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Conservative Manifesto


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About to come out officially soon.


If you have over £100k you have to pay towards your care costs.

Taxes on employing foreign workers.

Non- EU migrants to pay more to use the NHS.


All sounds fair to me.

Also winter fuel payment to be means tested. I've heard of a fair few pensionser saying "I don't need it", again seems fair to me.

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Ah election time again and here we have all party's blowing smoke. At least the tories have had the sense to latch onto the brexit vote with penalising non eu migrants.although this says to me even after we have left we will still be giving free benefits to eu migrants.shame none of it will ever happen.

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Lloyd90 - Diane Abbott said she misspoke again - Labour are actually promising £800 billion.

Hopefully this election will be the end of her and Corbyn!


I doubt it tho, people like her know they'd never get a decent job anywhere else cos she's such a joke!

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The winter fuel payment I agree with and I normally receive it. What does annoy me is seeing the idle fat heaps of garbage walking down the high street, dragging three or four under fives along with them, drawing on the State and spending it on tattoos. A serious look at all sorts of 'benefits' should be looked at as many are not deserved ...give what is saved to the deserving.

OK rant over, but am I right or am I wrong?

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You are right .but I don't think it will happen no one in government has the guts to do it.

For fear of the back lash of complaints from the do Gooders. Keep paying your taxes nothing will change .

And no I don't get any benefits.retired and still paying tax

Rant over aswell

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If you have over 100k that you've already paid tax on why should you pay for your care.

My granny had dementia and when my grandad died she was put in a home. All the money from their house was lost ???

The person next to her hadn't worked all their life but received the same care for free ???

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If you have over 100k that you've already paid tax on why should you pay for your care.

My granny had dementia and when my grandad died she was put in a home. All the money from their house was lost ???

The person next to her hadn't worked all their life but received the same care for free ???

What should we do with the people who don't have anything to give?


People who self fund can choose their own homes. Those who aren't can't anymore.

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If you have over 100k that you've already paid tax on why should you pay for your care.

My granny had dementia and when my grandad died she was put in a home. All the money from their house was lost ???

The person next to her hadn't worked all their life but received the same care for free ???


Why should people not pay for their own care if they have more than £100,000 of savings or assets? Why should my taxes have to pay for somebody who can afford to pay for themselves?


Why can people not be responsible for themselves for the entire duration of their adult life? Is there some magical thing that happens when someone reaches pensionable age that they now become the responsibility of the state any more so than when they are younger?

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Many people bought their own home and saved with a view to leaving something for their children. Fifty odd years ago, few people thought that they would end up in a care home - there weren't many, if any, about - with fees soaking up their savings at the rate of around £25k a year.


I have seen this happen to relatives and friends. I agree with raising the threshold, but accept that this is not a view with which everyone will agree. I will gladly sacrifice winter fuel payments, to pay for care for someone less fortunate.

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Many people bought their own home and saved with a view to leaving something for their children. Fifty odd years ago, few people thought that they would end up in a care home - there weren't many, if any, about - with fees soaking up their savings at the rate of around £25k a year.


I have seen this happen to relatives and friends. I agree with raising the threshold, but accept that this is not a view with which everyone will agree. I will gladly sacrifice winter fuel payments, to pay for care for someone less fortunate.


Also, many families stayed together and looked after their elderly relatives.

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Gordon, I understand that people believed they could leave a legacy to the their kids and I completely understand that. I think that this proposed policy to say that you cannot clear people out entirely is a good thing and raising the threshold to £100k from £25k is appropriate as is making the recovery of sums after death.


I do understand why people feel aggrieved that they are being cleared out of what they saved through life to attain, but equally the tax payer should not indirectly fund the legacy to children, family, etc

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What do you think that a £10 per hour minimum wage is going to do to the price of care home services? Right now they want everything over 23k, so 100k is a big improvement in what assets you can leave your kids. The big change now is the charges will be the same for home care. Went through it all last year with mum. No assets, in a sheltered flat, and very aggressive funginating breast cancer. She had to have 24/7 medical care. This was well beyond what the family could do so she had to go into a care home. She did not get it for free, despite what people say, that took most of her pension. Not that it mattered to her as she was permanently unconscious after seizures while in hospital.

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I'm afraid I don't understand the logic that I should fund relatives inheritance


Social benefits are there to help those in need of help, not to fund someone leaving as much as possible to their relatives.


On one hand, we have people decrying those less fortunate than themselves for being in receipt of benefit, yet on the flip side, they think it's unfair that their relative does not get benefit for care just because it reduces their inheritance. Double standards and greed spring to mind.

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So what did oldies pay 50 years worth of national insurance contributions for?.....what has a lifetimes worth of the various duties on goods, taxes and taxes upon taxes the state levies been/being used for? What is the tens of thousands of pounds of pension payments the state saved due to the increase in the state pensions age for both men and women used for?

For example 20, 30, 40, years ago when a woman started work she made a contract with the state, she was to pay national insurance at a variable rate, which was arbitrarily set by the government for the duration of her working life! In return she was to receive a state pension when she reached the retirement age of 60......the government broke that contract by arbitrarily Increasing the retirement age! Now a women has to wait an additional 5 years to receive her state pension!.... work it out 5 years at say £120 per week... multiplied by tens of thousands of men and women in the UK so affected! What has that been used for?

Duty and tax levied by the government on a litre of fuel....multiplied by the many million litres used by the motorist in the UK per day....where has this gone? What is it used for?


We oldies have already paid for our social care....it's been stolen by successive governments, To fund other things!

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So what did oldies pay 50 years worth of national insurance contributions for?.....what has a lifetimes worth of the various duties on goods, taxes and taxes upon taxes the state levies been/being used for? What is the tens of thousands of pounds of pension payments the state saved due to the increase in the state pensions age for both men and women used for?

For example 20, 30, 40, years ago when a woman started work she made a contract with the state, she was to pay national insurance at a variable rate, which was arbitrarily set by the government for the duration of her working life! In return she was to receive a state pension when she reached the retirement age of 60......the government broke that contract by arbitrarily Increasing the retirement age! Now a women has to wait an additional 5 years to receive her state pension!.... work it out 5 years at say £120 per week... multiplied by tens of thousands of men and women in the UK so affected! What has that been used for?

Duty and tax levied by the government on a litre of fuel....multiplied by the many million litres used by the motorist in the UK per day....where has this gone? What is it used for?


We oldies have already paid for our social care....it's been stolen by successive governments, To fund other things!



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So what did oldies pay 50 years worth of national insurance contributions for?.....what has a lifetimes worth of the various duties on goods, taxes and taxes upon taxes the state levies been/being used for? What is the tens of thousands of pounds of pension payments the state saved due to the increase in the state pensions age for both men and women used for?

For example 20, 30, 40, years ago when a woman started work she made a contract with the state, she was to pay national insurance at a variable rate, which was arbitrarily set by the government for the duration of her working life! In return she was to receive a state pension when she reached the retirement age of 60......the government broke that contract by arbitrarily Increasing the retirement age! Now a women has to wait an additional 5 years to receive her state pension!.... work it out 5 years at say £120 per week... multiplied by tens of thousands of men and women in the UK so affected! What has that been used for?

Duty and tax levied by the government on a litre of fuel....multiplied by the many million litres used by the motorist in the UK per day....where has this gone? What is it used for?


We oldies have already paid for our social care....it's been stolen by successive governments, To fund other things!


People have paid NI for the healthcare of the day and also the incredible advancement of healthcare capabilities as we have moved through the ages. Within peoples lifetimes we have seen advancement in diagnostic and treatment capabilities that were outside the scope of imagination for most people, think organ transplant, gene therapy, IVF as simple examples.


Throughout the lifetime of the NHS we have seen a steady increase in the average life expectancy, a reduction in infant mortality, considerable improvement in critical trauma survival, we have seen significant improvement in the quality of life from those suffering from chronic disease from what were sever life impacting symptoms into something much more manageable through advanced drug therapies.


There is not a linear relationship between the advancement of healthcare and the direct cost of contribution via NI. The cost of the NHS and social welfare, including pensions, is exponentially greater than the contribution of 'the stamp'.


I would hasten to add that not every oldie has given the same level of contribution and i would also add that there is an exponentially greater contribution from the working generation of today toward the healthcare of the current crop of oldies than that contributed by those currently under care.


The government has not stolen money, it has distributed tax funding across a vast spectrum of publicly funded infrastructure spanning health, education, defence, infrastructure, social welfare, etc, etc.


Charlie T summed it up well a few posts up, there is no shortage of hypocrisy about the welfare state by more than a few posters on this thread.

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I know someone who gifted his house to his daughter and paid for an annexe extension on the side of it, after 7 years its all watertight apparently, he reckons he has a legal document which says he can live in his/her annexe until him and his wife die, someone else told me its impossible to get that down legally as he is not the owner and its based on goodwill and nothing else.

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hello, a lot of pensioners on basic income from the DWP of £165 per week or there abouts but can get rent/council tax discount/ i wonder what the means tested threshold will be? the average income with small private pension is £15/16,000, will they class that to much in getting the heating allowance,

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I know someone who gifted his house to his daughter and paid for an annexe extension on the side of it, after 7 years its all watertight apparently, he reckons he has a legal document which says he can live in his/her annexe until him and his wife die, someone else told me its impossible to get that down legally as he is not the owner and its based on goodwill and nothing else.

hello, yes 7 years is the cut off period same as gifting money, but maybe someone will know if correct, there are ways to avoid these financial situations just ask any MP :lol:

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So what did oldies pay 50 years worth of national insurance contributions for?.....what has a lifetimes worth of the various duties on goods, taxes and taxes upon taxes the state levies been/being used for? What is the tens of thousands of pounds of pension payments the state saved due to the increase in the state pensions age for both men and women used for?

For example 20, 30, 40, years ago when a woman started work she made a contract with the state, she was to pay national insurance at a variable rate, which was arbitrarily set by the government for the duration of her working life! In return she was to receive a state pension when she reached the retirement age of 60......the government broke that contract by arbitrarily Increasing the retirement age! Now a women has to wait an additional 5 years to receive her state pension!.... work it out 5 years at say £120 per week... multiplied by tens of thousands of men and women in the UK so affected! What has that been used for?

Duty and tax levied by the government on a litre of fuel....multiplied by the many million litres used by the motorist in the UK per day....where has this gone? What is it used for?


We oldies have already paid for our social care....it's been stolen by successive governments, To fund other things!

HELLO, panoma if your ever down abingdon way i will buy you a large beer for such a good post, i just think what have the next generation got to look forward to in their longer working life. i have always said that camerons big society think tank must have worked overtime,

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Can we get back to the topic chaps? Even though TM seems to be guaranteed a big win - surely we won't get another Trump/Brexit shock - her manifesto does come over as reasonable, fair and realistic. Unlike Labour she's not looking to bankrupt the country. She's not afraid to upset hardcore supporters (pensioners) who, I hope, will realise there has to be 'pain' here to pay for the big three - NHS, Social care and schools.

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