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Is shooting and gun ownership the most important issue in your agenda?


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The sad thing about it, is that it even has to be an agenda.

Why can't people legally do things they enjoy, just because someone who enjoys tofu dose not like it.

The sad fact is this country is far to small for all the people in it. And there are too many people who expect their views to be respected, regardless of how it effects others.

We al need to accept that we can not all have it all our own way, but also be tolerant to other peoples views.

I would hope good sense would win out, but it seems the left might start to errode all of our freedoms.

All I the name of equality.

Isn't that what Stalin wanted, equality.?

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In the many election threads in the off topic section, I have read some people's response and explanation as to why they will be voting for one political party/politician or another being centered around the party's policy on shooting and gun ownership. I was wondering what the general consensus is on that. Would you put shooting and gun ownership above and before any other issue and vote in the General Election based solely on this issue? I personally find other issues far more important than that. Shooting is just one thing I do, whereas the Economy, Education, Health and the Environment for example I consider to have a far more profound and serious impact on my life and the lives of those I love. Opinions please...

In a word YES. Along with fishing its my reason for living, other issues on immigration , health and education could be resolved by future governments. Loose the right of gun ownership and shooting and who will ever repeal that.



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Will I be voting for this bunch.............NO, simply because, above all else, they are anti


from a Labour Party pamphlet....................


Tackle wildlife crime and
reduce animal cruelty
on shooting estates

Birds of prey are intensively persecuted,

and iconic birds such as the hen harrier

are in danger of being lost as a breeding
species in England. More needs to be
done to protect these birds of prey on
The practice of snaring also needs to
be reviewed. Snares can cause extreme
suffering to animals and often a painful,
lingering death. Because snares are used
mainly, though not exclusively, on shooting
estates to protect game birds, it is right that
Labour works with stakeholders to address
this cruel practice.
The Labour Party is clear that more should
be done to reduce the suffering of animals
on shooting estates. The next Labour
Government will undertake an
independent review on how to:
• End the illegal persecution of birds
of prey, such as the hen harrier
• Prevent non-target animals getting
trapped in snares
• Ensure the humane treatment
of game birds
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It's important to me as an indication of the level of respect that those who govern us will give their rural electorate; as such Labour will not get my vote. However, living in John Bercow's constituency (The Speaker) there is absolutely no point in my voting.


Of course there are many other important factors to the decision. I strongly disagree with the last Labour government's policies on immigration, foreign affairs and their horrendous, wasteful spending. However I also strongly disagree with the way the Tories/Lib Dems have treated the disabled amongst others. And even in John Bercow's constituency there are a lot of empty shops on the high streets. Thinking back on it, "We're all in this together" was a pretty daft line.


Personally I would rather the majority of UK revenue was inwardly spent on the NHS, Education & Welfare. As I've said before, we are stuck with the undulating pattern of Tories cutting too much, Labour spending too much, and so on.


Frankly, Labour's record on fieldsports and their continuingly offensive, naive and dishonest positions on rural affairs in general has put me off them for life.You might say it's a tad shortsighted of them to alienate a huge number of potential voters.

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Will I be voting for this bunch.............NO, simply because, above all else, they are anti


from a Labour Party pamphlet....................


Tackle wildlife crime and
reduce animal cruelty
on shooting estates

Birds of prey are intensively persecuted,

and iconic birds such as the hen harrier

are in danger of being lost as a breeding
species in England. More needs to be
done to protect these birds of prey on
The practice of snaring also needs to
be reviewed. Snares can cause extreme
suffering to animals and often a painful,
lingering death. Because snares are used
mainly, though not exclusively, on shooting
estates to protect game birds, it is right that
Labour works with stakeholders to address
this cruel practice.
The Labour Party is clear that more should
be done to reduce the suffering of animals
on shooting estates. The next Labour
Government will undertake an
independent review on how to:
• End the illegal persecution of birds
of prey, such as the hen harrier
• Prevent non-target animals getting
trapped in snares
• Ensure the humane treatment
of game birds


As above - that's the way to lose the vote of every shooter in the UK.

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Shooting and gun ownership isn't high on my list of priorities as such, but the freedom to pursue them is.


I'd be strongly against any party that tried to restrict our freedoms further, such as the Scottish Nasty Party.




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Shooting is not an important election issue to me at all. It's just a hobby to most but I can understand it being an important consideration for those who are reliant on it for their livelihoods


Same for me, if it meant getting the country fixed then I think I'd be happy with the compromise

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Will I be voting for this bunch.............NO, simply because, above all else, they are anti


from a Labour Party pamphlet....................


Tackle wildlife crime and
reduce animal cruelty
on shooting estates

Birds of prey are intensively persecuted,

and iconic birds such as the hen harrier

are in danger of being lost as a breeding
species in England. More needs to be
done to protect these birds of prey on
The practice of snaring also needs to
be reviewed. Snares can cause extreme
suffering to animals and often a painful,
lingering death. Because snares are used
mainly, though not exclusively, on shooting
estates to protect game birds, it is right that
Labour works with stakeholders to address
this cruel practice.
The Labour Party is clear that more should
be done to reduce the suffering of animals
on shooting estates. The next Labour
Government will undertake an
independent review on how to:
• End the illegal persecution of birds
of prey, such as the hen harrier
• Prevent non-target animals getting
trapped in snares
• Ensure the humane treatment
of game birds



I am sorry, but I cannot see anything wrong with that. What am I missing?

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I am sorry, but I cannot see anything wrong with that. What am I missing?

How will they end the illegal persecution of birds of prey?have a person follow every shooter,it is a stupid minority that do such a stupid thing anyway.


Will some one sit by each snare?as much as you want to avoid snaring the wrong prey accidents do happen


Every shooter is committed to the humane treatment of game birds,and we endevour to raise them humanly(it is in our interest as more survive) and to despatch them to minimise suffering.


You should contact your labour candidate,the stock answer seems to be they are opposed to blood sports,that means they are opposed to you shooting,it is a drip effect to them wanting to remove all rifles and shotguns, after all how better to protect persecuted birds of prey than remove the shotguns that do the damage.Warped logic? not from the labour party.

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How will they end the illegal persecution of birds of prey?have a person follow every shooter,it is a stupid minority that do such a stupid thing anyway.


Will some one sit by each snare?as much as you want to avoid snaring the wrong prey accidents do happen


Every shooter is committed to the humane treatment of game birds,and we endevour to raise them humanly(it is in our interest as more survive) and to despatch them to minimise suffering.


You should contact your labour candidate,the stock answer seems to be they are opposed to blood sports,that means they are opposed to you shooting,it is a drip effect to them wanting to remove all rifles and shotguns, after all how better to protect persecuted birds of prey than remove the shotguns that do the damage.Warped logic? not from the labour party.


How will they end the illegal persecution of birds of prey?have a person follow every shooter,it is a stupid minority that do such a stupid thing anyway.


Will some one sit by each snare?as much as you want to avoid snaring the wrong prey accidents do happen


Every shooter is committed to the humane treatment of game birds,and we endevour to raise them humanly(it is in our interest as more survive) and to despatch them to minimise suffering.




Thanks for that. It makes sense the way you describe it. Reading the policy itself I concentrated on the welfare of quarry which I agree with rather what you describe. Well, it has been a long day...

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Does King Nige curse and moan when he misses? And does he laugh like a loon when the keepers dog is stuffing a bitch on heat that a gun has brought along during a drive?

You would have to ask him that, but i bet any one would laugh at the keepers dog passing on his dna to a bitch on heat especially on a drive

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I did see that happen once whilst the gun was occupied in a hot drive. He got onto the keeper about the expense of vets bills excetera and the keeper replied that he would counter invoice him for stud fees as the dog was reg,d from good lines.

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I am a professional shooter, Secretary of a Home Office approved club, shooting instructor, RCO and social shooter, so shooting is a bit important to me.


In some environments "my" shooting will almost certainly be protected, even from complete political antis, however, any further tightening of restrictions will inevitably effect me both directly and indirectly.


Shooting is simply a vote getter for some (or so they think), so shooters become political pawns.


But lets be realistic, when was the last time any shooting legislation made gun acquisition/use easier or less restrictive?


In the real world there are far more important political/practical things, even for me, and my vote will not be based solely on any parties gun policy!

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Shooting is very important to me but not the most important issue. However the various party's attitudes towards shooting is of interest for the various reasons given here, particularly the degree of control they might be attempting to excert if only for the sound bite. Labour have jumped on the RSBP bandwagon by citing hen harrier persecution when they almost certainly know *****r all about this. No doubt the Ginger Midget has a total anti-gun (or anti- fieldsports) policy and is starting with airguns. This will be the first of many moves towards a ban on all shooting sports. I'm in a safe Tory seat so easy decision for me - he actively support shooting - but if you are in a marginal one and want to vote tactically then countrysports may be the only discriminator.

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