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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. Trawl "allaboutdogfood" website and see what's the best at a reasonable price. I tend to feed 50/50 wet and dry using Lukullas wet which my Springers devour -kibble wise I use whatever is on offer so long as it's not rubbish (which most of them are).
  2. After recently discovering a field of Peas and performing like a big girl's blouse with the 28g Friday - I took the proper gun out today (12g) and set up my decoys in anticipation of carnage. Well, apart from a bruised shoulder, a ringing in my ear and an awful lot of peppered Pea plants I managed to rid myself of 38 cartridges for a pathetic 8 birds down. To add insult to injury these birds were suicidal and flying dead straight, straight towards me at about head height. Power Reds (1500 fps) 27gr and a complete eejit behind the gun.
  3. bruno22rf

    Co2 or not

    What pellets did he recommend? Mine loves AA field and JSB Exacts - quite tight fit but superb accuracy. BTW - before you go terrorising the bunnies, have you chronographed the gun to make sure she is on par - they only put out around 10.5 ft/lb when new - that's around 540 fps with a 16 gr pellet.
  4. Looking at the schematic drawing it's just 2 grub screws on top of the receiver - should be fairly simple.
  5. Yes it can be reversed - I've done it myself. Sent my brother a sum of money by Bank Transfer as a surprise then, on speaking to him, found out that he no longer used that account as it had been seized by a German Bank (he had been a naughty boy) - rang my bank and , for £30, they reversed the transaction. I seem to recall hearing a Radio discussion that suggested that, upon funds being deposited, you ring that bank and asked for verification of fund transfer, make sure you get a name, then transfer the money into another account i.e. the wifes.
  6. Ooooooh, Dunks, subtle, but well executed remark - 10/10.
  7. There's a bolt in the front of the trigger guard that screws up into the action - there should be a spacer between the inside of the stock and the action body - the front bolt goes through it - check that it's still there and hasn't fallen out. Have a look on Chambers Airgun spares site for the schematic drawing of the 303.
  8. For a first Dog that needs to be a pet as well you will struggle to beat one of these.....
  9. Just bought a box of Tiziano Bonini (Ristretto) from the bay of plenty - pretty darn good for the price - £13/100 or 13p/pod - does the job in the morning although the Aldi pods take a lot of beating for the price.
  10. What a mockery of the money people spend on Air Rifles - a Rifle that will drop Rabbits at 100 yards all day long and cost next to nothing to feed - superb bit of engineering at a near stupid price - whoever buys this should wear a Balaclava.
  11. I'm with steve SxS on this - so many variables as well to consider as well.
  12. So out on the greys today - 6 for 13 shots inc 2 "in the air to get things moving" shots. Dropped one at about 30 yards but when I went to pick it up it was still very much in the land of the living. Now, in desperate need for a suitable candidate for my bouncer, I didn't want to obliterate him and he was moving towards a thick bramble patch - so I stepped back away from him till I was at least 25 yards away and gave him another 23 grams of 6 shot through 1/4 choke bottom barrel. What was left of the bird was little more than Pate - so bad that I couldn't even pour him onto the cradle - am I missing something obvious only this doesn't seem to ever happen with my 12?
  13. Heart warming to hear that Malala Yousafzai (shot by the Taliban when she was 15 for suggesting that women should have the right to education) has passed her Degree at Oxford - well done young lady.
  14. Pretty sure they had a special felt recoil reducing plastic wad - always hard on the shoulder though from what I remember - good quality shells but the smell used to give me a headache - maybe I'm just a wuss.
  15. PM "sitsinhedges" and ask him - not sure if he still makes shot but I bought some from him a few years back and he certainly knew what he was doing - nice guy as well which is a bonus.
  16. bruno22rf

    Co2 or not

    TBH - putting a Mod on an old Springer is akin to buying a bike for a Goldfish.
  17. bruno22rf

    Co2 or not

    Posted about my original 35 back in April ("original blast from the past") - had mine serviced shortly after buying it and you can see the accuracy she is capable of - the gun is also very quiet after a period of running in since the service - more than capable of killing Rabbits at normal Air Rifle ranges - AA Diabolo or JSB Exacts seem to work well even though you need to seat them quite firmly. You already have all the gun you need!!! Pic would be nice.
  18. bruno22rf

    Co2 or not

    Too many variable if you use co2 on live targets, as for the noise factor, the 2 co2 guns that I have owned have been the loudest guns I ever owned.
  19. At my age I would leave the Tick if it settled amongst my "wobbly bits" - can only improve the view.
  20. Since the whole affair kicked off most of our street have taken part in social gatherings (keeping a safe distance apart), we usually have a Coffee morning on Friday and then a boozy music night on Saturdays where we all get to choose a song or two and put the world right. Some neighbours that we have not really spoken to for years have become close friends and the street seems to be a more united and homely place.
  21. RIP 1ST LT. Kenneth Allen 48th FW (Grim Reapers) RAF Lakenheath.
  22. I think the condition of the barrels has sealed her fate - I think Teague used to do liners but not sure they still do, if I were still in the Precision Engineering business I would make a liner myself then have her reproofed but it's a long shot. Only other suggestion would be to find a serviceable set of Damascus Barrels and see if they could be made to fit - the ribs could be swapped over?
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