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France, going down the Plug Hole - SOON?


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With Barnier and his minority STRUGGLING to get anything done and Marine Le Pen sitting waiting to chase him and Macron out of Office, can the second largest economy in Europe survive?



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But are they ? 🤷‍♂️🤔

I predicted, back in the mid 80's, that the planet would be destroyed by 'us' at some point [and it will happen] in the quite near future. I was hoping I wouldn't see that armageddon,,,, and I still cling onto that hope 🙏

Doom and gloom ? Yes. Realistic ? Yes !!!

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The thing is, what he was trying to do made a lot of sense at many levels. He wasn't wrong.

The people in the French Parliament that are ganging up to vote him out are delusional and narcissistic. 

The impression seems to be that Barnier tell the French people that the country has to live within its mean has been taken as a massive insult to France.  When, in fact it was wise advice.

Edited by Vince Green
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32 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Possibly, BUT France are winning the race at the moment.  

Oops, scuse me. We are well in the front seat?

21 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

Hello, Before they do any chance of stopping the boaters ????

Nope, they don't want them either?

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38 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

Hello, Before they do any chance of stopping the boaters ????

No chance we are creating millions more every day. No doubt another million or so Syrians on the way as the next round of fighting starts. If Ukraine falls look for a few million more straight to here. Moldova and Georgia next. 

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1 hour ago, JKD said:

I predicted, back in the mid 80's, that the planet would be destroyed by 'us' at some point [and it will happen] in the quite near future. I was hoping I wouldn't see that armageddon,,,, and I still cling onto that hope 🙏

The hubris that 'we' are even capable of destroying the planet.!
We could easily destroy ourselves, or be destroyed by some cosmic or planetary event, the planet will endure, as it has done, for billions of years after we are gone, after the miniscule amount of time humans have existed.
Reaching some theoretical net zero isnt going to 'save us' any more than we can be saved from ourselves, another ice age would wipe out billions, 2 or 3 degrees global temperature increase would not.

We need to get back to basic practicalities of human interaction and survival, politicians and multi billionaire elites preaching to us about OUR carbon usage as they jet around the world to their 100 room mansions and private islands, while people starve in poverty ?
They need to look in the mirror.

France, and indeed Germany the US and ourselves, are reaping the whirlwind of poor economic choices, uncontrolled immigration and woke policies, climate change virtue signallers, who have no real conviction of it at all, but try to make their popularity rise on it, are just the tip of the theoretical melting iceberg.

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We’re not much better than France. 

They’re a few years ahead on the pension deficit, but we’re catching up. 

France, however, tends to be happier (outside its urban ghettos) as a nation, so I couldn’t crow too much about their failings. 

Oh, and they love a riot - farmers, unions, fishermen…

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germany is turning more and more right....and sooner or later Le Penn will take power...Holland will follow as well...and the French are sick and tired of the EU

there is going to be a big reset and it wont be pretty.....the lefties and the wokeraty need to keep there mouths shut as their cards have been marked.........

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20 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

The hubris that 'we' are even capable of destroying the planet.!
We could easily destroy ourselves, or be destroyed by some cosmic or planetary event, the planet will endure, as it has done, for billions of years after we are gone, after the miniscule amount of time humans have existed.
Reaching some theoretical net zero isnt going to 'save us' any more than we can be saved from ourselves, another ice age would wipe out billions, 2 or 3 degrees global temperature increase would not.

We need to get back to basic practicalities of human interaction and survival, politicians and multi billionaire elites preaching to us about OUR carbon usage as they jet around the world to their 100 room mansions and private islands, while people starve in poverty ?
They need to look in the mirror.

France, and indeed Germany the US and ourselves, are reaping the whirlwind of poor economic choices, uncontrolled immigration and woke policies, climate change virtue signallers, who have no real conviction of it at all, but try to make their popularity rise on it, are just the tip of the theoretical melting iceberg.

Sorry, I meant it's resources,,,, without which 'we/us' won't exist. I certainly didn't mean destroy the planet Earth 🫡

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Macron can't be chased out of office. Just as in the USA a French President serves but two terms and cannot therefore be "unelected" asit were until the next Presidential election in which he will not be standing. And like as in theory in the UK a French President as Head of State, alone, appoints the Prime Minister of his choosing when the existing incumbent ceases to hold that office. But then cannot dismiss him.

In the UK of course that "choice" is no longer an actual "choice" but the "choice" that the Head of State, now King Charles III is presented with as a fait accompli the day after a General Election.

Now by constitutional convention that is the leader of the majority support in the National Assembly (like our House of Commons) which therefore does not necessarily have to be the leader of the largest party. So it is unlikely that the French left will do a deal that would see Marine le Pen in position to be Prime Minister or that her party would do a deal that would see a replacement come from the left.

So the choice that remains is...?

We shall see.

2 hours ago, Vince Green said:

The impression seems to be that Barnier tell the French people that the country has to live within its mean has been taken as a massive insult to France.  When, in fact it was wise advice.

This. As above. 

Edited by enfieldspares
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43 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

The hubris that 'we' are even capable of destroying the planet.!
We could easily destroy ourselves, or be destroyed by some cosmic or planetary event, the planet will endure, as it has done, for billions of years after we are gone, after the miniscule amount of time humans have existed.
Reaching some theoretical net zero isnt going to 'save us' any more than we can be saved from ourselves, another ice age would wipe out billions, 2 or 3 degrees global temperature increase would not.

We need to get back to basic practicalities of human interaction and survival, politicians and multi billionaire elites preaching to us about OUR carbon usage as they jet around the world to their 100 room mansions and private islands, while people starve in poverty ?
They need to look in the mirror.

France, and indeed Germany the US and ourselves, are reaping the whirlwind of poor economic choices, uncontrolled immigration and woke policies, climate change virtue signallers, who have no real conviction of it at all, but try to make their popularity rise on it, are just the tip of the theoretical melting iceberg.


18 minutes ago, JKD said:

Sorry, I meant it's resources,,,, without which 'we/us' won't exist. I certainly didn't mean destroy the planet Earth 🫡

We existed without those resources you refer to; maybe not in the state we currently are, but maybe in a state that we perhaps 'should' be as a species. History is a great teacher.

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21 minutes ago, JKD said:

Sorry, I meant it's resources,,,, without which 'we/us' won't exist. I certainly didn't mean destroy the planet Earth 🫡

Noted, but while this planet has finite resources to support its current population, there is still time to drive technologies that could give us more time.
Time to for one, stop fighting over what we have, eradicate the rampant greed that has been the bane of humankind since recorded history.
Yes we are overpopulated, but there is enough land to produce enough food to support the present population, energy resources are virtually unlimited if we apply the correct technologies, its just the will, and greed, preventing it.
100 years ago, people dreamed of humankind living on other worlds, but our squabbles over land and resources, even today, prevent us from moving forward.

Western governments seem to have this feudal mindset of hoarding resources so that they can continue to exist as they are, when the money runs out, and the people are without food and energy, will we still have the capability to invest in technologies to preserve the human race as it is now ?
Empires rise and fall, because they fail to adapt, its a lesson from history that we seem to have forgotten.

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17 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Noted, but while this planet has finite resources to support its current population, there is still time to drive technologies that could give us more time.
Time to for one, stop fighting over what we have, eradicate the rampant greed that has been the bane of humankind since recorded history.
Yes we are overpopulated, but there is enough land to produce enough food to support the present population, energy resources are virtually unlimited if we apply the correct technologies, its just the will, and greed, preventing it.
100 years ago, people dreamed of humankind living on other worlds, but our squabbles over land and resources, even today, prevent us from moving forward.

Western governments seem to have this feudal mindset of hoarding resources so that they can continue to exist as they are, when the money runs out, and the people are without food and energy, will we still have the capability to invest in technologies to preserve the human race as it is now ?
Empires rise and fall, because they fail to adapt, its a lesson from history that we seem to have forgotten.

Well described, thanks and noted 👍


36 minutes ago, Penelope said:


We existed without those resources you refer to; maybe not in the state we currently are, but maybe in a state that we perhaps 'should' be as a species. History is a great teacher.

Hindsight eh ?! Don't worry though, we'll all meet up again in [?] years from now,,,, on a different planet. No,,,, I don't believe that either 😆

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15 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

In a few months time maybe but I would wait and see

Fair point. Need to see the bottom of the hole first.

Weird times. 

Best place right now? Argentina for my money. If the country can hold it together and not have one of their classical South American Marxist revolutions, they’ll end up in clover. 

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