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Drought..(and it is our fault) rant


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Im going to keep this short as long posts bore folk...

we are short of water because...........

  1. the waterboard was privatised
  2. in the region of 30,000 water baliffes were made redundant
  3. these baliffes controlled the water levels of the rivers
  4. as a result of the redundances the scientists recommended locks and weirs to be opened and water to take its own coarse
  5. so ...twice a year no longer were the water meadows under water
  6. controlled flooding of the water meadows did 3 things
  7. (a)..provide silt nutriments to spring grazing
  8.  (b)..prevented flooding as the baliffes could control levels up and down stream
  9.   (c)....most important the recharge of the aquifers
  10. because of profit it is cheaper to abstract water from bore holes than dig reservoirs
  11. farmers are prevented from renewing their abstraction liecences
  12. the victorian pipe network is failing..water loss is staggering

it is so sad to go back to places of my youth and see rivers dried up where i used to fly fish for Dace ..those areas are now run over by mowers......when out in the country i never carried any water because i knew where all the springs were...........they are all long gone.........

ALL THIS IS A RESULT OF PROFIT AND GREED..and us /we have to go without and pay for these companies to persue and rape our resourses...for profit......

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We need to go back to a time when the Government of our nation governed for the good of the nation and not for their ego's

Did things need to be privatised - yes and no - privatise to bring in the business skills, but with the government/country retaining a majority stake. We have no crown jewels anymore - anything that is flagged as being so will be found to be just cheap paste - and I include the NHS in this (awaits the flac)

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11 minutes ago, Smokersmith said:

And that’s all without mentioning our reckless burning of fossil fuels driving dramatic climate change 🪖

im half with you on that.........the climate i believe is changing...because of the earths cycle but is made worse as a result of fossile fuel relience............sea level change is not all the result of climate change ...it is a result partially of bounce back effect of the last ice age....the weight of the ice altered the shape of the earth and as a result parts of the UK are rising and parts of the UK a re falling....this was realised in the early part of the century by a Swedish/Danish geologist.......

but the govt refuses to aknowledge that as it dosnt fit with their climate model


15 minutes ago, Smokersmith said:

And that’s all without mentioning our reckless burning of fossil fuels driving dramatic climate change 🪖


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5 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Same here, but I must admit to tonic water with my gin for which I am truly sorry!

Try gin and hooch (the alcoholic lemonade). It's rather good, and you'll be doing your bit to save water 👍

Edited by mel b3
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13 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

Just too many human beings in the world ....the polution is human bodies and they cause further polution.    Is that what they call an elephant in the room?

yes we have become a desease...........not unlike a bacteria infection eating away at the hosts body

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46 minutes ago, Smokersmith said:

And that’s all without mentioning our reckless burning of fossil fuels driving dramatic climate change 🪖

For which theory there is absolutely no scientific proof whatsoever. What can be proved is the manipulation of climate data to try and reinforce what is at best circumstantial evidence that human activity is driving climate change.

Whilst I accept that the climate has changed over my life, I was born at a time when, despite a massive increase in manufacturing and associated fossil fuel consumption, the climate had entered a cooling phase following the very hot period in the first 40 of so years of the 20th century. By 1970 there was a huge upsurge in warnings of imminent climate catastrophe, exactly as we have now, except back then the scientists were predicting a new ice age just around the corner.

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48 minutes ago, ditchman said:

im half with you on that.........the climate i believe is changing...because of the earths cycle but is made worse as a result of fossile fuel relience............sea level change is not all the result of climate change ...it is a result partially of bounce back effect of the last ice age....the weight of the ice altered the shape of the earth and as a result parts of the UK are rising and parts of the UK a re falling....this was realised in the early part of the century by a Swedish/Danish geologist.......

but the govt refuses to aknowledge that as it dosnt fit with their climate model




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35 minutes ago, mel b3 said:

Try gin and hooch (the alcoholic lemonade). It's rather good, and you'll be doing your bit to save water 👍

Double gin + 1/2 pint dry cider ice and a slice. A proper headshrinker

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25 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

Just too many human beings in the world ....the polution is human bodies and they cause further polution.    Is that what they call an elephant in the room?

Actually not quite true; maybe too many in the wrong place but western populations are not that far from crisis. Just not enough recruitment.

12 minutes ago, Westward said:

For which theory there is absolutely no scientific proof whatsoever. What can be proved is the manipulation of climate data to try and reinforce what is at best circumstantial evidence that human activity is driving climate change.

Whilst I accept that the climate has changed over my life, I was born at a time when, despite a massive increase in manufacturing and associated fossil fuel consumption, the climate had entered a cooling phase following the very hot period in the first 40 of so years of the 20th century. By 1970 there was a huge upsurge in warnings of imminent climate catastrophe, exactly as we have now, except back then the scientists were predicting a new ice age just around the corner.

The Greenland ice cores throw up some interesting data.

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15 minutes ago, discobob said:

To support or refute Climate Changing??

To show that 'Climate Change' has always happened and that there have been bigger changes than that occurring now. Randall Carson on Joe Rogan's pod cast is a good one to watch on the subject.

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1 hour ago, Westward said:

Whilst I accept that the climate has changed over my life, I was born at a time when, despite a massive increase in manufacturing and associated fossil fuel consumption, the climate had entered a cooling phase following the very hot period in the first 40 of so years of the 20th century. By 1970 there was a huge upsurge in warnings of imminent climate catastrophe, exactly as we have now, except back then the scientists were predicting a new ice age just around the corner.

Exactly this^^^^^


29 minutes ago, Ratlegs said:

Start by banning all the stupid garden paddling pools

and not watering golf courses    I know they pay for it but when it's gone money won't produce more

Also this ^^^^ and ban hot tubs 

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2 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Same here, but I must admit to tonic water with my gin for which I am truly sorry!


2 hours ago, mel b3 said:

Try gin and hooch (the alcoholic lemonade). It's rather good, and you'll be doing your bit to save water 👍


2 hours ago, amateur said:

I haven't had one in about 20 years

a little less ginger use you lot :big_boss:

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