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Would you want to shoot with someone like this ??


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The use of a shotgun as a bat to dispatch the wounded bird demonstrates shocking gun handling, but as distasteful as it may be it was also hugely effective. Certainly not something i liked to see however.


As for the decoying, it's only different in the number of guns involved.

he took the birds head clean off with his barrel never ever seen anything like that in my life, and if I did he would be walking off the land back to his car in an instant and never coming back

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That's bad, there is a video that I have seen with guys surrounding an old house in the snow and obviously caged pheasants are pushed through a hole in the roof one at a time and get hammered from all directions , not good

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Playing devils advocate, Apart from the number of guns in one hide (dangerous) what is so different to decoying wood pigeon?


I have yet to see someone bat the head off a pigeon with their barrel :hmm:

Edited by fenboy
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A lot of presumptions being made here. You have no idea who these guys are or who they vote for. Who are you voting for? They eat hamburgers? ???? So. They shoot birds? ??? So. They shoot birds from a hide? ???? So. One, one of them did something silly while out shooting? ???? So what.

You are right about some of the assumptions, but they are (self-named) professional guides, by that I assume they mean they do if for money rather than for any other definition of professional, and they made and presented that video as a showcase for what they do. That surely speaks volumes about the level of respect they show the cranes and to each other. I couldn't care less what they eat, who the vote for or what they do but I can and do judge them by how they do it.

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I think there is agreement across the board that clubbing the bird with the gun was bad.


Is a team of guns standing up in a hide to shoot the decoyed birds also objectionable?


If it is then why? Is it because the number of guns in the fake hay bale? is it because there are multiple shooters targeting the same bird?


In terms of welfare for the bird, is multiple strikes not better as it's much less likely to be painfully wounded?

Edited by grrclark
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If the shooter despatching the wounded bird had used a 'priest' or a heavy stick rather than his shotgun, would there have been any objections to the video?

yes I believe so. Just because they are not killing the way others like to kill they are scum , typical yanks and idiots. I must admit I would find no joy in shooting any quarry in that manner as it just is not my thing, but I will not judge anyone who does as this would seem very hypocritical as apart from the swinging gun dispatch and the number of guns in one hide it's not really much different from any decoy session.
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If the shooter despatching the wounded bird had used a 'priest' or a heavy stick rather than his shotgun, would there have been any objections to the video?


Not from me there wouldn't , I cannot say the way they shoot multiple guns in hides is my bag but that's the way they like to do things which is fair enough.

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If the shooter despatching the wounded bird had used a 'priest' or a heavy stick rather than his shotgun, would there have been any objections to the video?

I'll fully accept that I'm not being completely stone-cold logical as the outcome was swift and pretty decisive, but yes I would still have an objection if he took a running swipe with a stick or priest rather than a shotgun. Doing it with a shotgun is wrong with no exceptions in my eyes, but so is the attitude conveyed by his actions.


Shooting is pretty brutal when all said and done, but to me there is a difference between accepting the brutality and revelling in it - in the same way I enjoy watching a good boxing bout but wouldn't like to watch a drunken fist fight outside Wetherspoons.

Edited by FalconFN
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If the shooter despatching the wounded bird had used a 'priest' or a heavy stick rather than his shotgun, would there have been any objections to the video?


Almost certainly not, but the thing that the others seem not to have articulated yet is that one's attitude towards one's quarry and fellow hunters is as important as achieving a clean kill / quick despatch.


The chap swinging his gun at the crane showed no respect to himself, his fellow hunters or the animals by despatching the bird in such a gung-ho (and frankly dangerous) way and it is that to which people rightly object. A priest would have been a far safer tool for the job, but to go the other way for a second, if the only important feature of hunting / culling cranes is to kill the birds as quickly as possible, why did they choose to shoot them with shotguns and not simply machine-gun them or mine the decoys and blow them to bits with explosives?


As the "hunters" (I use the word advisedly) in the video clearly demonstrate, they wanted the birds either to eat or as trophies, and either way, in my book, if they gain that "advantage" from taking the lives of the cranes, the cranes deserve a degree of respect for affording it to them. I can see from the responses here that others agree.

Edited by neutron619
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yes I believe so. Just because they are not killing the way others like to kill they are scum , typical yanks and idiots. I must admit I would find no joy in shooting any quarry in that manner as it just is not my thing, but I will not judge anyone who does as this would seem very hypocritical as apart from the swinging gun dispatch and the number of guns in one hide it's not really much different from any decoy session.

i agree it would be hypocritical because we are all shooters, but I have never shot in a hide with 11 guys right next me jumping up and all shooting at the same time it would make feel very uneasy and unsafe and would turn down the chance to, it just isn',t my thing either and never will be, in fact It wouldn,t surprise me if the end of someone's barrels get blown off or even worse someone's head in a future trip

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