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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. Another vote for the KOFS - super little gun, light as a feather - I use 23g no6 Hull High Pheasant in mine, recoil is barely noticeable and it seems to do the job on pigeons at 35 yards if you do your bit. If you did decide to buy one of the Turkish offerings avoid buying blind as some have awful stocks while others are very good. Weight is a gnats lunch box over 6lbs.
  2. bruno22rf

    Gout again.

    Allopurinol is the normal drug prescribed but it can make the gout a little worse when you first start taking it - I take one every other day and it works a treat.
  3. Visited their brewery a few years ago - came away feeling ripped off - the tour was garbage and the price of T Shirts etc was extortionate - never touched their Ales again.
  4. What shot size are those 2 yellow bent cartridges in your bag?
  5. Fairly often then Mice! - cannot understand why manufacturers like BSA, who must surely realise that their reputation is on the line, don't jump on this problem as soon as it arose - any niggling doubt that exists over a gun is bound to affect sales. Mind you - without our Spanish amigo's BSA would be but a memory by now, such a shame when you consider some of the great guns they have produced over the years - cannot help but think that a modern Cadet, made to the same original standards (i.e. No plastic parts) fitted with a scope rail would sell.
  6. You've PX'ed it against an Air Arms?
  7. As enfieldspares has said - also the German's knew all about the BPD before the War started - it was displayed for all to see. Might have helped a little if the guunner had some means of escape. I have done some research on this A/C as a lad from our village was killed in one whilst testing a demisting system - he had finished his tour of duty on Hurricanes and was posted to Cranwell (I think) as a screened pilot. Testing the BPD according to eye witnesses, one of the wings snapped off - both were killed, his father was the Air Commodore Horace Gordon Dean.
  8. Am I missing something? Why not just try a Torx first if you think that may be the correct tool - it will either fit or it wont - you will feel if it does and besides many Torx drivers will undo Allen headed bolts - remove the bolt and replace it with a good quality item.
  9. A record belonging surely to 303 SQ (Polish) with 14 confirmed kills in one day?
  10. With respect Saddler, the Defiant was a pile of junk that should never have seen service.
  11. The Aldi one used to be superb but I found, about 2 years ago, that the quality plummeted and they were rubbish - maybe they have sorted the issue out.
  12. My daughters first insurance was £1k give or take a few pence - obviously no insurance whilst learning as she went via a driving instructor, she had 7 lessons so £350. Her second year is just over £600 which I didn't think was too bad as she's only 19 and no black box or anything.
  13. I use Astra - normally for a first cut then a modern multi to finish whilst in the shower - warm water seems to make the stubble stick up again.
  14. Maybe faster should have read easier - no heating involved either.
  15. Really feel for you but IMHO if you pay to shoot then you will get the bug more and end up paying a fortune - are you sure that you have tried everything you can think of? I assume that you shoot clays so does nobody at the shoot have any leads? Do you have any skills that might be helpful for landowners - have you milled around all the local Farmers markets? Get out and about- often it's a case of being in the right place etc. Sometimes it is just Geography - we travelled to Cambridgeshire a few years back after being promised a field heavy with pigeons - when we arrived the farmer had ploughed and planted so nothing showing - as we stood there wondering what to do we were approached by an elderly lady who asked us if we were "shooters" - cut a long story short we ended the day with 3 perms.
  16. Faster method of velveting chicken breast meat (stops meat becoming dry or chewy during cooking) - cut chicken to desired size then sprinkle Bicarbonate of Soda over the meat - make sure every piece has a dusting - after 20-30 minutes (smaller pieces take longest) put the meat into a colander and rinse thoroughly then dry as best you can (rolling them around in a Tea Towel seems to work) - then just cook as you normally would. p.s. you can still marinade the meat after velveting.
  17. Teacher's moving from class to class is a great idea unless, of course, the teacher is carrying the virus. If I had kids of school age I would not be sending them back - I have absolutely no immune system so if they brought the virus back I'm toast.
  18. Reload windows from start - plenty of info on tinternet - takes over an hour though.
  19. Sportsman Gun Centre are the importers I believe.
  20. Hand on heart, if anyone tried to steal my Dogs while I was within sight, they would not be doing it again.
  21. Jesus wept Walker570 - never realised the potential lethal nature of Clays before - fortunately I rarely hit one although when I do I tend to stand there, mouth open wide, in a state of shock . This would mean, as a rough estimate, over the last 5 years of shooting Clays I have inhaled the deadly dust of nearly 12 Clays!!
  22. Let's simplify this - all those who welcome these Immigrants should register their details on HMRC website - the cost of keeping these scum could then be divided among those who want them here, happy with that Henry?
  23. do they not have a choice whether to attempt the crossing - AFAIA a large proportion of them are no more in danger than I am. How many more are we expected to finance with 4 star hotels and free financial hand outs - lets all go to their country and see what they offer us.
  24. Must admit that, If I were asked to carry out such work, I would go really early and shoot as many as I could.
  25. I cannot understand why people think it's a good idea to go out and eat and let those that don't pay some of the bill? Ultimately this is coming out of our pockets.
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