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CBD oil


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Does anyone use CBD oil for pain relief?(joint pain in my case)I have very bad Arthritis in my knee. I have had two cortizone injections which did not work. after having Xrays two weeks ago, I saw my GP today who said that they showed that the Arthritis has now enveloped all my knee. He said that the only answer is a replacement knee, which via the NHS will take approx' 5 years. I could pay private (£17,000!)My GP agreed (somewhat reluctantly) to try another cortizone injection but felt that it's not going to work. I am currently taking CoCodamol 30/500 but try my best not to take them if possible. I have heard/read good and bad reports regarding the oil and I know that it does pay to buy the best quality. 

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Yes I use it occasionally as I have been left with issues as a result of the Big C and subsequent chemotherapy. I find it kinder on the body than strong prescription pain control but tend not to use it all the time because it becomes less effective as the body grows accustomed to it. Worth a go but so is glucosamine, turmeric perhaps with a bit of black pepper.

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1 hour ago, Miserableolgit said:

Yes I use it occasionally as I have been left with issues as a result of the Big C and subsequent chemotherapy. I find it kinder on the body than strong prescription pain control but tend not to use it all the time because it becomes less effective as the body grows accustomed to it. Worth a go but so is glucosamine, turmeric perhaps with a bit of black pepper.

Tumeric I can't take as it reacts with some other medication I'm taking.

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I started using CBD oil for my joints, it gave me headaches so I stopped. I’m going to (at some point) start it again just incase it was something else. Will report back in a few weeks. The only thing that makes me reluctant is it tastes horrendous 🤢

Edited by sutty2006
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1 hour ago, sutty2006 said:

I started using CBD oil for my joints, it gave me headaches so I stopped. I’m going to (at some point) start it again just incase it was something else. Will report back in a few weeks. The only thing that makes me reluctant is it tastes horrendous 🤢

CBD capsules do away with having to taste the oil.

24 minutes ago, snow white said:

Hi try this very good with joint pain spray it on rub it .ZHENG GU SHUI.it works wonders for me 

I used this in the past after being recommended to try it after I busted a big toe, it helped.

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1 hour ago, Miserableolgit said:

CBD capsules do away with having to taste the oil.

I used this in the past after being recommended to try it after I busted a big toe, it helped.

Yeah the one I was given you put two drops under the tongue. It’s not ideal. 🤢

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Worked for sister in law with breast cancer but not for wife with rheumatoid arthritis. CBD that is.

Try Matrifen/Fentanyl (POM) addictive but if quality of life is more important you can wean off later or use for short periods only.

I use it occasionally for arthritis and am not addicted (yet)🤔


Edited by Centrepin
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1 hour ago, Ratlegs said:

Steve B

my mate has had four new knees, really inspires confidence

I've had scans and X-rays on my knee plus visiting physio therapist

turns out it was statins causing the trouble

Thanks for that. I've been taking statins (Atorvastatin) for many years, originally because of high cholestrol. A change of diet etc has lowered my cholestrol to a safe level but my GP insists on me still taking the tablets as, according to him, 'they do you more good than harm'. I'm tempted to stop taking the statins for a month or two just to see if the pain in my knee reduces.

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I would concentrate on the knee replacement as being the best pain relief available.
The five year waiting list you have been quoted sounds a lot,  I would ask your Doctor to prioritise your requirements because of the pain affecting your sleep and the mobility restrictions affecting your quality of life (plus anything else you can throw in).
NHS have access to private intervention if the needs justify it.

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1 hour ago, Cranfield said:

I would concentrate on the knee replacement as being the best pain relief available.
The five year waiting list you have been quoted sounds a lot,  I would ask your Doctor to prioritise your requirements because of the pain affecting your sleep and the mobility restrictions affecting your quality of life (plus anything else you can throw in).
NHS have access to private intervention if the needs justify it.

Thanks, I will. Yesterday, the GP quoted 'at least 18-24 months to see a consultant, then a further 30-36 months to (hopefully) have the operation. This was the same when I had an inguinal (groin) Hernia. 18 months to see the consultant plus a further 2 years to have the operation. I paid privately due to the hernia stopping me working. The op' was in Setember '21. Recently, I had a phone call from my local NHS hospital to 'arrange a meeting with the consultant' regarding my hernia. :|

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On 14/06/2023 at 18:10, steve_b_wales said:

Does anyone use CBD oil for pain relief?(joint pain in my case)I have very bad Arthritis in my knee. I have had two cortizone injections which did not work. after having Xrays two weeks ago, I saw my GP today who said that they showed that the Arthritis has now enveloped all my knee. He said that the only answer is a replacement knee, which via the NHS will take approx' 5 years. I could pay private (£17,000!)My GP agreed (somewhat reluctantly) to try another cortizone injection but felt that it's not going to work. I am currently taking CoCodamol 30/500 but try my best not to take them if possible. I have heard/read good and bad reports regarding the oil and I know that it does pay to buy the best quality. 

Have you tried this steve ? I find it very good for my knees.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Must admit I've never noticed any effect of (CBD Bros - blue) cbd oil on pain, though I know others swear by it.

(And it stopped my daughter's very severe and frequent epilepsy seizures in their tracks - now 5 years seizure free, married and mom to a 1 year old, something we thought we'd never see - expected her to be dead by now)

You may also want to look into the role of excitotoxins in pain management.

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I am in the same boat as yourself but had it drained 6 times then 10 cortisone injections told i could get 2 a year till my knee replacement . The Co ,codamol  constipates me so much i've burst the muscles in my stomach and have a pouch i joke i could hide the kids easter egg in sticking out . THe doctors are not interested they are just monitoring my stomache to put the mesh in when it gets really bad which was 2 years ago then we got covid and that stopped everything . All they say is loose weigh nothing will get done till your below 16 stone  , Try exercising to loose weight with your knee and cant take painkillers due to your stomache ?. All i do is twenty minutes movement stop then twenty minutes again strap it up don't kneel don't unless there's something or someone there to pull yourself up on don't sit for a period of time it really hurts to get going again . The wife had CBD oil and gummy;s for her arm no use for me didn't look at the pain , the latest offering is Codeine Phosphate  it contains opioid and can cause addition  so i use sparingly . What got me  i was told i would get a new knee when i was 60 then they said you have some cartridge there it will last till your 70 How cartridge doesn't regrow ?. Use a stick to help it on good days and crutches on  bad days  . Its just a waiting game now but every week you buy something new to see if it helps 

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5 hours ago, Bigbob said:

I am in the same boat as yourself but had it drained 6 times then 10 cortisone injections told i could get 2 a year till my knee replacement . The Co ,codamol  constipates me so much i've burst the muscles in my stomach and have a pouch i joke i could hide the kids easter egg in sticking out . THe doctors are not interested they are just monitoring my stomache to put the mesh in when it gets really bad which was 2 years ago then we got covid and that stopped everything . All they say is loose weigh nothing will get done till your below 16 stone  , Try exercising to loose weight with your knee and cant take painkillers due to your stomache ?. All i do is twenty minutes movement stop then twenty minutes again strap it up don't kneel don't unless there's something or someone there to pull yourself up on don't sit for a period of time it really hurts to get going again . The wife had CBD oil and gummy;s for her arm no use for me didn't look at the pain , the latest offering is Codeine Phosphate  it contains opioid and can cause addition  so i use sparingly . What got me  i was told i would get a new knee when i was 60 then they said you have some cartridge there it will last till your 70 How cartridge doesn't regrow ?. Use a stick to help it on good days and crutches on  bad days  . Its just a waiting game now but every week you buy something new to see if it helps 

I only take Co Codamol 30/500 when I need them. The strange thing is, I can walk a good few miles and only at the very end my knee starts hurting. It hurts more after sitting down for some time then getting up/ The first few steps are agonising and then it eases slightly. My work involves sitting quite a lot/getting up so this doesn't help my knee. I have suffered with constipation through taking the CoCodamol but as I said, I only take them when absolutely neccessary. When visiting my GP recently, he said that he would put me on the waiting list for a replacement knee, but it would take upwards of 5-6 years (I'm still waiting to see a NHS consultant regarding my hernia which I had 3 years ago and ended up paying privately.  I could pay for a knee replacement at around £16000!

I have always wondered why humans cannot have cartlidge replaced to grow, just like the Supervet does with animals.

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Your works no helping you as you say sit any time and its agony to get going again  i used to walk 14 miles a shift in my job , then i fell and that was it driving for my turn was hard going and sitting in the control room was fine but then to start patrolling again agony i don't take painkillers unless i am in agony with both my knees , then the doctors says if your constipated sit straight on the toilet with your heels well back . Look at the car your driving i had a truck i was sore getting out it after driving swapped to a range rover i am more comfortable driving it , the wife wants me to get a automatic i see that as the start of the end . I still get out but take my son with me if i stumble in a hole its sore and i was surprised how many bad words i knew , if we are out ferreting i just sit or lie down and catch up after a bit . When this first started in my late 50s they said i was too young for a new knee as i would wear it out as it had a shelf life of 10 years and the specialist said he was doing a 80 year old woman next  i queried it as i would still have been able to work but they said just struggle on . My mates the same he wont stop working though but cant pick stuff up from the floor and was told theres a 3 year wait he asked how can i keep working the doctor just shrugged he shoulders . The lady across the road her mother went private and got her knee replaced for £11'000 

2 hours ago, welsh1 said:

I rub this in when my knees and shoulders play up, it seems to ease them.


Just googled it says starts from £22 got to be worth a try i got something like that from the doc all it did was unless you rubbed it well in was stain your clothes 

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