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Garage floor paint


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After a bit of help regarding the above, just built a garage approximately 4x4 metres with a concrete slab wondering what paint to go for with 2 pack and epoxy in the equations or are the typical screwfix paints OK? Sooner pay a bit more for good finish etc. Also how long does concrete need to dry before applying, its about 125 mm thick. Thanks

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Normally need to leave concrete a couple of weeks to get thoroughly dry, then apply a sealer before putting the paint down.

Normally use two coats of paint, applied with as short a gap between as feasible.

Most 2-pack paints are pretty good, to be honest. If you're not painting a car park, then you probably wouldn't notice the difference. Just make sure you prepare the surface properly.


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Is parking stuff with tyres long term it will lift imo old mans garage was properly done but trailer and car stored in there lifted the paint under the tyres after a few weeks then the seal is broken and it gets worse.....


Fine if your happy to reprint regularly!

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When you think it's dry leave a bucket on the surface overnight, if the concrete doesn't change to a darker colour under the bucket then it's dry. We were always taught to allow one month per inch to fully cure a floor slab. Paint it too soon and it will never dry, well not until the paint has peeled off


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I might wait for it to dry then just seal it with PVA, Save's all that peeling and re painting.

Don't do that... It will just peel off.

The problem with paint is the heat off tyres when you drive,it softens it.If you want to seal it and keep the dust down use a spirit based stabiliser and give it two coats.


This will do the job


Edited by fielddweller
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Ours lasted 7 years before the wear points were back to concrete, it didn't peel just rubbed away, Mainly in the door way and natural turning point to move around the garage, it also wore on the lip of the main garage door (probably due to tyre rub)


We had a professional company come out to inspect and repaint last October. Safe to say it was lethal in the wet (gloss effect) and has now started to peel away in massive strips.


the paint supplier sent a rep out and his conclusion was It was painted when there was moisture in the air and its affected the adhesion, safe to say we had a full refund and they are coming back out in June to redo it.

i asked about the gloss effect and was told it should rub down (it hasn't yet!)


I knew i should have done the same as next door and used Wickes floor paint and a roller, his is still perfect!!!! and only cost about £100.

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Johnnyoftheboy is correct polish it.


Or remove the top if you are adamant about painting it, I bought a house that was 9 years old the garage floor had never had a car in it, used for storage so no oil stains. I brushed it lots of times with a stiff brush to remove any latents then soft brush and industrial vacuumed it a few times. Bought industrial floor paint applied two coats over the whole floor exactly as recommended and added another coat where the car tyres would run as extra wear protection. Left it a couple of weeks to cure during summer.


Put car in every night for a few weeks, went on holiday for a fortnight. Next time we moved the car the paint lifted from under the tyres. Any scuffing on the floor and paint came away.


I should have removed the top layer before finishing.


Or had a resin screed put down.


For my new house I've bought two rolls of garage floor vinyl from Costco,looks like chequer plate. Will never paint a floor again.


Timps on the forum is a very knowledgable chap on laid floors.

Edited by figgy
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I used screwfix no nonsense stuff as it's cheap, it's still there doing it thing all this time after, and I use my garage for actual garage stuff, not just storing a car


One thing I recommend is painting it all in one go, I tried the paint half then shift all the **** over method and because of the temperature difference on the nights I painted it, once half is lovely and shiny and the other is Matt.

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I like the look of this, what do you do where the garage door is to stop them lifting, is there a trim that goes on top??

You can buy a weather strip that seals against the floor to stop window water from entering under the door, this can also be used to fixed the leading edge of the flooring.


This is exactly what I'm going to do with mine.

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