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Is it time to bring back the birch?


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This isn't about saving the planet. This is about a bunch of numpties trying to force their view on the rest of the World. They are sure they are right, but don't want you to make up your own mind. The arrogance is breath taking.

Very few end up in jail, so it isn't much of a deterrent and they get short sentences. 

This sad individual disrespected someone who people looked up to. In her circle of pathetic friends, she might be viewed as a heroine. I suspect the rest of society view her with disgust, as do her parents, who I believe know her better than posters on here.

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2 hours ago, Gordon R said:

This isn't about saving the planet. This is about a bunch of numpties trying to force their view on the rest of the World. They are sure they are right, but don't want you to make up your own mind. The arrogance is breath taking.

Very few end up in jail, so it isn't much of a deterrent and they get short sentences. 

This sad individual disrespected someone who people looked up to. In her circle of pathetic friends, she might be viewed as a heroine. I suspect the rest of society view her with disgust, as do her parents, who I believe know her better than posters on here.

Spot on! 

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3 hours ago, Pushandpull said:

As a single handed protest, this was successful in that it made the front pages of several papers. No permanent damage was caused (poo from birds lands on statues every day) and nobody got hurt.

In response, the title questions whether she should be birched - i.e. stripped and beaten savagely with a bundle of sticks. Would this prospect have stopped her ? - I think not. A fair number of climate protesters are in jail right now and the prospect did not deter them. They are as certain of their cause as the Tolpuddle martyrs or the suffragettes (other examples are available) so it's hard to see harsher punishments stopping their actions.

Climate change is unfortunately real, rather than an "extreme left" conspiracy. Why left ? - no idea. But you can choose to believe whatever makes you feel better as the consequences are inevitable now anyway, and I see no reason to take any action.

Since you've bought up the merits of corporal punishment and it's effectiveness throughout history. I would suggest it obviously worked as the state of our lawless society has never been so bad, criminals these days laugh at the law, I'm sure no one laughed at going into the tower of London. The only thing left questionable then is, is it morally acceptable. 

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It was the O.P. who "bought up" (sic) the merits of corporal punishment. I am sure there are/were merits - transportation to Van Diemen's Land was popular too at one time. I believe it was a bit rougher than Rwanda.

I think we have to remember that the argument in this thread is about political protest against things some folk don't agree with. It really isn't quite the same as theft or violent crime.

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3 hours ago, Pushandpull said:

Climate change is unfortunately real, rather than an "extreme left" conspiracy. Why left ? - no idea. But you can choose to believe whatever makes you feel better as the consequences are inevitable now anyway, and I see no reason to take any action.

It is real - if it wasn't real we could still be in an ice-age - or stuck in a time when the earth was much hotter.

Do we have an impact on it and to what amount that is the discussion that people are not having - and if you do question it - you are castigated.

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2 hours ago, Pushandpull said:

It was the O.P. who "bought up" (sic) the merits of corporal punishment. I am sure there are/were merits - transportation to Van Diemen's Land was popular too at one time. I believe it was a bit rougher than Rwanda.

I think we have to remember that the argument in this thread is about political protest against things some folk don't agree with. It really isn't quite the same as theft or violent crime.

I think it's just as bad and actually worse than that. We are nearing a point that law and order is breaking down. Just look at the mobs with black lives matter, rioting, looting and plenty of violent crime and vandalism and yet the authorities are to scared to act, just like the sex gangs that were allowed to commit rape and sexual assault. Its all linked and starts with idiots believing their cause is so justified, that laws shouldn't apply to them. 

So should we bring back the Birch? Probably and maybe the rack and hang draw and quartering to! 

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3 hours ago, Pushandpull said:

I think we have to remember that the argument in this thread is about political protest against things some folk don't agree with.

No, it isn't (in my view).  I don't think anyone has suggested that the 'political protest' was the problem.  It was the damaging, disgusting and offensive manner of the protest that was a (BIG in my case) problem.

If you want to go and wave banners, march, chant for political reasons - fine.  I did that myself on the Blair Hunting Bill protests.  It was a friendly and enjoyable day - and I remember the friendly atmosphere, people laughing and joking with the police - and them joking back.  My 80+ year old father joined as did many other elderly people - and that wouldn't have happened if I didn't know we were on a sensible and safe political protest.

If you want to assault police, damage statues, memorials, office buildings - or loot, set fire to things, damage property - that is NOT political protest - it is violence and criminal damage.

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17 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

No, it isn't (in my view).  I don't think anyone has suggested that the 'political protest' was the problem.  It was the damaging, disgusting and offensive manner of the protest that was a (BIG in my case) problem.

If you want to go and wave banners, march, chant for political reasons - fine.  I did that myself on the Blair Hunting Bill protests.  It was a friendly and enjoyable day - and I remember the friendly atmosphere, people laughing and joking with the police - and them joking back.  My 80+ year old father joined as did many other elderly people - and that wouldn't have happened if I didn't know we were on a sensible and safe political protest.

If you want to assault police, damage statues, memorials, office buildings - or loot, set fire to things, damage property - that is NOT political protest - it is violence and criminal damage.

But John, do you think it would be a sensible and sofe protest nowadays - you would have every SAB and anti there stirring up trouble, and who do you think that that the law would side with?? That is the risk nowadays.

The Vocal Minority have taken over the asylum 

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3 hours ago, Pushandpull said:

It was the O.P. who "bought up" (sic) the merits of corporal punishment. I am sure there are/were merits - transportation to Van Diemen's Land was popular too at one time. I believe it was a bit rougher than Rwanda.

I think we have to remember that the argument in this thread is about political protest against things some folk don't agree with. It really isn't quite the same as theft or violent crime.

I didn't say anything about the merits of it. The post asks the question so people can give their opinion. My opinion is that perhaps someone could be made an example of. Is it medieval and backwards to flog someone? Absolutely. But how modern and forward thinking is it to throw excrement about the place?

Thats the behaviour of the animals we were supposed to have evolved from and become more intelligent than

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9 minutes ago, discobob said:

But John, do you think it would be a sensible and sofe protest nowadays - you would have every SAB and anti there stirring up trouble, and who do you think that that the law would side with?? That is the risk nowadays.

The Vocal Minority have taken over the asylum 

I suspect it would still be safe.  There were Sabs around then - indeed is alleged it was the LACS that got Mrs Blair to get Blair introduce the Hunting Bill.  There were a few Sabs there, but as far as I know there was no violence at all (we saw none).  We went on a coach with quite a lot of locals organised by the big local estate.  We kept loosely as a group and had there been any trouble the elderly and children would have been protected.  It was not considered a high risk, but the organisers did suggest in the coach on the way that we stayed as a group.

I cannot say who the law would have sided with - because on that day - there was no question of the law having to do anything to 'keep the peace'.

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4 hours ago, discobob said:

It is real - if it wasn't real we could still be in an ice-age - or stuck in a time when the earth was much hotter.

Do we have an impact on it and to what amount that is the discussion that people are not having - and if you do question it - you are castigated.

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1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

No, it isn't (in my view).  I don't think anyone has suggested that the 'political protest' was the problem.  It was the damaging, disgusting and offensive manner of the protest that was a (BIG in my case) problem.

If you want to assault police, damage statues, memorials, office buildings - or loot, set fire to things, damage property - that is NOT political protest - it is violence and criminal damage.


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2 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

The paper reports she has entered a plea of "guilty", so no jury trial I think.

Taken from the report in the Metro.


"Francesca Cociani, defending, made an application for conditional bail, saying Budd was living in a van on a south Enfield site and could remain there indefinitely, sign into police stations and agree not to attend protests.

But Ms Cieciora ruled that she had ‘substantial grounds’ to believe Budd may commit another offence while on bail.

The judge told the court that the starting point for sentencing could be one year and six months in jail.

Before leaving the dock, Budd asked: ‘Can I say something now?’ to which the judge said she would have to wait until the full sentencing hearing.

A man in the public gallery then stood up and told the judge: ‘On behalf of every veteran member, thank you very much.’"

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On 02/10/2022 at 12:48, ditchman said:

the cat.....flesh flayed off her back...then rubbed down with salt

You would then have the RSPCA all over you then too   !   😉 


On 02/10/2022 at 13:16, jall25 said:

Long overdue 

I think the fact that a father cant smack a child was the part of the downhill spiral

No, it started in the schools when they stopped using the cane  !

Something I heard on one of the many documentaries, was a Police Officer saying they were probably the first people to use the word NO to the majority of youngsters they have to deal with  !   How TRUE that was  !

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14 hours ago, welsh1 said:

But Ms Cieciora ruled that she had ‘substantial grounds’ to believe Budd may commit another offence while on bail.

That just might be because it is now reported that she had been previously given a conditional discharge for trying to glue herself to goalposts when protesting about something or other.  Sounds like she is going to be a lifetime drain on the taxpayer ..........


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