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Considered advice please.

old man

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Ok then, solutions please.


I am struggling to hit the clays with my present gun, being a rifle shooter I suffer from the usual problems and sometimes struggle with consistent gun mount, however i seem to be able to have better success with both a

Winchester Red SA and a £2800 Miroku O/U.


So I measured the old Baikal mod 27 which performs faultlessly but presumably does'n seem to fit me well?

When mounted it seems to shoulder very low giving me a sight picture of all of the rib and the rear end of the action, I have to lift the butt considerably to obtain the desired picture of rib/bead.

I measured it up yesterday and have;

Length to heel....14. 1/8"

Length to cent butt....14"

Length to toe....14.1/4"

Drop to comb....2.7/16"

Drop to heel....2.5/8"

Cast at comb....7/8"

Cast at face....1"

Cast at heel....5/8"

Approximately if correct?


I have experimented with fitting a 3/8" stock extender and also a comb raiser sleeve, neither gave any better result.


So? before I start the hunt most likely with Wabbitbosher, ideas and comments please.


Don't want to spend too much due to sporadic use.

Edited by old man
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Shotgun shooters adapt to rifles far easier than rifle shooters do to shotguns . It is not an uncommon problem and most times it is down to two main points . Stance and mount . Untill you adapt your stance then you can not mount consistently or correctly.I would suggest that you need to speak to an experienced coach regarding this as otherwise you may be spending money unnecessarily ,or find that a gun you purchase does not suit when you do adapt . Not being big headed her but I have solved this problem more than once with a few minutes coaching and some practice by the client . Once you get your stance right mount will come start with the gun held right hand at shoulder height left hand ear height so you mount with the gun pointing up at about 45* rather than level . I find this gives you a better position on the shoulder and puts the gun to your face in the correct position .Another practice tip is to stand weight on left foot and right foot behind with just the toe on the ground , this will give you a better position to swing from the hips as opposed to the square on rifle stance you are more used to .


Opposite to every thing if left handed

Edited by Gunman
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The last advice is perhaps the best. If your 'aiming' the gun then that is part of your problem. Look at the bird and keep looking at the bird and if the gun does fit then it should automatically mount and point where your brain/eyes are telling it to go. I see many shooters who plaster their shotguns with all the latests 'illuminated' sighting systems up the barrels and these are no help if your not looking at the target. My view and may be confronted by others, but after some 60 plus years of shooting shotgun at clays and game with some success, that is the way I do it. Shot driven partridge and pheasants yesterday with a team of 410 shooters. I killed 18 birds for 32 shots, a couple second barrelled to make sure and I cannot ever remember looking at the gun/barrel. This was a standard 30 inch Yilditz O/U with no alterations to the stock and no fancy sighting systems.

The measurements you give are relatively meaningless. You need to see a professional stocker who can put a try gun on you and shoot a few clays with it and then he can advise you about what stock will fit your frame.

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Thanks for the replies so far guys, will recheck the cast dimensions and measuring datum..


I had a session with a BASC coach but he's out of the country at present.


A guy whose guns I tried checked my mount and stance at the time, he is an excellent shooter, I think his guns have 30" barrels but unfortunately he's sick at present.

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At the risk of being shouted down by the purists. Have you considered pre-mounting? I do so for most of my clay shooting. Mount, pick your kill point and then wind back to your pick up point. Call pull, track and kill.


Obviously it''s not a solution for live game but for clays it certainly can work. If you're still missing after trying this method then maybe it's a gun fit issue.

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Old Man having seen you shoot I doubt your stance is a massive issue the length of pull and drop measurements you have given seem massively out to me 14 3/4" and 11/2"/2"

Drops would have been closer to where I think you'd be. Don't hold me to those figures it's been a little while if your down my way pop in I'll happily sort you out some dimensions to look for.

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The last advice is perhaps the best. If your 'aiming' the gun then that is part of your problem. Look at the bird and keep looking at the bird and if the gun does fit then it should automatically mount and point where your brain/eyes are telling it to go. I see many shooters who plaster their shotguns with all the latests 'illuminated' sighting systems up the barrels and these are no help if your not looking at the target. My view and may be confronted by others, but after some 60 plus years of shooting shotgun at clays and game with some success, that is the way I do it. Shot driven partridge and pheasants yesterday with a team of 410 shooters. I killed 18 birds for 32 shots, a couple second barrelled to make sure and I cannot ever remember looking at the gun/barrel. This was a standard 30 inch Yilditz O/U with no alterations to the stock and no fancy sighting systems.

The measurements you give are relatively meaningless. You need to see a professional stocker who can put a try gun on you and shoot a few clays with it and then he can advise you about what stock will fit your frame.


Agree with most of this but don't go and see a stock maker see a gun fitter they are not the same thing.

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Old Man having seen you shoot I doubt your stance is a massive issue the length of pull and drop measurements you have given seem massively out to me 14 3/4" and 11/2"/2"

Drops would have been closer to where I think you'd be. Don't hold me to those figures it's been a little while if your down my way pop in I'll happily sort you out some dimensions to look for.

Thank you Sir, Have yet to recheck the dimensions, probably tomorrow.

Had you still been local I would have been in to see you ages ago.

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