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Lincolnshire spot checks

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Friend of mine got a call from Lincolnshire Firearms dept saying they want to come and inspect his cabinet. Arranged appointment and 1st thing guy asked friends wife was did she know where cabinet keys where. Fortunately she didn't but all rather devious. When we hear they are taking months to deal with applications it's surprising they have time to do these spot checks!

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Where is their reason for such a check ? I have not seen anything in law which says they can just turn up and check your situation. Wonder what they would do if you said no. Appointment made???? Well that's a waste of time then, seeing if you had anything to hide it would be sorted beforehand. Very strange indeed.

Edited by Walker570
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Guest stevo

I was taking to my mate yesterday.

Five months ago he moved his guns and himself into his mum and dads house while he was doing up His new house The officer came around and checked his mum and dads house and left with his cert saying he was happy with the storage of said guns and said his new tickect with his new address would be with him within two weeks. But not to worry if it's a bit longer. After a few months he started to get a bit worried and tried to phone them every few weeks to see what has happened about his ticket. Well he finally got through to them on Wednesday this week and promptly explained what has happened and why he still has not heard anything. Also trying time after time to phone them but never any answer.


Well the woman said. We have no record that your guns have been moved. We have no report from the officer. We have no record of anything. All she said is someone will call you on Thursday. And they still couldn't do that !!! He is putting in an official complaint.


Total shower of **** !!

Edited by stevo
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I was taking to my mate yesterday.

Five months ago he moved his guns and himself into his mum and dads house while he was doing up His new house The officer came around and checked his mum and dads house and left with his cert saying he was happy with the storage of said guns and said his new tickect with his new address would be with him within two weeks. But not to worry if it's a bit longer. After a few months he started to get a bit worried and tried to phone them every few weeks to see what has happened about his ticket. Well he finally got through to them on Wednesday this week and promptly explained what has happened and why he still has not heard anything. Also trying time after time to phone them but never any answer.

Well the woman said. We have no record that your guns have been moved. We have no report from the officer. We have no record of anything. All she said is someone will call you on Thursday. And they still couldn't do that !!! He is putting in an official complaint.

Total shower of **** !!

Unbelievable! Is it correct that total shower of **** have lost the contract?

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Fishing trip...especially prevalent with departments unable to process paperwork within realistic time frames...maybe as they're wasting time on fishing trips.


If some forces can process paperwork in days not months, what's going on that's different in the slow/inefficient/backlogged departments across the UK?


Same forms being submitted.

Same fees paid.

Same criteria/conditions to be satisfied.

...it SHOULD make you wander where they find the time/money.

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Guest stevo

I thought they still had a couple of years yet. I could very well be wrong.


One can only hope haha I know the pcc was gunning for them at the time of his election but I don't know if anything came of it.

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When they renewed my SGC recently, it just arrived in the post with a note saying they don't automatically visit on renewal but I might have a visit sometime in the next 5 years. As it took them 10 months from moving here to check my cabinets, I won't be holding my breath.

Edited by walshie
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No problem with spot checks but when they ask my wife if she knows where my safe keys are maybe they could also ask her where the last three sets of car keys, caravan key and the shed key is . ???? ??????


:) I don't mind as long as they call for an appointment first, otherwise it wont be convenient I'm afraid.

Many moons ago when I was a little greener, I allowed a local bobby in after he appeared at the back door and asked if he could check the serial numbers of my handguns against the records they had. I honestly can't recall if he even consulted a piece of paper but he gave my handguns a thorough inspection, even though I had to show him how to get the self loaders back into battery after I handed them to him out of battery.

I found out sometime later that he just liked handguns but didn't own any himself, so whether it was a genuine visit or not I have no idea.

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I leave the keys in the cabinet, saves me loosing them. You wouldn't know though unless you switched the light on in the cupboard, it's really dark in there and you wouldn't see them.



As far as I'm concerned PC plod can pop round anytime. Even without an appointment, I seriously have nothing to be worried about whatsoever regarding to shooting related regulations.



Apart from exceeding the MV at Bisley "lol" and they didn't know !!!

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And yet when it was my renewal they couldn't be ***** to come out for a home visit! Just a phone call to say "is your cabinet in the same place David?"

Disgrace service,is should be a manditory condition a home visit. I might of had the cabinet off the wall after decorating or something,had a busted lock I couldn't be ***** to get replaced for all they know & guns & amo lying all over the house.

And as far a spot checks go, why would a responsible FAC/SGC holder object? If it takes another irresponsible licence licence away then they will whittle out the minority and that can only be a good thing.

Edited by Davyo
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And yet when it was my renewal they couldn't be ***** to come out for a home visit! Just a phone call to say "is your cabinet in the same place David?"

Disgrace service,is should be a manditory condition a home visit. I might of had the cabinet off the wall after decorating or something,had a busted lock I couldn't be ***** to get replaced for all they know & guns & amo lying all over the house.

And as far a spot checks go, why would a responsible FAC/SGC holder object? If it takes another irresponsible licence licence away then they will whittle out the minority and that can only be a good thing.

I agree, it's just the inconvenience that worries me, I'm a seriously busy chap, a unannounced turn up from the police will most likely telling them it's a bad time, not sure how they'd interpret that.


I wonder how they decide who is up for 'random audit'?

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If you have not to hide there shouldn't be a problem I've always said

I have a problem with someone turning up and wanting to spend a hour going through paperwork when we are obliged to adhere to the stipulations of of our certificates.


Unless its an announced visit its unlikely I'll comply, for several reasons.

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Where is their reason for such a check ? I have not seen anything in law which says they can just turn up and check your situation. Wonder what they would do if you said no. Appointment made? ??? Well that's a waste of time then, seeing if you had anything to hide it would be sorted beforehand. Very strange indeed.

I think when you signed your certificate you gave them the ok to do spot checks at any time.

There was a thread about it on here a few months ago

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I've no problem with them doing random spot checks, but i'd rather they get on and get my licences back to me! I'm very busy most of the time so chances are they'd catch me at a bad time and get told to leave!


That's if they get past the guard girlfriend and her dog!

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Where it is judged necessary, based on specific intelligence in light of a particular threat, or risk of harm, the police may undertake an unannounced home visit to check the security of a certificate holders firearms and shotguns. It is not expected that the police will undertake an unannounced home visit at an unsocial hour unless there is a justified and specific requirement to do so on the grounds of crime prevention or public safety concerns and the police judge that this action is both justified and proportionate.

It is recognised that there is no new power of entry for police or police staff when conducting home visits. To mitigate any misunderstanding on the part of the certificate holder the police must provide a clear and reasoned explanation to the certificate holder at the time of the visit.

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If they had specific info on a threat or similar, they'd have a warrant. These unannounced visits are nothing but fishing trips.

Well that's the statement printed on the NRA uk and makes no mention of a warrant as they stipulate that they are checking you guns/cabinet/security. It does not require a warrant as it's not a search of the Cert holders property.Refusing entry may give them more reason to suspect something's not right. Edited by Davyo
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Northumbria now use phone renewals for people aged between 21-65 providing it's not your first renewal or application. (Shotguns, dunno about FAC)


I think that's a great idea,


It's your responsibility to inform them of any changes,


Saves time and we have a very quick turnaround time.


I don't have a problem with it,


As for the scenario of taking the cabinet off the wall and not being bothered to replace it or not replacing a busted lock, why wouldn't you do that?


You are responsible for your own security, it's nice to be treated as adults not children that need constant checks in case we can't be bothered



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