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Free Bus Travel For Under 25s


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Comrade Corbyn's latest attempt to grab the youth vote is to offer them free travel. It will certainly attract a number of voters but you have to wonder how much it will cost should he get into No. 10.

I can't wait to hear the figures from Diane Abbot. :lol:

I wouldn't massively object to cheaper travel for them but free? I remember as a kid being able to jump on a bus and go anywhere in S. Yorkshire for the princely sum of 2p. As cheap as that was at least something was going to the bus companies.

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thats a great idea rob the elderly an give it to the young ones,my partner should have retired at 60 an got her pension and free bus pass,but no they all bin robbed an have to wait till there 65,where does jerry the tit stand on that one.

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Bus passes are not free, certainly not in London. The council that issues them has to pay about £800 to Transport for London for each one although I can't believe that even1% of them actually racks up that amount of journeys.

Many I suspect never get used even once in the whole year. My aunt is over 100 and lives in a home but they still send her a pass every year. They were introduced originally by Ken Livingstone back in the days of the days of the GLC to subsidise the bus companies.

Not free they are paid for by ordinary people out of their council tax bill (mine!)  and its another example of Labour's social engineering . They are also the subject of a lot of fraudulent mis-use by unauthorised family members which takes a lot of resources to catch the offenders and prosecute them 

In London, why not just do away with them and have a free oyster card that only gets charged for the journeys that are actually taken?

Giving, or offering to give, people something for free  is so tacky vote buying but people fall for it hook line and sinker. Especially it would appear the under 25s

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3 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

He'd drop is trousers to get into No 10, but the under twenty fives will suck it up anyway, no pun intended.  The thought of him and his chronies in charge is terrifying.

He is not in charge. Jon Lansman is in charge, Corbyn is Lansman's poodle

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4 hours ago, Danger-Mouse said:

Comrade Corbyn's latest attempt to grab the youth vote is to offer them free travel. It will certainly attract a number of voters but you have to wonder how much it will cost should he get into No. 10.

I can't wait to hear the figures from Diane Abbot.

I wouldn't massively object to cheaper travel for them but free? I remember as a kid being able to jump on a bus and go anywhere in S. Yorkshire for the princely sum of 2p. As cheap as that was at least something was going to the bus companies.

As a former Donny lad i remember paying a penny on the bus anywhere and the outrage when it went up to 2p .OMG end of the world it was and 5 chews for a penny :lol:

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Free bus travel = under 25's

Anyone who believes this deserves Jeremy Corvid,. More than a tad like the pre-election uni fee promises. Easy to promise something you cannot deliver, even easier to do so knowing you totally will never (in the foreseeable future) be elected and called upon to deliver.

BTW if anyone  wants around 65 totally useless, workshy trough gruffing idiots we have that many labour councillors  here a lot of voters would like get rid of. Unfortunately there are so many labour voters here who have the attitude "it was good enough for my dad, grand dad, great grand dad, so it's good enough for me" we are outvoted in every local election. 

There are other reasons why we can't get rid of them but that is not the subject of this thread..






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The central funding for the free travel for under 25s would only be provided to councils who ran their own public bus service, those who rely on private bus operators would not receive the central funding provided for by an increased levy on road tax.

I don't know how many actual council run public bus services there are, I don't expect it is very many.

Presumably then the private bus companies would have to subsidise the free under 25 travel by lumping up bus fares for the other bus users.

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1 hour ago, grrclark said:

The central funding for the free travel for under 25s would only be provided to councils who ran their own public bus service, those who rely on private bus operators would not receive the central funding provided for by an increased levy on road tax.

I don't know how many actual council run public bus services there are, I don't expect it is very many.

Presumably then the private bus companies would have to subsidise the free under 25 travel by lumping up bus fares for the other bus users.

As has already been stated it is very easy to make promises that you will never have to keep, Jeremy Corbyn and his advisers are extremely good at it.

Unfortunately as has been demonstrated before, the young of this country are very gullible and will lap this sort of stuff up!

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55 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

As has already been stated it is very easy to make promises that you will never have to keep, Jeremy Corbyn and his advisers are extremely good at it.

Unfortunately as has been demonstrated before, the young of this country are very gullible and will lap this sort of stuff up!

That's for sure Dave, there is nothing easier than writin a cheque that you know cannot be cashed.

I saw a thing the other day of a YouTube survey of American's asking whether people believed the world was flat. Of the 8000+ sampled  2% thought it was flat, but perhaps more worryingly only 84% thought it was a sphere.  Within the 18-25 age range, so those that have most recently gone through education, 4% said they believed it was flat, so it does indeed seem the young are more inclined to believe crackpot theories.  Albeit that was a sample of American youth it does seem that the UK youth are as desperate to prove their naivety, gullibility and wilful ignorance is of equal measure.

Despite all the advancements of science, the ease of access to information, the ever increasing number of people entering formal education it strikes me that the world is actually becoming a stupider place.  People watch some half baked nonsense on the internet and then as they spend online time with those of a similar mindset there is massive confirmation bias and this fundamental belief system seems to develop and builds momentum.

The environment seems absolutely ripe and perfectly primed for the cynical to take advantage of the hard of thinking, it makes me sad.

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15 minutes ago, Bigbob said:

At the election he offered them free university places then after he didn't get in he turned that around they wont be stupid enough  to vote for him again , 


11 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

never underestimate stupid


10 minutes ago, Bigbob said:

Time another election comes round he would be 72 he might no even be here ?.

Memories are very short when it comes to politicians promises and at 72 he will still be pedalling his poorly thought out policies.

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If its not him, somebody else will be there in his place peddling snake oil , 

2 hours ago, grrclark said:

That's for sure Dave, there is nothing easier than writin a cheque that you know cannot be cashed.

I saw a thing the other day of a YouTube survey of American's asking whether people believed the world was flat. Of the 8000+ sampled  2% thought it was flat, but perhaps more worryingly only 84% thought it was a sphere.  Within the 18-25 age range, so those that have most recently gone through education, 4% said they believed it was flat, so it does indeed seem the young are more inclined to believe crackpot theories.  Albeit that was a sample of American youth it does seem that the UK youth are as desperate to prove their naivety, gullibility and wilful ignorance is of equal measure.

Despite all the advancements of science, the ease of access to information, the ever increasing number of people entering formal education it strikes me that the world is actually becoming a stupider place.  People watch some half baked nonsense on the internet and then as they spend online time with those of a similar mindset there is massive confirmation bias and this fundamental belief system seems to develop and builds momentum.

The environment seems absolutely ripe and perfectly primed for the cynical to take advantage of the hard of thinking, it makes me sad.

Ah but that was America, I'm surprised the figures aren't higher given the number of Creationists there are over there

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