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British Police During Quarantine


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20 minutes ago, Dave-G said:

Correct - my five years is almost up. My point is FAC holders have a proven good reason to spend time alone in a field.

No you really don't,  you have a fire arms licence,  I'm sure if you could be out shooting then you would be.  Have you phoned your FLO and asked for their opinion?

During foot and mouth did you still go and shoot?

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16 minutes ago, Dougy said:


And i think that some members of PW are starting to have withdrawal symptoms from shooting, they too in need of some attention, i also think that they need to get out a bit more.  




Ooo sorry you cant LOL  

Haha. I don't think it's withdrawal symptoms. Certainly not with me. For myself it's a matter of logic. I could easily go fishing, have very little chance of seeing another person and even if someone was there I'm going to be sat much further away from people than I am when I have to walk round the supermarket.  The same if I went to my outdoor range.

I'm not massively bothered about going out for a walk but it would be nice to spend some time outdoors. Aside from the anti viral benefits of getting some sun I also have a dermatological condition that is helped by exposure to sunlight. A condition that happens to be exacerbated  by stress and is flaring up horribly atm. So much so that I have had to get treatment for it for the first time since 2017.

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1 hour ago, Dave-G said:

Please bear with my partial dyslexia - well I think its more than that - but there is an underlying current in my  defence of shooting being a good reason to shoot in a field alone. I have found it difficult to reach the words to express without making a fudge of things: In clumsy brief, it is that much of the discussions about pest control and crop protection on this forum has been about pigeon shooting - not surprising because of the forum name.

The acquisition and use of shotguns does not require the submission of a good reason for them and thus I can accept that delaying a return to their use will in many circumstances not be a problem for many SGC holders.

FAC holders on the other hand - who I have been trying to voice support for have to PROVE to their chief constable's satisfaction: individual and check-able 'good reason' for each calibre he requires and the specific ammunition type - and has to maintain that good reason and re-submit good reason at each renewal.

I've not been able to express my position that our good reason to acquire and hold firearms is suddenly not a good reason to go out alone to a field to use them under a voluntary agreement with a landowner to control his pests by shooting.  


Dave, my understanding is that if your conducting things such as deer control, decoying over drillings and crops to protect them, shooting crows to stop them packing lambs eyes out and haven't driven half way across the country ie local to you and quite necessary then your ok.  

One for the pot maybe not so much as theres no need.check with your flo but  I'm pretty confident that it's fine. 

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Thank you GC, my thoughts are that whilst FLO's will understandably influence their police chiefs about the suitability of a licence holder, particularly at first grant or renewal.

Its the chief's who decide local force policy, and who will likely be more aware of the new guidance by the National Police Chiefs Council, and possibly may also be on hand at their control centre. 


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BDS "It is the opinion of the BDS that recreational stalking, and its associated travel implications, are not essential and should therefore not take place at the current time.


Professional Stalkers should seek the advice of their employers, line managers or landowners"

BASC "We are advising people not to take part in any form of shooting during the lockdown period. The only exception to our advice would be for the legal shooting of mammals and birds where absolutely essential to protect food crops and livestock and following the request of the farmer or landowner affected."

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I have no intention of going shooting vermin or stalking mainly because my options have been shut down . My local permissions have contacted me to let me know they  don't want anyone on the farms other than employees . My stalking is located to far away . Having said that I can hear shooting going on in the fields  around me so its not completely stopped. I have four spaniels that I have exercised in the garden  and they have wrecking it and now the lawn has a lot of brown patches in it😖.  I do  walk them up the road outside my house as well  but on the lead but really  its not enough exercise for them. So as the new guidelines  are allowing you to drive out to get a bit exercise I will be free running them on one or two local rural paths .Hopefully saving the garden from to much damage . The police around are to be seen but no more than normal .Had the helicopter overhead the other night chasing folk who liked to take other peoples property i.e. trailers , nice to know they are still trying to do the job . 


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3 hours ago, henry d said:

BDS "It is the opinion of the BDS that recreational stalking, and its associated travel implications, are not essential and should therefore not take place at the current time.


Professional Stalkers should seek the advice of their employers, line managers or landowners"

BASC "We are advising people not to take part in any form of shooting during the lockdown period. The only exception to our advice would be for the legal shooting of mammals and birds where absolutely essential to protect food crops and livestock and following the request of the farmer or landowner affected."

Yes, its quite surprising that BASC just went along with and still support the governments and some police force's broad brush requests come instruction rather than listen to their members trying to cajole them into earning their subscription fees while saying they'd not support their members in legal affairs that would stress test the true integrity of facts - that PW members appear to have stumbled across in main stream media.

I've always supported BASC and never thought I'd be writing this, but I'm sorry to say its is a wake up call for me.  I thought they have general shooters backs but when the cheap cards they dealt us are laid out face up? 

Shame the BASC update thread got closed due to petty squabbling. Does anyone know where the request of farmer requirement first came from to fact check if its a rule or obstructing hurdle?

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Just now, Dave-G said:

Yes, its quite surprising that BASC just went along with and still support the governments and some police force's broad brush requests come instruction rather than listen to their members trying to cajole them into earning their subscription fees while saying they'd not support their members in legal affairs that would stress test the true integrity of facts - that PW members appear to have stumbled across in main stream media.

I've always supported BASC and never thought I'd be writing this, but I'm sorry to say its is a wake up call for me.  I thought they have general shooters backs but when the cheap cards they dealt us are laid out face up? 

Shame the BASC update thread got closed due to petty squabbling. Does anyone know where the request of farmer requirement first came from to fact check if its a rule or obstructing hurdle?

I don't find it at all surprising - we are in the midst of a social health and economic meltdown - no self respecting organisation would be putting pressure on a government struggling to get to grips with the pandemic.

I can draw directly on my experience at work currently, the Business Unit I am responsible for has a number of burning issues that need input from colleagues at the global Cxx level but I am not escalating at the moment because I know they are run ragged with issues of cash flow and balance sheet management. It would be very career limiting, and hugely naive, if I tried to promote my issues up to the same level of the ones they are currently facing.

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43 minutes ago, Dave-G said:

. Does anyone know where the request of farmer requirement first came from to fact check if its a rule or obstructing hurdle?

It is a prerequisite at this moment in time, not just that you were once asked to shoot his pigeons etc 

34 minutes ago, Velocette said:

I would have thought that given the dire nature of the current situation, acting in the spirit as well as the letter of any requests/instructions would demonstrate a mature understanding of what is needed at the moment. 


19 minutes ago, clangerman said:

police opinion on the thousands flying in UNTESTED to pick a bit of veg would be interesting to hear hopefully they are all working in force areas that don’t allow shooters to go out 

Don't believe what the sun tells you, they will be tested just not swabbed and the police don't have an opinion on government policies dealing with agriculture

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2 hours ago, henry d said:

It is a prerequisite at this moment in time, not just that you were once asked to shoot his pigeons etc 

Unless you can come up with the proof you like to insist on so frequently I'll take that as you don't know if it actually is a requirement or just people implying it is: Whilst an individual goes about their daily exercise and free vitamin D intake to boost their immune system, further away from other people than most are able get - whilst multi tasking with a rifle to remove pests from livestock, grass or crops having agreed to do it on a regular basis.

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