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Some hunters giving true hunters a bad name again

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Commie rag helping the new shadow Defra madwoman spread her agenda.its only a couple of days since the article making deerstalkers out to be raving nut jobs.the antis have started the propaganda war against shooting and its only going to get more personal and nasty.what next i reckon the fluffy foxes will be front page news???this isnt going away.Packham king of bile on the BBC and now the mirror going all out to make shooting people as evil and out of control.

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Hysterical nonsense from the Mirror, what else do you expect?


The true story of what is happening in Gloucestershire is the antis are constantly breaking the law, trespass, criminal damage, and intimidation. Its not just about badgers its about country life, most of the anti's round our way have brummy accents. Due to social media and the fools that believe the rubbish put on it, the antis are scrounging funds from the innocent to provide inner city yobs with something to do out in the countryside. Smashing gates, highseats, pheasant feeders, in matter of fact anything they think is related to shooting and the police seem to be reluctant to arrest as they feel some bad behaviour is allow in a protest ?

The funds the sabs scrounge in the name of old brock are supposed to fuel vehicles and supply night vision equipment but really its financing a 6 week holiday of thuggery for those with nothing better to do. For a bunch of vegans how come they leave so many big mac and macdonald wrappers in each and every gateway, sure the organisers may have principles but they don't care about the soldiers they recruit.

Edited by Redgum
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So we have a story where the Mirror demonises legal culling, where the shooters would have had permission and have been commissioned to undertake a night time cull on private ground, and then these animal rights nutters publicly admit that they would have intervened to prevent the shot had they been there when it was taking place? They further admit to using NV kit for night time patrolling, so what we can reasonably assume from this is that the animals rights activists are, by their own admission;


  • Trespassing
  • Threatening aggravated trespass which is a criminal offence carrying a custodial sentence.

S68 of the Public Order Act 1994 has made it a criminal offence to trespass and disrupt or obstruct the lawful activities of others, or to intimidate and deter others from their lawful activity. Intent to disrupt has to be proved.


By their own admission, the muppets in that story have admitted their intent to disrupt a lawful activity and have openly admitted trespass or the intent to trespass for the purpose of obstructing a legal activity. The story should have been how those muppets were shopped and arrested once this evidence came to light, but instead we have the usual sensationalist rubbish.

Edited by Savhmr
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..... and when the activists start preaching on how much the cull has cost. Policing which has to be put in place to protect these muppets and try and allow this legal project to take place safely, £60.000 in smash traps that the activists openly admit and it goes on. Now for how humane the cull is, antis are sitting on sets and in many cases the badgers are laying up rather than returning to setts as the antis probably smell worse than the cull operatives. All the disturbance has cause so much unnecessary stress to old brock making humane dispatch even more difficult. So what do they want to achieve, boycott buying milk from uk farms so retailers buy from Europe where badgers are not protected, and as for the vegans, do they really believe that the food they buy hasn't seen animals harmed in someway, insecticides and pest control. And the antis called themselves the educated ones ?

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