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Cheapest online Stihl dealer


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4 minutes ago, Jaymo said:

Right, having started on the garden for the first time this year it’s time to ‘ re tool’.

Looking to obtain a cow handled strimmer and also a leaf vac- Stihl is my preference and so my search starts.

Any pointers on who to use?


A boy scout? don’t know if they still do bob-a-job though.

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World of Power springs to mind but don't discount Felthorpe Mowers who I'm sure do Stihl.  There are other local suppliers who also have separate online businesses, off the top of my head the place out at Acle does.  I've bought direct from Bartrams but asked for their online business price which they would give you.

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Stihl won't let suppliers  sell online iirc. As the supplier can give proper advise on how to use them and also proper safety advise too. 

You can price match and "buy" online but you've got to collect from store. 

I had this a couple of years ago and I found a great chap/ shop only 5miles away. Proper shop with proper service. 


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Thanks guys.

yep, World of Power is who I have used in the past awell as one I got from the Arb forum which is located down south but can’t for the life of me remember who it was?

Indeed, the blower can be sent but the Strimmer needs local collection, so will do as suggested and pay a visit to the one in Acle or as suggested, Felthorpe.

In the old days I could have got better than trade from Ben Burgess as they were a customer of my fathers, remeber him obtaining his Roper ride on and three gang cylinder set-up from them—- oh, them were the days :-)

Thing is if I wasn’t so impatient I could buy the items next time I’m in France from Castorama cheaper than they are here- shame B&Q trade point don’t do them, saved a pretty penny today on a vacuum from them.

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right i'm a arborist / tree surgeon by trade  stihl have gone up recently in price by 6% price rise as of the 1st of march. and im my opinion the quality have slipped in the recent years plastics that brake just looking at them or melt no joke. but if you got your heart set on stihl so be it. Forest and Arb will continue to  to do last years prices or match any online deal if you can prove it. they sell husqvarna, Stihl, And Echo not echo would be a good choice for you as the warranty for home owners are a solid 5 years warranty and its proper professional equipment. if your prepared to have a day out /  a drive there is a trade even on the 1st weekend in may for tree surgeons  where dealers will be given really good deals 

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I was/am looking at a back pack blowerand also had my heart set on a stihl, now not so sure.

A local dealer stocks efco, and there blower also comes with a 5 yr warranty for domestic use, plus he's realy good to deal with for spares/repairs etc

Hard to argue with a 5 year warranty and he reckons therer cracking machines (while he would say that he's not a salesman and just tells it straight)

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2 minutes ago, scotslad said:

I was/am looking at a back pack blowerand also had my heart set on a stihl, now not so sure.

A local dealer stocks efco, and there blower also comes with a 5 yr warranty for domestic use, plus he's realy good to deal with for spares/repairs etc

Hard to argue with a 5 year warranty and he reckons therer cracking machines (while he would say that he's not a salesman and just tells it straight)

efco can be hit or miss well it was 10 years ago and then they only had a 2 years warranty  its the Emak group red is efco orange is oleo mac same products just different colours  and made in italy and parts can be hard to source after a few years have passed . ECHO on the other hand is japanese and there been offering there 5 year domestic warranty for 15 years that i know off.  I own echo stihl and husqvarna saws and other 2 stroke tools for my business and as the years go my stihl collection of tools  seems to get smaller when i rebuy  tools 

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Jaymo we have stihl long reach Hedgecutters, Shindaiwa Hedgecutters, Husqvarna 365 X Torque  Chainsaqw and Echo 420 ES Chainsaw along with a Ryobi petrol multi attachment strimmer blower tool, all is home use. The Echo chainsaw is a cracking bit of kit light and not once had a problem or fail to start. Built in Japan with more steel in the alloy so should last a long time. The Shindaiwa Hedgecutter i have is sharp light and easy to use no problems with it, the stihl is heavy to use compared but feels built to last again only problem was losing the head adjustment handle.

If your going to use a great amount i would be looking on the Arbtalk forum see what people are recomending as things change.

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20 hours ago, figgy said:

FR Jones and gardenline iirc


I was under the impression fr jones were bad to beat, just priced up a new saw and 3 local backstreet boys (u could hardly find them if u didn't know where to go, proper saw shops where u have to tiip toe round the shed as bits of saws lying everywhere) have blew jones's price out the water.

Has really surprised me as i never thought these small dealers could compete, so much so i almost never gave them the chance

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9 hours ago, lord_seagrave said:

Where is this, please CHTA?

I’m in the market for some kit too.


there are two main events this year the Arboricultural  Association  Westonbirt The National Arboretum Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8QS 

which is on the 11th and 12th of may  this year the public can go as land as you pay the ticket fee on the day  but the saving will be better than anywhere online  and most will do cash deals

but the big one will be where all the main dealers go the APF  that the biggest show in the uk and it only happens every 2 years at the Ragley Estate, Alcester in september on the 20th to the 22nd where the last event there was upto a true 35% on saws and other garden machinery



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For the strimmer in after its £232 at Jones but there is a couple of London dealers who will deliver to Surrey/Kent/Essex ( wishing certain postcodes in those areas) and are doing it for £215

Dont suppose any Pw’ers down that way are planning on visiting Norfolk soon :-)

Will try Felthorpe mowers possibly tomorrow and see what their best price is?


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