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Grenfell Tower latest Twist


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A man who lost 6 members of his family has filed a complaint with the Independent Police Complaints Commission that they were given false hope of an airborne rescue due to a Police Helicopter flying over the developing scene on the night.


No Police Helicopters in the UK are fitted with winching equipment or personnel trained to conduct such rescues.


Channel 4 are showing a piece on the news.

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Jesus, he has lost 6 members of his family and listened to them die, Im surprised he still functions as a human being, Im not surprised he's looking for someone to blame

Perhaps he should blame the **** who's fridge/freezer caught fire, and instead of trying to put it out or dial 999 and raise the alarm with other people (except for one, which he warned on his way out), decided to pack a bag and leave.

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Perhaps he should blame the **** who's fridge/freezer caught fire, and instead of trying to put it out or dial 999 and raise the alarm with other people (except for one, which he warned on his way out), decided to pack a bag and leave.

I'll bet he has returned in time for the 'Witch Hunt' though !

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Sorry but the fire wasn't an act of arson and yes it was truly an awful event but all this trying to find someone to blame ?


The fire in itself was an accident; a fridge caught fire (as fridges do), the Fire Brigade were called - as successfully extinguished the internal fire, but unknown to them, it had spread outside between the building and the cladding.


IF there was any law breaking/rules breaking/not to contract in the cladding, or any deficiency in any emergency services actions then this will be found by the enquiry ....... but a terrible set of circumstances came together to cause a dreadful tragedy.

Remember that there are many buildings similar, and many are clad - and there are periodic fires. Normally the existing procedures of containment do their job, but in this case, something/things went horribly wrong - and it is for the enquiry to find out what - and make recommendations accordingly.

I am QUITE CERTAIN that on the night, the emergency services did their very best under incredibly difficult and rapidly changing circumstances quite outside their previous experience.

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Jesus, he has lost 6 members of his family and listened to them die, Im surprised he still functions as a human being, Im not surprised he's looking for someone to blame






I can't imagine how I would feel in his position, but can fully appreciate that he will be clutching at straws to lay the blame someone door.


I think that rather than vilify him we must remember his thoughts and judgement will be far from rational.

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I can't imagine how I would feel in his position, but can fully appreciate that he will be clutching at straws to lay the blame someone door.


I think that rather than vilify him we must remember his thoughts and judgement will be far from rational.


I doubt that his Solicitor's will be though !

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If the mans a scammer then may he rot in hell, if genuine then some compassion

Most of us can have no idea what the survivors or families of the dead went through. Hearing the voices of your loved ones as they were overcome by smoke or flame?

If he's genuine I hope the poor ****** gets some kind of closure and the proper answers.

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Source please


Not anything like the version I have heard/read.

I agree. The version I read was that he both called the Fire Brigade and personally contacted neighbour(s). The Fire Brigade attended and thought they had extinguished the fire, it being contained to one flat (as is expected in that type of flat fire). It was only when the Fire Brigade went outside that the spread of the fire up the outside of the building became apparent.


IF (and it is an IF), the occupier of the flat thought to pack a few things, that would actually be sound sense since his flat would likely be somewhat damaged by the fridge fire, smoke and any fire fighting residue left by the putting out of the fire around the fridge.

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Source please


Not anything like the version I have heard/read.

Seemed to be general knowledge at the time although the chap has disappeared into thin air since. One rumour floating is that he wanted a bigger/better place but i stress that this only hearsay.


The fraud cases that have already come to light have left a bad taste on a very sad event.

I agree. The version I read was that he both called the Fire Brigade and personally contacted neighbour(s). The Fire Brigade attended and thought they had extinguished the fire, it being contained to one flat (as is expected in that type of flat fire). It was only when the Fire Brigade went outside that the spread of the fire up the outside of the building became apparent.


IF (and it is an IF), the occupier of the flat thought to pack a few things, that would actually be sound sense since his flat would likely be somewhat damaged by the fridge fire, smoke and any fire fighting residue left by the putting out of the fire around the fridge.

The version that i read was that he packed his bags, told his neighbour but there was no mention at that time that he had called the fire Brigade

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I am not referring to this case in particular, as I know nothing about it......but it may be just another example of human nature at work? If there is a chance to better your lot by whatever means, to them 'the end justifies the means'......and some will grab it!.....it's another example of the few selfish individuals poisoning the water for everyone!

Edited by panoma1
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Source please

Not anything like the version I have heard/read.

That's the version that was being reported on the news a day or 2 after, apparently he called the fire brigade about 20 odd minutes after the fire started from outside the building. Haven't seen any news on it lately, so maybe the version of events has changed ???

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