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Claudio Ranieri.


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Who would be a football manager?


Last season Ranieri took a below average team to the Premiership title, one of the truly great team shocks in the history of sport. This season they have not done too well (apart from having a great chance to get to the quarter finals of the top European club competition) and now he has been sacked.


An ignominious end for a decent man. I blame player power.

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Since it's inception the club I support has yet to sack a manager. Previous ones have left of their own accord if the job was beyond them.

Once a club sells out to Sky and overseas investors it's just a business with scant regard for morals or loyalty

Vardy must be gutted he didn't go to Arsenal last summer, his value must have halved at least.

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I think it is a scandal and agree its the result of "player power".

He took average players (apart from about 3 of them) last season and got them playing above their ability level.

At the end of the season they lost one of the best 3 players and gave too large new contracts to a few of the others, who now think they are better than they are and don't have to try anymore.

Lets see who bother coming in for Vardy (reputed to be the main agitator) at the end of the season. :rolleyes:

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To be fair Kante had a buy out clause in his contract though. Leicester couldn't stop him going. They bought Mendy who is a similar type player, but he came injured and has never really performed.


There are no managers still in place who have won the PL since 2012. That shows how bad the game has got and there was one telling comment today in that you never see a director or player sacked mid-season when things aren't going right. It is always the manager.


A pox on Leicester City's owner.

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I think he picked up three million quid as part of his exit deal.


He has been treated appallingly though. It's that bad I hope Liverpool give Leicester a really good stuffing tonight.


Most soccer fans want to see the foxes relegated. They haven't won any fans because of the way the treated Claudio. We was a really nice, honest type of guy.

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