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Fisherman Mike

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Nope got suckered into voting cons last time. I wouldnt of minded them so much if we were all in this together instead its the people at the bottom getting robbed. the things they have done to the disabled, people with mental health problems that need support, jobless are criminal you just dont hear about that stuff on the news

Do expand please....


I have a Mentally disabled cousin whose father was made redundant due to Labours lack of control of the economy.... He would completely disagree with you.


Labour, UKIP, and the Liberal democrats would have you believe the opposite of course.

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Daughter is counting the votes , she has been doing the postal ones this week and said just with the postal vote it's to close to call, Doncaster have always been labour

I think you would do well to keep anything she tells you in confidence to be honest. Not trying to be confrontational just a friendly word of advice.

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Vote Conservative to continue the good work Cameron has been doing to get this country back on its feet and great again after abject state Labour left it in.


Only the conservatives can give us a referendum on Europe, tackle Immigration issues (which many seem concerned about,) safeguard Jobs, Industry and the Health Service, continue to reduce unemployment, and crime.


For Gods sake don't let Labour and the SNP in through the back door. :no:


The Conservatives only promised a referendum if they got a majority I believe?

They also promised a crackdown on immigration at the last election, they lied. It's higher than ever,

They also promised to reduce the National debt. It's higher as well.

Our local police station is closing. B&Q are in trouble, so is Tesco, zero hours contracts are increasing and the gap between minimum wage and a living wage is increasing.

The richest section of society is getting richer quicker, the poorest are getting poorer quicker still.

Vote for the Conservatives? Not a bloody hope. I don't want labour either but I'll make up my own mind how I vote thanks.

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The sanctions system for esa and jobseekers and deaths involved, the change from ib to esa, bedroom tax, change to pip, the cuts in support and social care, my partner is a learning disability nurse and the amount of people who have cracked and tried to off themselves is crazy. I myself was in receipt of ib and now get nothing. The worst thing is all these new systems and cuts have cost more to implement than what they are supposed to save as well.


Im realy glad your relatives are ok because alot of people aren't

Timmytrees got it right^

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The wife and I decided to have a good old drive out and about today as it seemed reasonable weather and we must have covered about 150 miles in total just cruising along. In all of the years that I have seen general elections I have never seen so few political posters in peoples gardens ECT. I only saw >> 2 x Green 1 x Labour (A big one) 0 x Liberal a couple of Cons but a fair few UKIP. This has no link to how people might vote on the day but to me it seems as if there is a massive apathy to even engage with this process. I wonder how many people will actually bother to turn out and how this will effect the process whereby in certain areas Cons or Lab will would nearly always win even if they put a baboon up as the party candidate.

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Not much point in voting in the North East ...Labour stronghold, always has been and always will be. Do like UKIP though...

we will see, Ian wright may just get the shock of his life thanks to what he has allowed to happen to our hospital.



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Dave will fight our corner re, The EU. :lol::no: . What, like the rebate fiasco a few months back when we had the little matter of the bill received from Brussels. He finished up getting it reduced by accepting a reduction in our rebate.

Did it go something like "I will NOT be paying that bill on tuesday"? And then paid it on friday instead.

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people have short minds ,couple of weeks off week without pay when the economy collapsed.the miners voted to take redundancy maggie didnt close em down.labour sold our gold reserves to india for bottom dollar<thanks mr brown>.labour allowed 5/6 million illegals to come here and posted a memo saying how theyd get the votes cos of benefits and housing .they left the HA HA NO money left note.the national debt always goes ballistic when the half commies get in .millipuppet the spitting image doll never got to meet Obama as the yanks think he,s as statesman like as a wet lettuce.sorry folks the choice is simple ,more of the same from the torys or another recession from the labour/snp mess.remember MS Sturgeon is still a member of the communist party and when she closes rosyth /faslane 5000 scots will be unemployed .be careful what you wish for you might get it :hmm:

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I voted conservative.


Unfortunately just saying "no" to the EU juggernaut doesn't mean that's the end of it. Having sat at many negotiation's while serving as a union rep for our workforce, you learn very quickly that it means give and take and you try to do the greatest good for the greatest number. Another important lesson is, don't kill the goose that lays the golden egg. Some members on this forum don't seem to realise WE ARE BROKE. Call me Dave might have reneged on pre election promises, but he is teamed up with the wet left . Unless someone has the minutes from the meetings, who here can positively know the reason . Being part of a coalition means you don't get to do everything you want.


However, I'm not entirely happy with the Conservatives. They shafted my industry with the EU FTL's . UKIP were the only politicians on our side and voted with us. The new FTL's are dangerous and NASA and scientific opinion back that up. It was a political fudge pure and simple. Unfortunately UKIP will not get into power so that leaves Labour...no thank you.



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Interested to know why you think it is useful?


After building their 'party' up as the next big thing, realising that on Friday there will have 0 MPs again needs a positive twist, don't you think? They have already started talking about 2020...

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I voted conservative.


However, I'm not entirely happy with the Conservatives. They shafted my industry with the EU FTL's . UKIP were the only politicians on our side and voted with us. The new FTL's are dangerous and NASA and scientific opinion back that up. It was a political fudge pure and simple. Unfortunately UKIP will not get into power so that leaves Labour...no thank you.



So let me get this straight,the Tories shafted your industry.UKIP were the only ones on your side and voted with you.


So you shafted the people who helped you and voted for the ones that shafted you.


Do you have many friends? :lol:

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After building their 'party' up as the next big thing, realising that on Friday there will have 0 MPs again needs a positive twist, don't you think? They have already started talking about 2020...

Oh look a bit of spin from the UKIP haters,how novel.

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Daughter is counting the votes , she has been doing the postal ones this week and said just with the postal vote it's to close to call, Doncaster have always been labour


That`s very interesting. Hard to imagine Ed losing his seat but I shall do my best to help him on his way with a vote for UKIP.

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Oh look a bit of spin from the UKIP haters,how novel.


I am sorry. I did not know I was not allowed to make predictions other than the ones officially endorsed by farce's 'party'. I can see enough predictions stating '18% and 16 MP's' or thereabouts, but once you read a prediction (that's all anyone can make at the moment, unless they possess magical powers) that they do not like they are immediately tarnished. Typical...

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I am sorry. I did not know I was not allowed to make predictions other than the ones officially endorsed by farce's 'party'. I can see enough predictions stating '18% and 16 MP's' or thereabouts, but once you read a prediction (that's all anyone can make at the moment, unless they possess magical powers) that they do not like they are immediately tarnished. Typical...

You spout the same old rhetoric over and over,do you never get bored?

Nice try thought trying to turn it on the poster so you look like the downtrodden soul.


Pity no one believes you. :)

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You spout the same old rhetoric over and over,do you never get bored?

Nice try thought trying to turn it on the poster so you look like the downtrodden soul.


Pity no one believes you. :)


I express my opinion, which has not changed. Just because you do not believe in free thought (as you have proven time and again) it does not mean that the rest of us should not be afforded such a thing. Come back on Friday, I am interested in what you will have to say then. As I said, until then we all can make predictions, express opinions and share our wishes or fears. Until Friday, you can keep living the dream, until the realities of what will happen wake you up...whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.C4o9Gkz38P.gi

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So let me get this straight,the Tories shafted your industry.UKIP were the only ones on your side and voted with you.


So you shafted the people who helped you and voted for the ones that shafted you.


Do you have many friends? :lol:


Yes that's right, I voted for the party I believe will do the most good, for the most people in this Country. Narrow self interest and a desire to give the Conservatives a kicking will do more harm to our economy and people who work for a living, than the fleeting self satisfaction I get through petty revenge. There is more than one issue here and I think that voters will recognise this.


UKIP I suspect voted with us through the simple desire to give the EU a kicking. Had we been trying to get EASA FTL's, then I suspect things might have been different.


I do have friends. People who served with me and had my back when we got into tight situations. I trust them with my life, and they me. I have friends who are civvies. I don't trust them with my life, so I don't really count them as true friends...but thanks for asking. ;)



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I wish i really understood politics, reading this debate is like watching football supporters chanting for their team,

I really don't like any of the above, yet i feel obliged to vote,


I remember saying to a friend about 7 years ago…we are going to pay for this..at the time ,we had work coming out of our ears , what with new schools being built around here, and many other big projects where on the go...

the sad thing was..we had bad management at the top.. things may have looked great , simply because things where being built, but those things need paying for, we simply built to much to quick, and the under management in this country is not up to standard


we are a greedy nation, we actually have better standards than most other countries, and we do have a lot of lazy people in this country, yes there are some genuine people who need help, and they rightly should get that,

but we have hospitals, that get filled with drunks on a friday and saturday night, we have drug addicts who steel to feed their habit, …so we poured all that money into new schools only to see many young people loosing the will to live, or getting their 15 minutes of fame on the jeremy kylie show …don't get me started on that lot...


do we hold no responsibility to how good the country should be, are we that weak, we just shout from the side line...


at the moment, i am, or should i say, me and the good lady are starting a new business, we have very little money, some great ideas that will be achieved through bloody hard work, and long long hours, we are retraining ourselves, and putting every spare penny and minute into the business, there is only ever going to be one person to look after you…and thats you...


i'm honestly not sure i want to vote this time…..

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Never voted in 30 years but me and the wife will be going UKIP.


How on earth the polls says its neck and neck between the Cons and Lab I do not know.


Some people have short memories.


If it all turns to **** at least we have an exit plan.

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Jasper3, you don't really need to understand politics, all you need to understand is what is most important to you, what are the main issues that you are concerned about.


Then have a look at the BBC website, or something similar, where they have a summary of all the party manifestos and put your X next to the one that speaks to you the most.


Traditionally the Tories are most business friendly, wish to have a smaller government and civil service, a smaller welfare bill and less tax burden, they are probably very mildly anti EU. Some see that as favouring the rich, cutting public services and preying on the most vulnerable.


Labor traditionally favoured the blue collar manual workers, wish to have a larger government and civil service, increase the level of welfare and have more progressive taxation, i.e. taxing the better off more to pay for it all, they are pro EU. Some see that as being anti business, being overly bureaucratic, promoting welfare and being against anything they see as privileged.


Despite what all the talk on these discussions has been it is a choice between the two in terms of who will have the most influence in government. If you have particularly strong feelings that one of the other minor parties support then follow you conscience, otherwise vote for what you think is best, whether that be for your own interests or the bigger picture.

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