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Fisherman Mike

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Vote Conservative to continue the good work Cameron has been doing to get this country back on its feet and great again after abject state Labour left it in.


Only the conservatives can give us a referendum on Europe, tackle Immigration issues (which many seem concerned about,) safeguard Jobs, Industry and the Health Service, continue to reduce unemployment, and crime.


For Gods sake don't let Labour and the SNP in through the back door. :no:


No thanks Mike me and mine will be voting UKIP ...... we need MPs who will talk for the people.

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If I wasn't driving I would of got you one :)



Aww you should have turned round and gone back, I would have if I'd seen the Labour pink bus having a tyre change by a man, or a Tory dressed in stockings and dogging in a lay by. :yes:

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Could one be mistaken Mike, for thinking you have started this thread to divert attention from having to email Caroline Stephens in yet another typically Tory diversionary tactic after the handgun ruse was seen for what it was? Why am I so cynical when it comes to the Tories I wonder?

Not long now....don't forget to vote. :)

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I'm Voting UKIP as well this Thursday. Get this muppet Cameron out once an for all.

Is the right answer.cant wait for thursday daughter is voting for 1st time UKIP for her, wife is voting for the first time in many years UKIP for her too.


this is for you camemoron lovers you can sing it Friday morning






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No, does anyone know how many actual Tory, Labour, Lib Dem. SNP, Green Mp's there might be come Friday?

Don't be defensive, not every comment is a UKIP-bashing one. What I'm asking is (with the knowledge of marginal seats that there may be), is there an estimate of any likely winners?

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Don't be defensive, not every comment is a UKIP-bashing one. What I'm asking is (with the knowledge of marginal seats that there may be), is there an estimate of any likely winners?

Sometimes no answer is the right answer.


Is the right answer.cant wait for thursday daughter is voting for 1st time UKIP for her, wife is voting for the first time in many years UKIP for her too.


this is for you camemoron lovers you can sing it Friday morning






I cant imagine for one minute you would let her vote otherwise Kw :whistling:




Aww you should have turned round and gone back, I would have if I'd seen the Labour pink bus having a tyre change by a man, or a Tory dressed in stockings and dogging in a lay by. :yes:

Steady now this is Gloucestershire not Essex.


Could one be mistaken Mike, for thinking you have started this thread to divert attention from having to email Caroline Stephens in yet another typically Tory diversionary tactic after the handgun ruse was seen for what it was? Why am I so cynical when it comes to the Tories I wonder?

Not long now....don't forget to vote. :)

Why do I need to email her .? I can go and see her any time I please ;)

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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Don't be defensive, not every comment is a UKIP-bashing one. What I'm asking is (with the knowledge of marginal seats that there may be), is there an estimate of any likely winners?


Not being defensive at all.


It seems clear from all the polls, commentariat opinion, political opinion and media opinion that nobody can call any of the results in any of the marginals. The whole thing seems to have them baffled.


Sticking my head above the parapet, I'll go for 5 seats, a 16% share of the vote, and just as importantly a huge amount of second places, some very close, which I think could well be spread all over the country.

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Don't be defensive, not every comment is a UKIP-bashing one. What I'm asking is (with the knowledge of marginal seats that there may be), is there an estimate of any likely winners?

All the analysis that I have seen based on lots of polls suggests 1 with 2 at a push.


Same analysis suggests Tories with an 8-10 seat lead over Labour making them the largest party.


All depends if they can secure votes from the majority of the house at the queens speech.

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Vote Conservative to continue the good work Cameron has been doing to get this country back on its feet and great again after abject state Labour left it in.


Only the conservatives can give us a referendum on Europe, tackle Immigration issues (which many seem concerned about,) safeguard Jobs, Industry and the Health Service, continue to reduce unemployment, and crime.


For Gods sake don't let Labour and the SNP in through the back door. :no:


+1 :good:

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I recently saw a debate on tv with Ed Miliband saying "There will be no deals with the SNP"


Now I know that it wouldn't be the first , second or the thousandth time a MP goes back on their word , but surely with the loss of seats in Scotland Labour will have it hard to beat the cons ?


I think in my area it's a traditional labour area so voting cons to keep labour out might be pointless.


I just wish UKIP had it together a bit more, I think the EU and unskilled immigration are very important issues but don't believe immigrants are the 100% cause of all issues as is sometimes portrayed.


They might be getting my vote based of those big issues however plus to "shake things up".

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Not being defensive at all.


It seems clear from all the polls, commentariat opinion, political opinion and media opinion that nobody can call any of the results in any of the marginals. The whole thing seems to have them baffled.


Sticking my head above the parapet, I'll go for 5 seats, a 16% share of the vote, and just as importantly a huge amount of second places, some very close, which I think could well be spread all over the country.

I'll go 6, and a bit more % 18 maybe 20, hoping they get more seats though

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Only the conservatives can lie about giving us a referendum on Europe, lie about tackling Immigration issues (which many seem concerned about,) safeguard Jobs for the boys, Industry and the Health Service, continue to massage the unemployment figures, and be soft on crime.


For Gods sake don't let Labour and the SNP in through the back door. :no: vote for the only party that will keep it's promises vote UKIP


Fixed that for you Mike :rolleyes:

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Fisherman mike I actually agree with you! I would like an alternative but after the balls-up Labour made last time (Balls has recently written out cheques that bounced - excellent for a prospective Chancellor eh?) and no viable alternative it's 'call me Dave' again for my family.

Cheers. :yes:

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Daughter is counting the votes , she has been doing the postal ones this week and said just with the postal vote it's to close to call, Doncaster have always been labour

Hartlepool is the same as I have said before labour are going to have some brown trouser moments in some supposed safe seats.




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Nope got suckered into voting cons last time. I wouldnt of minded them so much if we were all in this together instead its the people at the bottom getting robbed. the things they have done to the disabled, people with mental health problems that need support, jobless are criminal you just dont hear about that stuff on the news

Edited by pimpkiller
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