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All of Fred Dibnahs tools and equipment to be auctioned off


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Just read about this, the house it to shut down and all his gear is to be auctioned off, feel sad about this but might go and have a look and see what up for sale and get a bit of history.



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Very sad, he was a true "Great Briton".

unfortunately his house was never going to be suitable as a visitor attraction.

Everything in the yard should be gathered up and reassembled at an industrial museum where there's proper facilities for people to see it.

If ever there was a worthy cause for lottery funding then this is it.

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Very sad, he was a true "Great Briton".

unfortunately his house was never going to be suitable as a visitor attraction.

Everything in the yard should be gathered up and reassembled at an industrial museum where there's proper facilities for people to see it.

If ever there was a worthy cause for lottery funding then this is it.

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Wymondley - totally agree. His house was too small for volume visitors. The restricted space, inside and outside, meant that it would be hard to sustain on a commercial basis.


Good idea about re-locating Fred's stuff. I don't know if there is room, but Bolton Steam Museum, near Morrisons, would fit the bill.

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Fred spent his life collecting tools, rescuing old machinery from scrap then restoring and using it.

His collection should stay together.


I'd have thought any number of industrial museums would be falling over themselves to get their hands on it.

Is this not exactly the sort of thing lottery funding was supposed to be for?



Ironbridge Gorge museum sprung to mind as a likely setting. Fred would've wanted his stuff to be seen working.

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Trouble is unless the museums and organizations bid for the collection they will get sold off to places far and wide. His family probably cant look after them all and maintain them. It was Freds lifes work and he spent a lot of hours on it.

Ive expressed an interest in some itmes, hopefully ill get a few bits, can't honestly see it lock stock ending up in a museum unfortunately.

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