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Isis new ways to attack people


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Reported in the news. Isis are urging jihadis to lure victims to their home using eBay, gumtree, etc. And attacking, binding and and slaughtering them.

May have a re-think about meeting to buy items at the sellers address!!!

Can it actually get any lower?

Edited by Delwint
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They are on the back foot pretty badly now so I'd imagine they will put this stuff out in the hope of either putting can idea in some self radicalised loners head or making people afraid enough to not lead their lives normally.


The best thing to do is just live your life as before, and then they achieve nothing more than proving that the almighty caliphate can muster nothing better than the odd dropout with a car and a couple of kitchen knives once celery couple of years.

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Tinders fine, I'd be worried if you'd said Grindr

I didn't even know what these were. I had to look them up to find out. If they wanted to be like that why not just buy an old Banger and just drive round doing nasty unspeakable things. As written it isn't exactly front line direct warfare is it.

Edited by fortune
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The best thing to do is just live your life as before, and then they achieve nothing more than proving that the almighty caliphate can muster nothing better than the odd dropout with a car and a couple of kitchen knives once celery couple of years.

This is what people seem to forget.

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They are on the back foot pretty badly now so I'd imagine they will put this stuff out in the hope of either putting can idea in some self radicalised loners head or making people afraid enough to not lead their lives normally.


The best thing to do is just live your life as before, and then they achieve nothing more than proving that the almighty caliphate can muster nothing better than the odd dropout with a car and a couple of kitchen knives once celery couple of years.



never really expected to read the words kitchen knives and celery in the same sentence concerning isis... ;)

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Especially when it doesn't seem to make sense. Death by celery it shall be then.

can think of worse ways, however on a serious note be vigilant for excessive celery purchases especially in the lower grade establishment like aldi and costco and dont be ashamed to accost those seemingly elderly who clearly have no use for more than one stick at a time... :ninja:

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I didn't even know what these were. I had to look them up to find out. If they wanted to be like that why not just buy an old Banger and just drive round doing nasty unspeakable things. As written it isn't exactly front line direct warfare is it.

I knew tinder, I hope you cleared your history the misses will think your up to no good

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I knew tinder, I hope you cleared your history the misses will think your up to no good

I didn't go on the sites, I just googled those words and a description came up. As for the history she wouldn't mind but I did get it in the ear once in regard to a listing​ something to do with young brunettes with piercings and tattoos! But it wasn't me gov honest. It nearly was death by celery. I blamed it on the dog. And because the dog is as honest as the day is long and the longer the day the less the dog does wrong goes, it soon passed by.

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reminds me of the old joke....


Three guys are captured by a tribe of natives in a far off land. They are brought before the tribal leader who gives them a choice. He says, "what will you have, death or bunga?". The first guys thinks, hmmm wonder what bunga is. "I'll take the bunga". The tribal leader says, "good". Then a dozen tribal members line up and give it to him in the rear.


The tribal leader turns to the second guy and gives him the choice, death, or bunga. The second guy thinks, hmm, that bunga thing is pretty nasty. But death is permanent, "I'll take the bunga". Tribal leader says, "good", and a hundred tribesmen line up and give him the bunga.

The tribal leader gives the choice to the third captive. He thinks a while, hmm, first it was a dozen, then it was a hundred, I don't know man. Heck with it, "I'll take death". The tribal leader says,


"good, death .... by bunga".

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