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Amazing Shot with .22lr

Evil Elvis

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I have been shooting with a PW member for just over a year now, we became mates after he had a couple of Bracco’s from me. He tried out my hmr and .22, enjoyed em and now has his own.

Tonight while I was stalking munti and fox he brought his .22lr. He a bloody good shot in a single leg trigger stick,!

He spotted a bunny and said how far do you reckon that is? I said too far for that! He said he was going to have a pop and ha thought 120 yards, as he took the shot I put my yardage pro above his head and pop he got it!!!!  168 yards I paced it as 167 so pretty spot on! Gobsmacked head shot too!

bloody natural......***!!!!!!

Really? *** is swearing?

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nooooooooo , now youve gone and done it !!!, youll have dozens of pw members telling you that a 22lr cant be used over 60 yards , and if you claim any kind of accuracy at more than 80 yards , then youre just a liar/walt/dreamer , and that the shot that you saw with your own eyes ,  was just a figment of your imagination lol.

i dont really use my .22lr over 100 yards these days due to , poorer eyesight , less practice time , less steady as im getting older , but , going back a few years , i would happily shoot 150 yard rabbits (prone and from a bipod whenever possible), my personal best shot was a 250 yard rabbit from a fence post (i missed with the first shot).

a 22lr is a fantastic tool , yes you need to be very good at range estimation on the longer shots , and you do need to keep your eye in , but , if you put the time in , youll reap the rewards.


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I use a CZ452 with Winchester 42 Max subsonics most of the time for rabbits. 100 plus yard shots are absolutely no problem for it. I actually prefer it to my HMR; very cheap to feed and virtually silent with a moderator. I just don't know where the idea that a .22LR is only good for short range work comes from - perhaps the limiting factor is the user:lol::lol::lol::lol:

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On 18/01/2018 at 23:19, Evil Elvis said:

I have been shooting with a PW member for just over a year now, we became mates after he had a couple of Bracco’s from me. He tried out my hmr and .22, enjoyed em and now has his own.

Tonight while I was stalking munti and fox he brought his .22lr. He a bloody good shot in a single leg trigger stick,!

He spotted a bunny and said how far do you reckon that is? I said too far for that! He said he was going to have a pop and ha thought 120 yards, as he took the shot I put my yardage pro above his head and pop he got it!!!!  168 yards I paced it as 167 so pretty spot on! Gobsmacked head shot too!

bloody natural......***!!!!!!

Really? *** is swearing?

if you keep plugging away at extra long range shots then you will get lucky from time to time,could your mate do the 168 yard shot 9/10??

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25 minutes ago, andrewluke said:


if you keep plugging away at extra long range shots then you will get lucky from time to time,could your mate do the 168 yard shot 9/10??

Mel I know what you mean, I’m good for 140 off bipod but not off a stick, I’m rubbish off sticks!!!!

Andrew, this guy has had a fac for 1 month! And he doesn’t miss much at all, 9/10? Possibly in daylight but dark and off sticks? 

Hes new to the .22 and hasn’t heard about it’s “limits” lol

He did another of 120 and one of 130 of sticks pitch black and amber lens on torch, I would have crept closer personally, his confidence is astounding!

2 hours ago, Hector Vector said:

I use a CZ452 with Winchester 42 Max subsonics most of the time for rabbits. 100 plus yard shots are absolutely no problem for it. I actually prefer it to my HMR; very cheap to feed and virtually silent with a moderator. I just don't know where the idea that a .22LR is only good for short range work comes from - perhaps the limiting factor is the user

He is using Winchester’s, and a cz 452!

my limitation at night is my eyes I’m colour blind and it makes it hard for me to see stuff and confidently shoot it at much past 100, especially with coloured lenses

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1 minute ago, Evil Elvis said:

Mel I know what you mean, I’m good for 140 off bipod but not off a stick, I’m rubbish off sticks!!!!

Andrew, this guy has had a fac for 1 month! And he doesn’t miss much at all, 9/10? Possibly in daylight but dark and off sticks? 

Hes new to the .22 and hasn’t heard about it’s “limits” lol

He did another of 120 and one of 130 of sticks pitch black and amber lens on torch, I would have crept closer personally, his confidence is astounding!

a future gold medalist at the olympics:hmm:


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45 minutes ago, andrewluke said:


if you keep plugging away at extra long range shots then you will get lucky from time to time,could your mate do the 168 yard shot 9/10??

The other issues are ..
The aimpoint between 120 yds and 168 yds is completely different.
With even a 100 yd zero, theres around 15 inches of drop between 120 and 168 yds with subs.
Ammo quality, what .22lr round will stay in a 1.5 in kill zone past 100 yards ?

Ill edit that last bit, what bulk .22lr round is consistent past 100 yards ?

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This chap has maybe been practising on  targets out to that distance, yes its outside the "normal" range people operate a .22 at but if when you first picked up a rifle and put the time in getting your hold over worked out why couldn't it be done? If you never limited yourself to the distances preached on internet posts what could you avhieve ? A lot of shooting is in your head! 

In fairness I would guess there has been a fair few missed or possible maimed in the past but I don't know the chap so not going to throw accusations around 

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17 minutes ago, walshie said:

If he thought it was 120 yards but it was really 168 yards, where was he aiming? Does that mean if it had been the 120 yards he thought, he'd have missed altogether?

I raised this issue earlier, but got shot down :lol:


1 hour ago, andrewluke said:

i don't suppose we'll ever hear of the 150 yard shots which took a rabbits jaw off but managed to crawl off never to be found:hmm:,but never mind as it was a good shot as it hit the rabbit

Are you daring to suggest he couldnt pull that shot off 99 % of the time ,thus ensuring humane dispatch ? 


1 minute ago, andrewluke said:

he got lucky!

More like a fluke !
Not saying hes not a brilliant shot, I just dont see that it could be done consistently with the equipment he was using.
And thats not really conducive to humane dispatch.

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1 hour ago, Wb123 said:

Whilst I'm all for pushing ones abilities on inanimate targets that sounds like frank disregard for ones quarry and a lucky shot to me if the range he thought he was shooting was that far off the actual distance.


DOI: **** shot. 

Totally agree also a experienced FAC holder allowing a novice to take such a ridiculous shot and putting on a public forum " whilst i was Stalking MUNTJAC and Fox " then Pitch Black using a Amber light " :hmm:

Be interesting to know what a FEO would make of that !!!!!!!

Edited by 6.5x55SE
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39 minutes ago, Ultrastu said:

Possibly aimed for 120 yds .And the bullet skipped on the hard frozen ground 48 yds in front and bounced up to take a clean head shot. Now that's skill .

And after only a month of shooting..wow .

Now now , well have less of that :lol:

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1 hour ago, 6.5x55SE said:

Totally agree also a experienced FAC holder allowing a novice to take such a ridiculous shot and putting on a public forum " whilst i was Stalking MUNTJAC and Fox " then Pitch Black using a Amber light " :hmm:

Be interesting to know what a FEO would make of that !!!!!!!

There are so many people with thier heads up thier rectums on this forum these days!

i stalked munty saw three ( never got a safe shot), till it was dark then shot several foxes with my lamp, no filter and  off my bipod laying on the ground  with a legal calibre for. Foxes .222 there is nothing an fro could say about that 

sanctimonious armchair Male pheasants like you are the whole reason i rarely post on here anymore !!!

6 minutes ago, 1066 said:

I'd love to see a five shot group (or preferably 3) shot by the same chap, range, rifle and ammunition.  If he could get them all into a 6" group at about 160 yards when just estimating the range I'd take my hat off to him.

I’ll challenge him to do that next time I’m out unless I’ve been arrested  by the pigeonwatch political correctness brigade before I get a chance!!!?

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