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Bernie Eccleston Proves what a Bloody Fool he is!


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Looking at the last two posts, I wonder if either poster should have a shotgun or rifle.

Eccleston is a total idiot in my book, but is entitled to his opinion - however repugnant it is - but suggesting shooting him is far worse than anything Eccleston said.

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i cant believe someone can be so stupid without some sort of reason..(even putin has a reason)...........i think something else is going on here...and i think it might be something to do with childish spite.........Berni rekons he is mr F1...and should be listened to and worshiped...i think he has tried to make his voice heard in F1 management and they have rightly told him in no uncertain terms to go forth and multply....and he has got the hump now....and wont let it go....he is used to being listened to and feared...he aint got that now and i bet it is hurting him...(daresay prince andrew is feeling the same way )

so he is saying to himeself ...if i cant have you i will destroy you....something along those lines


anyway thats my opinion...for what it is worth

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