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Holiday pay


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I work for a building contractor...

We work 10 hour days 5 days a week with the odd Saturday aswel...so 50 hour weeks, paid weekly.


We get 4weeks holiday,

Holiday pay paid in advance the Friday before holiday starts. Holidays are set every year for us


My question is...does my boss have to pay me 50hours per week for holidays by law?

As I only get paid for 40

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I've worked at places where you get an average of your last 13 weeks, so guys used to hammer it when they were going away.


With nothing in writing I'd say your knackered really, also you should be getting ot for the extra ten hours as well.


Start looking for a new job before you lay down the law.

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Yes... I assume with the 'nothing in writing' I don't have a leg to stand on

I'm not sure, I think that you could propose an implied contract with a consistent track record but you may end up wracking up a legal bill and finding post holiday that your hours reduce to nothing. It may be worth a call to citizens advice or if you have legal expenses on your home insurance they may help or guide you. I have a horrible feeling you may unintentionally cut your nose off to spite your face.

Edited by ElvisThePelvis
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This is the problem with working for small one man band type outfits. It's all sort of hand to mouth on a short time basis. As far as I know it is a legal requirement to have a contract of employment within a month of starting work. This should outlined what you have agreed between you and your employer. This should cover what your contracted hours are and what your entitlements and obligations are. Other things like health and safety stuff. look it up on the gov. Site I'm sure that there is a load of stuff on there. But think yourself lucky that you have a job and your not on one of these Stupid zero hour contracts. Don't go and burn your bridges before you know what it is all about.

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This is the problem with working for small one man band type outfits. It's all sort of hand to mouth on a short time basis. As far as I know it is a legal requirement to have a contract of employment within a month of starting work. This should outlined what you have agreed between you and your employer. This should cover what your contracted hours are and what your entitlements and obligations are. Other things like health and safety stuff. look it up on the gov. Site I'm sure that there is a load of stuff on there. But think yourself lucky that you have a job and your not on one of these Stupid zero hour contracts. Don't go and burn your bridges before you know what it is all about.

You can issue temporary contracts for up to 2 years.

We issue these instantly

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That's the same as where I'm at .

So I just did 8 hr days when asked why I said , you pay me 40 hrs holiday when I have a week off so my week must be 40 hrs .

Boss did the maths , short days in the winter , now we get 9 hrs for hols as that's what we average-ish .

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The company I work for employs 30+ men

No contract given

Been with him 3 years and never had an issue. Never bothered about the few hours short on the holiday pay, just wondered out of curiosity if by law I was entitled to more.

No intention of going in all guns blazing and taking the guy to court if I am entitled to more


I know a few of the lads do have a big issue this time and have voiced opinions to office staff...the boss is away. Back tomorrow so will be interesting to see what is said



I will add, I do my 50 and more often than not end up doing an extra couple here and there...most weeks are 52-58 hours

No extra pay, standard rate, no bonuses and only 40hr hol pay.

Edited by AberFowl
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He's making more off me then I am off him...and he's doing nothing...

That's because he's the boss and he finds the work, he has the stress of doing the books,quoting for jobs etc. I was down in Northampton yesterday looking at a job 3 hour round trip will I get the job? Probably not but you have to be in it to win it.

Edited by Delwint
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That's because he's the boss and he finds the work, he has the stress of doing the books,quoting for jobs etc. I was down in Northampton yesterday looking at a job 3 hour round trip will I get the job? Probably not but you have to be in it to win it.

What he said.


He is also the one who took, takes the risk.

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