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What's the plan for today then???


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Well I was up at 5am and went for a walk with dog and rifle after rabbits and fox, ( not one or the other to be seen)

after a brew I retired to the man cave to put the little uns new bike together and knock up an extension for our dining table ready for Boxing Day ( the tribe is round!!!!!) it's amazing what you can knock up with some MDF and 3" x 2" lol

we are then off to watch Paddington 2, the vote for the new Star Wars film got outnumbered 3 to 1 lol

a bit of lunch out then onto church for Christingle ( oh the joys lol lol) then out for tea and drinks in the local pub , and then  after the are kids in bed and asleep( yes , good luck with the sleep bit Flynny)

Ill sort the toys r us store out ,and put it under the tree,


arnt we supposed to relax at Xmas lol lol,





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Working nights tonight and tomorrow so nothing much and the Mrs has gone on holiday with the lad so it’s just me and the hound... not too fussed tho as I’ve got loads to do on my other house after the Tennant did a runner owing me rent and damaging the house...at least she’s gone tho!!!!

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Go to her dad's for dinner, come back walk the dogs, probably get asked to do a million and one things after that when I'm supposed to be sat down chilling out :lol:

26 minutes ago, Archie-fox said:

Working nights tonight and tomorrow so nothing much and the Mrs has gone on holiday with the lad so it’s just me and the hound... not too fussed tho as I’ve got loads to do on my other house after the Tennant did a runner owing me rent and damaging the house...at least she’s gone tho!!!!

Sounds enough to keep you busy!

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32 minutes ago, Archie-fox said:

Working nights tonight and tomorrow so nothing much and the Mrs has gone on holiday with the lad so it’s just me and the hound... not too fussed tho as I’ve got loads to do on my other house after the Tennant did a runner owing me rent and damaging the house...at least she’s gone tho!!!!

Happens lots. I know why people rent out houses but I’ve set to see it make money at all. People are scum and use the programs on tv to help not pay. Sounds like your better off now at least. 

Today I’ve watched planes  with my 2 year old , I’m off to set my trail cam out shortly followed by buying cat litter :/ . I’m not looking forward to the shop. 

My kids arrive around 3pm :) so it’s eat **** and watch films :) 

when they are in bed I’ll go to my parents on the present run ( I’m Santa today ) 

its convenient my parents living 2 miles away so I store the lot there in my old room . 

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Last minute shopping (yes really) dog walking. Delivering presents. Food prep. Last presents to wrap. Meals to cook. Some time to reflect on those no longer with us and be thankful for what we have, roof over our heads, warmth, loved ones, dogs and places to shoot. Finish with glass of wine.

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30 minutes ago, team tractor said:

Today I’ve watched planes  with my 2 year old , I’m off to set my trail cam out shortly followed

wife had a good idea, our cam is being set up downstairs to take pictures of the kids in the morning when they see there presents, might work?

leg of lamb in the slow cooker, kids films on, heading out for a wander after lunch, once kids have gone to bed?? Wife will stress endlessly about the thousand presents she's bought the kids, lad has just said to his sister " if daddy cut off your legs I would be bigger than you" ?? neither batted an eye lid.

got Casper on, and there is an actual ghost buster in the film, Dan aykroyd, funny

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14 minutes ago, Mice! said:

wife had a good idea, our cam is being set up downstairs to take pictures of the kids in the morning when they see there presents, might work?

leg of lamb in the slow cooker, kids films on, heading out for a wander after lunch, once kids have gone to bed?? Wife will stress endlessly about the thousand presents she's bought the kids, lad has just said to his sister " if daddy cut off your legs I would be bigger than you" ?? neither batted an eye lid.

got Casper on, and there is an actual ghost buster in the film, Dan aykroyd, funny

Unless I’m putting my camera under a different tree ;) 

a bloke told me a scary thing about kids joking like that . 

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Absolutely nothing that I wouldn't do on any other Sunday/Monday.   Pizzas for supper today so that is easy.

Gave up anything to do with Christmas eighteen years ago and never regretted it.   In my very old view it has just become one great commercial shopping spree.   Personal debt goes up by thousands of percent - mostly spent on carp that people don't need or want. 

The country goes mad and it causes so much stress and unhappiness that it should be banned for anyone over the age of ten.


Our house will be one little island of tranquillity in a sea of chaos and confusion.  (And my bank balance wont change by one  penny either).

We will listen to the Queens speech because we are old traditionalists and I hope to shoot on Tuesday because I have been invited.   Don't know if I will make that because I have tweaked my back.

But I hope all the rest of you get whatever you want to get out of Christmas.   I will settle for a quiet day and a nice walk with the dogs.

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Dropping off a few bottles, Taylor's port, Jamesons and Talisker round some perms. Then stopping off the local to drop another off for the gamekeeper. So not much different from a normal Sunday apart from a trip out to the perms. 

Ben, I agree with you regarding the chaos, after 28 years in retail seeing the fall outs over who's 1st in the queue (which I used to find funny by the way) all the rush and stress for just 1 day  and all we had off at best was 3 days. And that was if Christmas landed on a Sunday which ain't very often. 

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13 minutes ago, Lloyd90 said:

I just can’t believe some people get into thousands of pounds of debt for it. 

I would hazard a guess that it’s the same people who also get into thousands of debt to go away on two holidays a year, have all the designer clothes and gear and latest iPhones though. 

Fur coat no knickers syndrome! Lol!

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54 minutes ago, Grandalf said:

Absolutely nothing that I wouldn't do on any other Sunday/Monday.   Pizzas for supper today so that is easy.

Gave up anything to do with Christmas eighteen years ago and never regretted it.   In my very old view it has just become one great commercial shopping spree.   Personal debt goes up by thousands of percent - mostly spent on carp that people don't need or want. 

The country goes mad and it causes so much stress and unhappiness that it should be banned for anyone over the age of ten.


Our house will be one little island of tranquillity in a sea of chaos and confusion.  (And my bank balance wont change by one  penny either).

We will listen to the Queens speech because we are old traditionalists and I hope to shoot on Tuesday because I have been invited.   Don't know if I will make that because I have tweaked my back.

But I hope all the rest of you get whatever you want to get out of Christmas.   I will settle for a quiet day and a nice walk with the dogs.

Enjoy Ben, hope your back is sorted in time for your shoot.

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I went out into the woods before dawn today. Amazed to hear the start of a dawn chorus Song Thrush, Blackbird, Great Tit, Wren and Robin. It is a bit early but very mild. Skeins of Pink Foot flying over. Teal, Wigeon calling and a Woodcock flushed. A great start to the day.

Managed to get a Squirrel with my new Chiappa.

The tribe is coming tomorrow, 13 around the table for a traditional lunch.

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18 minutes ago, Fisheruk said:

I went out into the woods before dawn today. Amazed to hear the start of a dawn chorus Song Thrush, Blackbird, Great Tit, Wren and Robin. It is a bit early but very mild. Skeins of Pink Foot flying over. Teal, Wigeon calling and a Woodcock flushed. A great start to the day.

Managed to get a Squirrel with my new Chiappa.

The tribe is coming tomorrow, 13 around the table for a traditional lunch.

Sounds like my morning,

i hope you n yours have a good un, however you  choose do it


well done on the tree rat



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2 hours ago, team tractor said:

Happens lots. I know why people rent out houses but I’ve set to see it make money at all. People are scum and use the programs on tv to help not pay. Sounds like your better off now at least. 

Today I’ve watched planes  with my 2 year old , I’m off to set my trail cam out shortly followed by buying cat litter  . I’m not looking forward to the shop. 

My kids arrive around 3pm  so it’s eat **** and watch films  

when they are in bed I’ll go to my parents on the present run ( I’m Santa today ) 

its convenient my parents living 2 miles away so I store the lot there in my old room . 

About £1000 worth of damage and stole most of the furniture as it was fully furnished...the place is filthy!!! Not cleaned for a year and bills all over the house were she hasn’t paid for utilities/tv licence/ rates... but she took everything, even ripped out the smoke alarms and sky tv.

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21 minutes ago, Fisheruk said:

I went out into the woods before dawn today. Amazed to hear the start of a dawn chorus Song Thrush, Blackbird, Great Tit, Wren and Robin. It is a bit early but very mild. Skeins of Pink Foot flying over. Teal, Wigeon calling and a Woodcock flushed. A great start to the day.

Managed to get a Squirrel with my new Chiappa.

The tribe is coming tomorrow, 13 around the table for a traditional lunch.

Is that the new coat hanger looking gun ?

2 minutes ago, Archie-fox said:

About £1000 worth of damage and stole most of the furniture as it was fully furnished...the place is filthy!!! Not cleaned for a year and bills all over the house were she hasn’t paid for utilities/tv licence/ rates... but she took everything, even ripped out the smoke alarms and sky tv.

I feel for you  I really do. I’ve had bailiff letters constantly for 7-8 years off the tenants who rented my house before I bought it. They carried on applying afterwards too. Cost me hours on the phone . 

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48 minutes ago, Lloyd90 said:

I just can’t believe some people get into thousands of pounds of debt for it. 

I would hazard a guess that it’s the same people who also get into thousands of debt to go away on two holidays a year, have all the designer clothes and gear and latest iPhones though. 

I’ve my fourth child on the way. We’ve spent around £350 on everything inc our parents. 

I’ve not got a lot of money but that’s also why we go camping every year as I’m not getting into debt over it . 

I think people are stupid and get into debt to easy .

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5 minutes ago, team tractor said:

Is that the new coat hanger looking gun ?

I feel for you  I really do. I’ve had bailiff letters constantly for 7-8 years off the tenants who rented my house before I bought it. They carried on applying afterwards too. Cost me hours on the phone . 

All ready spent 3 hours on the phone last week trying to sort stuff out.. I’m just glad she’s gone..

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20 minutes ago, Archie-fox said:

About £1000 worth of damage and stole most of the furniture as it was fully furnished...the place is filthy!!! Not cleaned for a year and bills all over the house were she hasn’t paid for utilities/tv licence/ rates... but she took everything, even ripped out the smoke alarms and sky tv.

I know people get away with stuff like this all the time but I really fail to see how that’s not a criminal offence to be followed up by the Police. Blatant theft. 

What area and type of person were you renting to mate? 

Mid they never paid any bills etc how did they pass the credit and employment checks? Or did you not have one? 

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19 minutes ago, steve_b_wales said:

After finishing my 3rd 12hr night shift, I have today 'off', but now just too tired to do anything. Back in on Christmas Day / Boxing Day for another 2 12hr day shifts. And, when I'm in work my wife is home and vice versa.

I’ve told my GF next year I’m doing Xmas day in hw children’s home working - mostly so I don’t have to spend it down her parents ??

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