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Rant: Hotel breakfast sandwich makers


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I am delighted All Inclusive means the plebs are not cluttering my space up. Long may they continue. from Auntie. :good:

😀 We've done all inclusive a couple of times when the kids were younger. I don't mind being classed as a pleb, but we never nicked the sandwich fillings, or anything else for that matter.
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We generally used to take dried foods with us! Noodles, packet rices, dried potato etc. and when abroad just the local breads and salad stuff.


More recently I went half board "dinner bed and breakfast" and preferred it. No shopping for food, no having to cook etc. breakfast in the morning. Out all day "no lunch" and return in the evening for dinner, then a few drinks before an evening stroll and bed.


No need to take the proverbial.

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I remember watching this 6 1/2 foot German filling his thigh pockets with boiled eggs at a breakfast buffet on gran canaria. He didn't realise that there was a 4 1/2 foot Spanish waitress standing behind him, arms folded and not impressed.

Slowly, the dozen or so eggs were replaced.

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I remember watching this 6 1/2 foot German filling his thigh pockets with boiled eggs at a breakfast buffet on gran canaria. He didn't realise that there was a 4 1/2 foot Spanish waitress standing behind him, arms folded and not impressed.

Slowly, the dozen or so eggs were replaced.


Would have been nice to see her fill his pockets with Mayonnaise.

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In the 1990's, one of the companies that I worked for made the commemorative plaques for the "Dead Comics Society".


I attended the unveiling of the one for Frankie Howard, followed by a buffet lunch at the Hilton Park Lane.


As we were queuing up to fill our plates, I spotted that the chap in front of me was Harry Fowler, whom I recognised from "The Army Game", "Hue and Cry", "Doctor in Clover", "Angels One Five" amongst other 1950's TV shows and films.

He looked rather down on his luck and was wearing a threadbare mackintosh, which was fitted with poachers pockets on the inside.

He worked his way through the chicken drumsticks, the sandwiches, the quiches and topped it off with no less than 4 Cantaloupe melons, which were all tucked away in the coat.

He saw that I was watching him, winked and said "Well, you never know where your next meal is coming from" and sidled out.


By then, I guess that the roles had all dried up, but someone had remembered to invite him to the buffet!

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Mate was returning from a football match in the minibus and decided to stop off at this pub for a pint or two,landlord says,ah the football boys come in lads buffet is all set up,lads had all tucked in before the big coach pulls up,hasty exit.

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In the 1990's, one of the companies that I worked for made the commemorative plaques for the "Dead Comics Society".


I attended the unveiling of the one for Frankie Howard, followed by a buffet lunch at the Hilton Park Lane.


As we were queuing up to fill our plates, I spotted that the chap in front of me was Harry Fowler, whom I recognised from "The Army Game", "Hue and Cry", "Doctor in Clover", "Angels One Five" amongst other 1950's TV shows and films.

He looked rather down on his luck and was wearing a threadbare mackintosh, which was fitted with poachers pockets on the inside.

He worked his way through the chicken drumsticks, the sandwiches, the quiches and topped it off with no less than 4 Cantaloupe melons, which were all tucked away in the coat.

He saw that I was watching him, winked and said "Well, you never know where your next meal is coming from" and sidled out.


By then, I guess that the roles had all dried up, but someone had remembered to invite him to the buffet!

Surely there is a difference in someone down on their luck "stocking up" and people on Holiday, they know if they come back in 3 hours the tables will be re-filled and ready to go again.

I was in a local pub a few years ago, a strange man was lurking outside the door watching the restaurant, I watched him for ages, all of a sudden he ran in, and over to a table with a hardly touched dessert, he grabbed the spoon, banged it down in one, and left as quick as he came in.

Was he down on his luck or just a cheeky sod?😂

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There was a little elderly woman I've seen at several funeral services at our local crematorium,

She checks the local obituarys, attends funeral and goes to the wake afterwards. :)


Nobody ever knows who she is, It's just assumed someone invited her lol

First time I met her, at my fathers funeral lol, she claimed to have known him donkeys years.

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There was a little elderly woman I've seen at several funeral services at our local crematorium,

She checks the local obituarys, attends funeral and goes to the wake afterwards. :)


Nobody ever knows who she is, It's just assumed someone invited her lol

First time I met her, at my fathers funeral lol, she claimed to have known him donkeys years.

I like that, thinking outside the box, good for her and it made me smile. :)

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There was a bloke at the pit who would wear his donkey jacket like a cape (the arms had been sown up)

He would fill the sleeves with the buffet from the local darts match on a Monday night and then eat them all week.


Sounds like the blokes I weht to "Four lane ends" mining college with at Castleford around 1975, there were plenty of comics from "ponty"



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On my honeymoon. Me and my wife display this in Mauritius.


We stayed in south Africa where we couldn't even spend our money that certain took out.


Went to Mauritius and where things was extortionate. We were on half board, so taking a few bread rolls etc saved us like £30 each.


Admittedly, it was the four seasons. So not a cheap hotel and if it was the start not the end we'd have not been so tight. But compared to south Africa where a steak meal for 2 and drinks costs more than a burger for one in Mauritius felt excessive.

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