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National Trust Vote on trail hunting.


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I'm an NT member, and it's the first I've heard of it!

4 million members, really?

Do you get the magazine? If so - do you read the enclosures?


I'm asking because IF the NT have not properly sent out stuff to members for an AGM - then that is quite a serious issue; the trail hunting vote was one of several votes and the selection of the future governing board members was also there. Now I know many many people don't vote in that (I rarely do) - but I believe that has to be legally advised to members who MUST be given the ability to vote.


(NOT meant to be a criticism of people for not reading the vast volumes of stuff that drops with a thud on the mat !!!)

Edited by JohnfromUK
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Countryside Alliance did raise it, I had emails off them asking for members of NT to vote, and to tell or ask others to vote as well.


I stand corrected on that one, but may have overlooked it since I had already acted on the NT stuff. Trouble is that the 'anti' mob are very good at getting their people to turn out, and the 'pro' side don't seem to have quite the same communication skills/diligence or whatever; Admit to not really knowing how it could be better as I tend to get 'switched off' by too much communication (e.g. next years Game Fair for which I seem to get weekly emails already!)

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When this topic came up on here I said in a post i'd not heared of this vote. After the prompt I did find something after a search of the website. Bit it easn't obvious. It was in the AGM bumf that came with the magazine but I bet 95% of people didn't read it. Just like I haben't the time or inclination to read everything that comes through the door (god knows what's happening in the CSMA. They could be plotting to ban all cars)


I don't know of they did this but important motions should be run as full page articles in the magazine over several months with the facts being outlined so people arn't hoodwinked or it at least given a reason to vote.

Most of us never give the NT too much thought until either on Holiday or want to justget out pf the house for a bit on a weekend afternoon.


Trailing is just a fancy way of walking Dogs and enjoying the experiance in a particular way that gets up their nose.


Perhaps we should vote to distroy all cats on NT property.

A man in a pub once told me that they kill a lot of poor little Robins and Blackbirds and all Elephants on NT property. It must be true as I've never seen an Elephant on any of them at Dunham Massey or walking the lakeland hills.

Edited by Paul1440
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When this topic came up on here I said in a post i'd not heared of this vote. After the prompt I dod fond something after a search of the website. Bit it easn't obvious. It was in the AGM bumf that came with the magazine but I bet 95% of people didn't read it. Just like I haben't the time or inclination to read everything that comes through the door (god knows what's happening in the CSMA. They could be plotting to ban all cars)


I don't know of they did this but important motions should be run as full page articles in the magazine over several months with the facts being outlined so people arn't hoodwinked or it at least given a reason to vote.

Most of us never give the NT too much thought until either on Holiday or want to justget out pf the house for a bit on a weekend afternoon.


Trailing is just a fancy way of walking Dogs and enjoying the experiance in a particular way.


Brilliant! :good:

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Latest news from the CA


Thank you for saving trail-hunting on National Trust land



Countryside Alliance Chief Executive Tim Bonner writes:


With thanks to many of you who voted and got involved in our campaign, the National Trust membership voted narrowly against a motion to ban legal trail-hunting on National Trust land at their AGM on Saturday.


We are urging you to take action now to stop such campaigns in the future. Please ensure that you, your families and friends who are National Trust members register with us so that we can let you know when there is an important issue to vote on. If you are going to join the National Trust we need you to register with us too.

The vote was marred by some extremely dubious campaigning by proponents of a ban, from creating fake National Trust literature to extraordinary and simply untrue claims about the practice and impact of hunting.

We know, however, that such behaviour is considered normal by some people who think that any conduct is justified in pursuit of the animal rights agenda. In fact, that same noisy minority is now hurling abuse at the National Trust because of the lost vote.

There have been over 200,000 days hunting carried out by almost 300 packs of hounds since the Hunting Act was enforced in February 2005. Just a handful of registered hunts have been convicted under the Act since its exception while there has not been a single successful prosecution of any hunt while trail-hunting across National Trust land.

The most important figure to come out of the AGM was that nearly 99% of the Trust's five million members did not vote. That number may include some of you who did not know that the vote was taking place, or it may include friends and family who were similarly unaware.

One thing is certain and that is that animal rights organisations have picked up on the opportunity for referenda of the Trust's membership and intend to use it as a political football. Further votes on hunting, but also on shooting which is widely practiced on Trust land, and even fishing and farming practices, seem certain to follow.

It is vital therefore that all new or existing National Trust members register for our free updates online, or for further information please email hunting@countryside-alliance.org.

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There have been over 200,000 days hunting carried out by almost 300 packs of hounds since the Hunting Act was enforced in February 2005. Just a handful of registered hunts have been convicted under the Act since its exception while there has not been a single successful prosecution of any hunt while trail-hunting across National Trust land.


As a National Trust member, I did vote and I'm pleased with the outcome of course, even though the outcome was by the narrowest of margins.


It is, however hugely important that the existing law is followed, since any breach of the law is powerful ammunition to the anti's who will ruthlessly exploit it at the slightest opportunity (they go armed with cameras just looking for opportunities). I do find it a shame that there have been any successful convictions. I do hope that all those involved in hunting do their utmost to comply with the law (even if not agreeing with it) and avoid any convictions - and have a great time doing so!

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I do find it depressing that people apparently didn't know motion was being voted on at the NT AGM. Not only was it in all that NT bumf, but it was covered by various national newspaers and other national media for many weeks beforehand as well as featuring in the sporting press. And the CA ran a major campaign, both on their website and via direct emails etc. When folk start moaning on various occasions about how "our organisations don't get the message out" you do have to wonder whether some people exist in a bubble of their making! No organisation's efforts can make up for that, or the sheer apathy of the majority of fieldsports community, most of whose members spend more on a few rounds of drinks than they do to protect their sport for their children, in any given year.


Anyway, a good result. Given that the NT has 5 million members as of a few weeks ago, you can see from the voting figures how the issue was not a major one for most NT members, as for most of the public generally. The antis tried to exploit this, using some disgraceful tactics, but lost. Good riddance (and good job, CA).

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I do find it depressing that people apparently didn't know motion was being voted on at the NT AGM. Not only was it in all that NT bumf, but it was covered by various national newspaers and other national media for many weeks beforehand as well as featuring in the sporting press. And the CA ran a major campaign, both on their website and via direct emails etc. When folk start moaning on various occasions about how "our organisations don't get the message out" you do have to wonder whether some people exist in a bubble of their making! No organisation's efforts can make up for that, or the sheer apathy of the majority of fieldsports community, most of whose members spend more on a few rounds of drinks than they do to protect their sport for their children, in any given year.


Anyway, a good result. Given that the NT has 5 million members as of a few weeks ago, you can see from the voting figures how the issue was not a major one for most NT members, as for most of the public generally. The antis tried to exploit this, using some disgraceful tactics, but lost. Good riddance (and good job, CA).


Well , personally I have no real interest in hunting or otherwise with hounds.

However I would have voted to keep things as they were, a bit of solidarity for country pursuits.

So how come I knew nothing about it ?

I flick through the NT magazine, tidy up all the flyers and ads that fall out of it ,and chuck it in the recycling.

I read a lot of news, online and paper, no, didnt see a squeak about it.

So do I have to actively 'hunt' down the news about such things, or is it up to someone ,somewhere to reach out to pro-country sports people like myself to get them to vote accordingly?

An email perhaps, a sticky on all the shooting forums, there must be some better way of letting people know when a vote like this is happening.

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According to the Sunday people, 30,686 people voted for the ban and 30,985 voted against.


Looking on the national trust website it says over 4 million members!!


Philippa king of lacs said "this is a shot in the arm for animal cruelty" I've no idea?


Still an awful lot of people didn't bother to vote.

Shouldn't that read "Shot in the head?"

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Well , personally I have no real interest in hunting or otherwise with hounds.

However I would have voted to keep things as they were, a bit of solidarity for country pursuits.

So how come I knew nothing about it ?

I flick through the NT magazine, tidy up all the flyers and ads that fall out of it ,and chuck it in the recycling.

I read a lot of news, online and paper, no, didnt see a squeak about it.

So do I have to actively 'hunt' down the news about such things, or is it up to someone ,somewhere to reach out to pro-country sports people like myself to get them to vote accordingly?

An email perhaps, a sticky on all the shooting forums, there must be some better way of letting people know when a vote like this is happening.

+ 1. I didnt have a clue.

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Leaving aside all the electronic and social media coverage, the matter was covered extensively in the weeks leading up to the vote in the national print news media, including The Times, Daily Telegraph, Observer, Guardian, Daily Mail... to name just a few.


Thats all very well stagboy, but I didnt see it, and I read lots of papers, and Im certainly not alone.

The simple fact that only about 30,000 on each side voted ,means either, the 4m plus NT members didnt see it, or didnt care either way!

Personally, I think its the former, among the ranks of the NT membership, you would think there would be much more anti than pro people ?

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