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  1. Past hour
  2. Apples and oranges. My £250 was for 5000 mpa Your £250 was for 2500 mpa QED your petrol car costs twice as much to run as my electric. The RISK of depreciation losses lies with the hire company. I don’t give a toss what my car is worth when I hand it back at the end of the contract, I just pay a fixed, monthly amount, acceptable to me, and that's it. No risk.
  3. Today
  4. ? Still don't see the cash benefit
  5. Arpee

    American lead

    Best bet is calling Whaplode gun and tackle (south Lincs). They have pretty much everything and easily one of the cheapest in the country.
  6. Yesterday
  7. Ah, thanks for that, please forgive my error in reading that wrong.
  8. So do all of the ex armed forces who join the Police, already have their 'degrees' then ?
  9. welsh1


    Take your blinkers off, starmer is a chancer and a con man , he will say whatever he thinks will get him in power, he was a staunch supporter of Corbyn, until he saw his chance and stabbed him in the back.starmer has done more u turns than a London black cab,he is evasive when asked about taxes, and to cap it all he's not even sure what a woman is! You want to know how good it will get under labour, come live in Wales, but don't get cancer as you have a better chance of dying than someone in England, that is if you manage to get an appointment,every aspect of what the labour government has done in Wales is a disaster.
  10. oowee


    We need better trade to pay for increasing costs. Increasing EU trade does not have to mean getting into bed. It just means a sensible adult convo without the Tory hang ups. The tax rises are inevitable who ever gets in. People chose the tories last time around and like covid they have to be paid for. Interesting that the London stock exchange overtook Paris for the first time in two years. In part because of Labour's positioning and in response to le Pens unfunded election proposals. All a far cry from the Liz Truss tory disaster that lost market confidence that we are still paying for.
  11. This. Thatcherism 101. And the bit about selling Enfield to her cronies for something like £6 Million in 1984 who then closed it, moved the production to Nottingham and sold the Enfield Lock site for building for £36 Million. While saddling the poor British Army with a sack o' cack rifle that her cronies then got more dibs from when Heckler & Koch (then owned by the now private "Royal Ordnance" from 1991 to 2002) had to be paid to fix the thing that they'd already been paid for when it was first bought by the Ministry of Defence. Privatise the profit let the public purse pay the loss.
  12. Because people can have a job and taxable income,then be redundant and claim unemployment until they find employment again.
  13. 12gauge82


    What's not to like? Better relationship with EU:- we tried that before we left, they're a unelected gangster organisation and can't be reasonably bargained with, we need to move away from them, not get closer. Tax rises:- there are millions of hard working people up and down the uk who's households are already held together by a shoestring thanks to the damage Blair and his cronys did the last time. People can't afford a tax rise, infact taxes need to come down drastically.
  14. oowee


    Come on Starmer. We need change. Let's hope its for the better. It has to be on the agenda to get a better relationship with the EU. Our economy is pretty much finished without it. It has to be on the agenda to start training and trying to get a strong foothold into green industries. We know tax needs to increase to pay for the crumbling state of the countries services. A greater emphasis on energy generation has to be welcomed. What's not to like from Starmers plans? Lots of preperation has gone into positioning Starmers team to make a flying start. The work they have all done with the civil service teams under the guidance of Sue Grey is to applauded. All the prep and all the groundwork is there. The question is can he deliver and how long can he / they hold the line.
  15. Ok just 2 minor points- 1) if someone had a taxable income why where they on benefit 2) why should someone on a low income on a low income pay taxon earnings when someone on a lower income and income support to top up not.
  16. It's called social engineering.
  17. "Jobs for the boys(and girls)" job creation scheme for the civil service
  18. HP sauce is made for that
  19. Correct,but prior to Maggie wanting to hammer the poorest to help the rich she changed unemployment benefit to a taxable income which it previously wasn’t.It was not added to a person’s taxable income prior to 1979.
  20. We have a bubble and squeak bag in our freezer, all leftover cooked veg and mashed spuds go in it. When it’s full, it’s bubble and squeak night…. which I must admit to looking forward to big style! Tonight was the night - we’d had a gammon joint over the weekend so the leftover slices went in the pan too. Topped off with a couple of eggs from our hens - food of the gods!
  21. Our force Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) has a 'team' of 67 people, none of whom do any policing. Indeed - it is hard to find out what they do actually do because the Chief Constable (CC) and his various Assistant Chief Constables and other higher rankers also have teams who actually run the police. It is almost as though the PCC's team produce reports and 'policy' from data provided by the CC's team. These reports are then the subject of numerous meetings and studies carried out by the CC's team and the resultant report fed back to the PCC's team. These reports are then the subject of numerous meetings and studies carried out by the PCC's team and the resultant report fed back to the CC's team. And so it goes on. Lots of 'work' done, many people gainfully employed, very demanding of resources, so departments need expanding to cope with the workload, but that will need more reports, studies etc. In the meanwhile, crime goes on and the 'detection rate' for burglaries has (apparently) fallen to less than one in 25. Friend of mine had house broken into and both his cars stolen from his drive only last week.
  22. Once fired Winchester AA cases, 6 star and 8 star crimp once fired Remington cases 8 star crimp £15 per 100 plus postage
  23. Sorry to hear this. I lost my Louie earlier this year and still missing him. Not planning to get another in the foreseeable future as our circumstances have changed since we got him, but if I did it would maybe be an older rescue dog . That way if he does outlive me, at least I'll have given him a shot at a better life he probably would have missed out on otherwise.
  24. Great little gun 20 inch barrel. Lightweight. Swap for something shooting related. £120.00 because I have to give a price. Taunton somerset More pics
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