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I now that a lot of people on here do not agree with my way of looking at things as I do not except the usual media way of looking at things is always rite but I am finding it harder and harder as the saying goes to sort the wheat from the chaff.


As I see it there is not very often a definitive way of looking at things one TV or a Radio channel will tell you one thing and another the opposite and as often as not even people that you would expect to now the truth are only saying the version that they heard first.


Then you will get people in top jobs who we like to think that we can trust but for this or that reason maybe they have a family history that puts them on one side or the other it could be religion or colour add to that the PC media with its own agendas I am getting to the point where I just do not trust any of them just to tell it like it is.

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I've just about given up with the news these days.

Mainly through our Islamic friends in various parts of the world killing and maiming at will.

Pretty much every news programme starts with one of these stories and I'm at saturation point with it all,so as soon as the news starts and it's the same old story the t.v.off switch gets a quick prod.

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They only tell you what they want you to know!


Some are incredibly biased, for various reason. Just look at the German New Years sexual assault carried out heavily by migrants, tried to hush it up.


If people look closely at migration and ignore race etc the very rich who make loads from it by keeping wages low and their firms in profit.


The media either wants you to blame the migrants or tell you your a racist! Never any mention of those pulling the strings making billions whilst everyone else "tightens their belt". All smoke and mirrors!

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They only tell you what they want you to know!

Some are incredibly biased, for various reason. Just look at the German New Years sexual assault carried out heavily by migrants, tried to hush it up.

If people look closely at migration and ignore race etc the very rich who make loads from it by keeping wages low and their firms in profit.

The media either wants you to blame the migrants or tell you your a racist! Never any mention of those pulling the strings making billions whilst everyone else "tightens their belt". All smoke and mirrors!

Very well said, and all you say is true.

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Take the BBC for instance they are nothing more than a propaganda tool for the coverment otherwise they would have been privertized years ago. They treat us like mushrooms, keep us in the dark and feed us ****.

BBC pretty much have always leaned towards Labour politically.

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The British public have been lied to as much as any nation in history, nothing new here. Invasion by Germany? Not a chance and Churchill knew it - but that did not stop the Government from persuading the general public that it was imminent - people fight hardest when they believe that their back is against the wall.

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Bbc news mostly promotes it's own shows ( who won strictly / apprentice ) which isn't news.

Sky promote non news stories ( child loses toy to bigger child, bigger child finds toy boring so gives it back ) ( China v USA sub)

Reuters or Al Jazerra I find to be unbiased, the former is a global news channel.

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BBC pretty much have always leaned towards Labour politically.

The BBC always say that they do not tell there reporters / presenters what to say or what line to take but what they do is if you do not have the BBC frame of mind then you will not get a job on the big network they are screened out on the local radio.

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There was a point in time when there was nothing else in the news apart from the economic collapse in Greece (Portugal, Ireland and Spain) and dead refugees washing up all round Europe.


Then as a Country we were on the conveyor belt for the EU referendum and almost over night all of those stories (as well as others concerning Cologne etc) dried up over night.


Go figure.

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There was a point in time when there was nothing else in the news apart from the economic collapse in Greece (Portugal, Ireland and Spain) and dead refugees washing up all round Europe.


Then as a Country we were on the conveyor belt for the EU referendum and almost over night all of those stories (as well as others concerning Cologne etc) dried up over night.


Go figure.

More migrants are coming now than ever before. They just don't want to publicise it.

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To be perfectly honest I take little notice of the news nowadays.


I have industry-specific news (for work) emailed to me every day, and other than that I figure if a story is big enough it will find its way to me.


I gave up on Radio 4 years ago, I started literally hating the Today Programme and wondering why I was always angry in the mornings.


Since I switched to 6 Music I'm a lot happier.


As I have no interest in the doings of 'reality' celebrities or who's won the latest singing/baking/competitive ballroom dancing competitions, if I want a global take on things I go Al Jazeera.

Edited by Thunderbird
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I'll watch the news headlines but if there's nothing to catch my eye I'll turn off the tv.

I don't care about the plight of refugees nor the wars that caused them, simply because I can do nothing about either.

If images of dead children washed up on beaches or dragged limp from flattened buildings, or sitting stunned, dusty and bloodied in the back of an ambulance does nothing more than inspire the daily 'outraged' to urge everyone to join their online petition by pressing a button, then what can I do about it?

Our heads of state condemn this and deplore that and spout about never letting such outrages occur again, and again, and again, and again......

I really couldn't care less.

The BBC has its own agenda, just like everyone else.

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The "news" is influenced by and relayed via a controlled media, to the world by powerful people, organisations, governments who put their own slant on things, for their own purposes in order to influence and garner support from an ill informed and ignorant (mislead) public in order to further their own agenda and/or interests. Some people believe "new labour" invented "spin"? Nope! it's just another word for the same old deliberate lies and misinformation we have been fed for years!


Take the "news" about the recent curtailing of the evacuation of Aleppo, the Assad regime was blamed in the media for breaking the ceasefire......but was it them? Or was it the Iranian militia? the Russians? The rebels? Or some other faction......how do we, the uninformed know?

But the West want rid of the Assad government, so it pumps out blanket "news" that it was his regime responsible! And the zealots and sheep in our ranks join in condemning those who they are lead to condemn!


The Arab spring was instigated by the West in order to get rid of Gaddaffi, Sadam and Assad et al, why? I don't know, but what I do believe is that the interference of the West has created a vacuum that will ultimately be filled by the rise of other tyrants to replace them....because the only way these Arab countries can be ruled is not by some pipe dream of a democracy the West can control, but through the fear and iron fist of tyrannical rule....the West cannot get what it wants, so it leaves these countries factions to slaughter one another whilst it sits back watching, crying crocodile tears and all the time pumping out more misinformation and propaganda, in order to turn the people's of the Western World against the old bogeyman.......Russia!


Do not believe anything you are told through any media....they are trying to control you!


Sounds paranoid? Well maybe!

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Agreed Panoma. All the lies over the middle east have proven to be lies, when America has no one else to blame they go after Russia.

Western media perpetuate the lies until people believe them to be true. I'd rather see Putin shaking hands with our Prime minister than Trump. Ask Putin what day it is and he will look at you like you are simple. Ask Trump and he would have to check with an aide.

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I've just about given up with the news these days.

Mainly through our Islamic friends in various parts of the world killing and maiming at will.

Pretty much every news programme starts with one of these stories and I'm at saturation point with it all,so as soon as the news starts and it's the same old story the t.v.off switch gets a quick prod.


Actually if you were to search a little and ignore the utter tripe that passes for news these days you'll find that much of the Muslim world is up in flames because of their peace loving Christian brothers :yes: .


Who destroyed Afghanistan ? Who lied about WMD and pretty much broke up Iraq allowing factions such as Isis to flourish ? Who deposed and bombed Libya into a lawless dysfunctional state ? Who manufactured the Syria war ? The US did ably assisted by its allies, all of which resulted in the mass exodus of war weary refugees. Russia assisted by Iran and to a lesser extent China has managed to push back the Western armed takfiri/wahabi/isis/child killing/head chopping/human heart eating scumbags AKA "friendly rebels" (such a lovely, endearing term). The news is right this minute lying to you by pretending the Syrian army are executing civilians who they spent months trying to rescue from terrorists who held them as human hostages. Why ? Because the war was manufactured for a reason (and that reason had nothing to do with Assad being a dictator) and they're livid their plans have been destroyed.

They only tell you what they want you to know!


Some are incredibly biased, for various reason. Just look at the German New Years sexual assault carried out heavily by migrants, tried to hush it up.


If people look closely at migration and ignore race etc the very rich who make loads from it by keeping wages low and their firms in profit.


The media either wants you to blame the migrants or tell you your a racist! Never any mention of those pulling the strings making billions whilst everyone else "tightens their belt". All smoke and mirrors!


How was it hushed up ? The news at some point was awash with these sorts of stories many of which were found to have been malicious and unfounded.

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Actually if you were to search a little and ignore the utter tripe that passes for news these days you'll find that much of the Muslim world is up in flames because of their peace loving Christian brothers :yes: .


Who destroyed Afghanistan ? Who lied about WMD and pretty much broke up Iraq allowing factions such as Isis to flourish ? Who deposed and bombed Libya into a lawless dysfunctional state ? Who manufactured the Syria war ? The US did ably assisted by its allies, all of which resulted in the mass exodus of war weary refugees. Russia assisted by Iran and to a lesser extent China has managed to push back the Western armed takfiri/wahabi/isis/child killing/head chopping/human heart eating scumbags AKA "friendly rebels" (such a lovely, endearing term). The news is right this minute lying to you by pretending the Syrian army are executing civilians who they spent months trying to rescue from terrorists who held them as human hostages. Why ? Because the war was manufactured for a reason (and that reason had nothing to do with Assad being a dictator) and they're livid their plans have been destroyed.


How was it hushed up ? The news at some point was awash with these sorts of stories many of which were found to have been malicious and unfounded.


Whilst I dont agree with the 'tar all Muslims with the same brush attitude' the middle east has been a basket case for the last 1000 years.

Who destroyed Afghanistan? - The country has been tribal warring since history began,with no western help,Im not saying we have helped,but to make out we have caused it is wrong.

Who broke up Iraq ? - Same tribal issues,brutally kept down by a ruthless dictator, did we make him gas people ,or invade Kuwait ?

Did the US really make a popular uprising in Syria develop into a full scale civil war? - thats a bit rich tbh,they may have capitalised on the opportunity,but it isnt really helping them is it ?

Russia on the other hand is loving it.

Trying to work out the aims of the superpowers is like swimming in treacle,pointless.

As long as you know that the news is not unbiased,or necessarily true,you wont go far wrong.

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What a strange strange place some of us live in :/. The news is out there for those that want it, more so today with social media. The difficulty is the volume and complexity. We all want to blame the baddies be they the EU, the BBC the other side those that we don't know. The world is complex and not the black and white simplistic place some of us hope for.

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Agree with the comments about Afghanistan.

Its been and always will be a country based on the tribal and feudal system. Its only when the West intervenes ( as England did in the 1800s ) and then Russia, America / us again that the country dissolves. Leave them alone, it works for them ?

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Whilst I dont agree with the 'tar all Muslims with the same brush attitude' the middle east has been a basket case for the last 1000 years.

1) Who destroyed Afghanistan? - The country has been tribal warring since history began,with no western help,Im not saying we have helped,but to make out we have caused it is wrong.

2) Who broke up Iraq ? - Same tribal issues,brutally kept down by a ruthless dictator, did we make him gas people ,or invade Kuwait ?

3) Did the US really make a popular uprising in Syria develop into a full scale civil war? - thats a bit rich tbh,they may have capitalised on the opportunity,but it isnt really helping them is it ?

Russia on the other hand is loving it.

Trying to work out the aims of the superpowers is like swimming in treacle,pointless.

As long as you know that the news is not unbiased,or necessarily true,you wont go far wrong.


1) No the ME hasn't been a basket case for the past 1000 years :

you'll find Europe has been though :) , WW1 - WW2 - (20 million dead in WW2 alone) naam, Korea, Afghanistan twice by you and at least once by Russia, map of ME drawn up largely after invasions by you, we won't even get into the genocide of natives by Europeans both in America and of course Australia (native Americans alone counts for some 80 million wiped out), Jewish holocaust is also a European abomination. Afghanistan was not a nirvana before the invaders and lets not forget Alexander either ;) but they have never attacked you or the West.


2) You set Iraq up as a country and were fine while he was killing and gassing Iranians and Kurds but once he'd served his useful purpose decided to invade his country which led to the troubles we witness today. Prior to the invasions they were a typical ME country ruled by a dictator, so what. The West made up the WMD it's common knowledge.


3) No popular uprising instead marches against their government (which happens all over the world including the West but then the ME countries don't go round arming these rebels and calling them freedom fighters). Assad won two elections, one immediately before and one after the troubles started. The press and media re lying to you, they want him out because he won't act like a good little puppet like Saudi for instance (who are the real sponsors of terrorism and head chopping dictators). If you don't believe me then FB tag me and you'll soon get to see real world clips of what is really happening in the world which is being either kept from you or spun, alternatively youtube or google and watch a few clips from both sides and then decide which one is more plausible.

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