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Merry Chrimbo or not


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Never being in this situation I don't understand how everyone gets so upset about the kids ect but seems to accept the situation as a done deal and just give up and not fight to save the marriage. After all the couple did work together to generate a home and A family. Goodness knows is long it would take to sort out my stuff. The wife of a bloke over the road left him (she just walked away and didn't want or took anything from him) and he is just an isolated loner now. Billy no mates comes to mind.

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I would only add that Christmas is a very stressful time for families. Perhaps it can be saved? People say things in the heat of the moment and it tumbles on for a week or so.


This is divorce lawyers busiest time of the year.


What I am trying to say is perhaps it is a combination of things that can be salvaged?


Been there, got the t-shirt & still married :good:

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That's pretty much how I'm feeling at the moment, trying to be grown up about it.


The length and tone of the post doesn't really show my true feelings, just wanted to save PW loads of emotional drivel 😉


We have 2 young children, I am absolutly gutted.


Thimgs hadn't been great recently but what marriage is 100% perfect.

It's a lot of years ago now and it wasn't Christmas, but I opened a letter from the local council in the mistake it was for me, only to find that my OH had been making inquiries about a council house back in her mothers hometown for her and our two very young children. We were going away on holiday later that day.

We carried on through good and bad times for another 15 years or so, and now it's me who is leaving her.

Work at it; only you will know if it's worth fighting for.

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I didn't drink for 6 months after my marriage fell apart..


Get advice from a solicitor on what to do...if she's gone for good get it all sorted with legal advice then you both know where you stand..I was devastated at the time but looking back it needed to happen..just be careful with your FAC and SGC put your guns with a RFD then there out of the way..saves any arguments that's what I did, got them back after my divorce was finalised..

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Thanks guys, brought a chuckle to me some of the the replies.


I'll be fighting to save the marriage with all my heart and feel there are many hours of talking ahead. At least then, I know in my head i've tried.


If that doesn't work, well there is plenty of good advice on the thread.

the best reply on the thread , and the very best way forward :good: .

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As already said get your refund for prezzies, put your guns away, someone has already kindly offered. You will be in a better place in less than 6 months. We have all been there and know if you do those things it will/could save you a lot more grief.


There is a post from someone with no experience and the first reply is from a battle hardened social worker haha

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I don't do divorce work (it's just not in me) but my guy who does, himself went through the mother of all divorces - it had everything; police, fighting in the streets, blackmail over the kids.


The good news is 6 years on he's found an absolute stunner and recently remarried and his kids are old enough now to joke about what a psycho the mum is.


However, at the time when it was happening his life was falling apart and the happy ending far from sight.


The problem is that in 95% of cases there's another person. People are inherently insecure and like monkeys they don't let go of a branch until grabbing hold of another.


It's that allure of the unreal in the new 'relationship' that squews everything.


Edited by Mungler
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I don't do divorce work (it's just not in me) but my guy who does, himself went through the mother of all divorces - it had everything; police, fighting in the streets, blackmail over the kids.


The good news is 6 years on he's found an absolute stunner and recently remarried and his kids are old enough now to joke about what a psycho the mum is.


However, at the time when it was happening his life was falling apart and the happy ending far from sight.


The problem is that in 95% of cases there's another person. People are inherently insecure and like monkeys they don't let go of a branch until grabbing hold of another.


It's that allure of the unreal in the new 'relationship' that squews everything.



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