came round and mentioned there was a high crime rate in the area. Asked if I could keep my guns elsewhere. I gave him a decent reason why I couldn`t. He then asked me to install extra locks on the windows, I agreed. He said he`d be back to check but never did and my SGC came through after a couple of months.


Just make sure the cabinet is firmly affixed. I`ve heard a lot of people say that their FEO gave a very cursory check on the cabinet. Mine certainly didn`t, he wrapped both hands around the side and gave it a proper yank.

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Where are you in Notts Zenduri ? I know lots of people with SGC/FAC who live in the roughest areas.

As far as Im aware they cannot deny you based on where you live,as long as you comply with any any additional security they request .

I was asked to fit a burglar alarm (I live in a pretty decent area) I asked if I had to,he said 'no not really,but if you go over 6 guns total I would rather you did'


Edit,check on gumtree/admag for S/H gun safes ,thats where I got mine.

Arnold area Rewulf


Cheers for the response guys. Considering the station where the FLO is based is about half a mile up the road I wouldn't imagine it would be too much effort for them to swing buy to check a safe if i'm granted the cert(s)

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Hi! Don't stress! Everyone has to start somewhere. Be honest. Check the security of your house from the eyes of a burglar. Extra CCTV (even fake ones), locks will help. Cabinet: every police force/FEO could be different. Mine told me where to put the cabinet during his visit. Had to take pictures and e-mail him afterwards. Licence came few weeks later. Good luck!

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I got asked , Why do you want a gun? . I replied Cos the voices in my head are telling me to get one. Fortunately I have known my Feo for a number of years and worked with him so he understood my humour.

I wouldn't recommend the same be done with your Feo.

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